Chapter 1: first day of school

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it was your first day at Arcadia Oaks high, and you hoped you could get through the year without anybody bothering you. but, little did anyone know, you were a changeling. you were the daughter of Ms. Nomura, the headmaster of the museum. she was a changeling too, but nobody knew that. to those who do not know, a changeling is a being who is able to switch from their human form to a being of a troll. when you were walking in the school, you saw two boys, who looked like friends, near the lockers trying to stop another kid from bullying someone else. after that, everybody started walking to class. as you were walking to class, one of the boys you saw earlier walked up to you.

"Hey! i'm James lake Jr. but you can just call me Jim. you're new here, right?" Jim asked, a greeting smile on his face.

"nice to meet you. i'm Y/n. and yeah, I am new." you said, a slight smile on your face. he smiled back. you two had a small conversation. then, the bell rang. class had started. you and Jim are in the same classes. but, at the corner of your eye, you saw that Jim was gazing at you. he also had a weary smile. but, you just brushed it off. after class, he asked if you were able to go to his house after school to work on homework.

"yeah, I'm able to come over." you say. he started smiling again.

"great! I'll meet you at my place at 5:30. sounds good?" he asks, wanting to make sure that the time he said was okay.

"yeah, that time is fine." you reply, smiling a bit.

"great! I'll see you then!" he says, smiling and walking away.


it's almost 5:30, and you start heading over to Jim's house. when you get there and knock on the door, he answers.

"hey, you made it!" Jim says, smiling. he invites you inside and leads you to the living room.

"you have a nice house." you say, smiling.

"thanks. I live with my mom. but she's gonna be gone for a while. the hospital is keeping her in there because it's packed. she told me it will take her a while to be able to treat all of those patience." he says.

"wow, your mom's a doctor? it must be pretty tough that your mom is almost always out of the house." you say.

"yeah, but i'm pretty much used to it now. anyway, lets start our homework now." Jim says. the two of you start working on the homework. after a while, the two of you finally finish.

"bye, i'll see you tomorrow" you say, starting to leave.

"see you tomorrow!" Jim says, waving goodbye.

End of chapter 1

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