An Unplanned adventure

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Si and her friends were ecstatic to finally meet Jungkook, the youngest member of the world's most popular group, BTS. As they walked towards him, they couldn't help but notice Kaio's excitement, given his well-known obsession with the group, evident from his neatly arranged shelves of BTS albums and the walls adorned with their pictures.

Upon reaching Jungkook, they introduced themselves, and he warmly bowed and said hellos. Si, however, couldn't ignore the uneasiness she saw in his eyes, as if he was trapped in some way, exhausted from the constant attention.

His bodyguards stood nearby, giving him space with his fans as he was about to enter his hotel for the evening. But suddenly, an impulsive idea took over Si. She tiptoed to reach Jungkook's ear and whispered, "Do you wanna get out of here?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, but he managed to nod, glancing towards his bodyguards to indicate their presence. "On my count," Si whispered back. She noticed the bodyguards were preoccupied in their conversation. "NOW!" she exclaimed.

Grabbing Jungkook's hand, they bolted away, leaving his bodyguards behind, and a look of shock on Si's friends' faces. "What just happened?!" they all wondered.

As they ran, Jungkook held onto the hem of Si's dress, keeping pace with her. After a while, Si knew they had some distance between them and the guards. They stopped their escape in a midway alley and turned to face each other. Jungkook had an alluring bunny-like smile, full of excitement and happiness.

Breaking the silence, Si said, "First, we need a change of clothes for you."

Confused, Jungkook looked at his outfit innocently, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Jungkook, you're wearing Balenciaga jeans and a Calvin Klein t-shirt. Even if people assume they're knock-offs, your Daytona Rolex will give it away. Kaio could recognize you from a kilometer away," she teased, knocking some sense into him.

Taking the lead, Si took Jungkook into a small shop, grabbing a long-sleeved white t-shirt and a baggy pair of jeans. She paid for the clothes, ensuring no one noticed his black card. Jungkook quickly changed in the fitting room, and when he emerged, Si couldn't help but smile, realizing that it wasn't the clothes but the aura he gave off that made people recognize him as Jungkook.

Returning to the scooter, Si asked, "Do you want to go anywhere?"

Jungkook sighed, "I don't know any places here. I've always gone where my people take me." Si felt a pang of sympathy, knowing he had been puppeteered his whole life.

"Then I know the right place to go," she replied, smiling up at the sky.

They arrived at Ponte Vecchio, where the sky transitioned from blue to orange to purple, reflecting off the Arno river and the surrounding buildings. Sitting on a bench, they admired the beautiful sky, cherishing the distance between them.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" Jungkook asked, a hint of a plea in his voice.

"Why are you asking me?" Si questioned, confused.

"People don't like when I smoke," he admitted.

"Jungkook, you're 27. You can do whatever the hell you want. But if you want company, I don't smoke, but I'll sit with you. Me not smoking is more of a personal choice," Si assured him.

Grateful for her understanding, Jungkook lit a cigarette, smiling as he took a puff. "I never thought I'd be able to smoke in public," he said, a touch of freedom in his voice.

She understood him completely—the worries, the pressures, and the constant demands to fit into people's expectations. But here, in this moment, they were simply two individuals sharing an unplanned adventure in the heart of Florence.

Author's note

This part came from a very deep place in my heart when I saw people criticizing about BTS members to be a certain way they had imagined their head. I wish they could be themselves.

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