Jaylin is brushing his teeth when Cardo in to use the bathroom. He washes him hands and than grabs his tooth brush and puts paste on. He brushes his teeth as well.
Jaylin is wearing nothing but boxers. He decided to tease Cardo so he pushes his butt out.
Jaylin washes out his mouth. He sighs. He sees Cardo looking so he sits on the corner.
Cardo rinses out his toothpaste.
Jaylin: "Can we just talk and fuck it out? I'm tried of fighting."
Cardo: "No Jaylin."
Jaylin: "Jaylin. Look I said I'm sorry what more do you want?"
Cardo: "I want you to prove that you are serious at us and where our relationship can go."
Jaylin: "If you would just give me a chance."
Cardo: "How am I supposed to do that?"
Jaylin: "Come here."
Cardo walks in front of Jaylin. He wraps his legs around him and brings him in her a kiss. The kiss deepens until.
Iris: "Can y'all hurry up I have to go to the bathroom."
Jaylin: "Does this make us okay?"
Cardo: "You're a great kisser but no. Goodnight Jaylin."
He sighs. Cardo opens the door and Iris comes in to pee.
Iris: "You don't mind."
Jaylin: "Girl I'm gay I don't want nothing your body offers."
Iris: "Ouch but okay. What happened in here?"
Jaylin: "I don't get it I kissed him and he still won't talk to me."
Iris: "You think there is anything you can do?"
Jaylin: "If there was I would have done it my now. I just want him to me my boyfriend."
Iris: "I think I have a plan. You done?"
Jaylin lights up.
Cardo and Jaylin are arguing as they are grabbing their keys to head to class.
Jaylin tries to open the door to find out its locked.
Cardo: "Is this another one of your tricks?"
Jaylin: "No I swear."
Selena: "It was Iris idea. We are tried of you guys fighting so you are going to miss class and figure this shit out."
Iris: "Cardo don't be mad Jaylin agreed."
Jaylin: "You bitch."
Iris: "You love me. Bye."
They leave for class taking both of their keys with them.
Cardo drops his bag on the floor.
Jaylin: "Can we talk for real this time?"
Cardo: "Will you stop these games if I say yes?"
Jaylin: "Yes."
Cardo: "Okay fine."
Jaylin: "I miss you."
Cardo: "I do too but you really hurt me."
Jaylin: "I know it was stupid. I guess I was unsure of what direction our relationship was going and I freaked. Cardo once I slept with him I knew I fucked up. Ever since I met you I wanted you. I know you would never hurt me. Cardo I know you probably see me as just your best friend but... I love you damnit!"
Cardo smiles.
Cardo: "You love me?"
Jaylin: "Yes and it causes me to do stupid things but if you give me another chance I can show you how much of a good boyfriend I can be. We don't have to jump into a relationship but its worth the chance, right?"
Cardo: "Hmm. One more chance. I'm sorry about Selena I just wanted to get back at you."
Jaylin: "I don't care about a stupid girl I only want you."
Cardo: "Come here."
He kisses Jaylin.
Jaylin: "What now?"
Cardo: "A date. But not until I finish these shifts. Jay I am trying to get out of this for you, for us."
Jaylin takes his hand.
Jaylin: "Okay. So can I call you mines without you being mines officially?"
Cardo: "As long as you only flirt and talk to me."
Jaylin plays with Cardo's shirt.
Jaylin: "I can do that. Can we have sex now?"
Cardo: "I want it to be special. We have to get to class."
He helps Jaylin up and they share another kiss.
Jaylin takes a photo with him on Cardo's back and kissing his neck.
Jaylin: "Make that my profile picture under contacts."
Cardo: "Okay."
Cardo grabs Jay's phone and kisses him while taking a picture while grabbing his ass.
Cardo: "Make that one mines."
Jaylin looks at him with love and kisses him again.
Lee: "My man Cardo."
Cardo: "Hey Lee."
Lee: "You're in a good mood."
Cardo: "I feel things looking up."
Lee: "Cool how was classes?"
Cardo: "Okay. Look after the meeting I have to meet someone. Look I have to go to the bathroom."
Lee: "Go head man."
Cardo runs to the bathroom leaving his cellphone behind.
Lee: "Hey man you left your phone."
He looks down.
Jay calls and Lee sees the photo. His face shows disgust.
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