13. Serenity

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The sound of the birds chirping in the morning, light enters through the window to brighten the dark room and the only sound you can hear was the soft snoring of someone sleeping peacefully on the queen size bed. His eyes opened slightly, awake by metal sounds from the basement.

'What is Stark doing this early morning?' Rubbing his eyes with a yawn, 'Another new invention again, huh. He always ruins my peaceful sleep.'

Turning his body to the side, he wraps his arms around at the person who had slept beside him and pulled the warm close to him. Staring at her peaceful face, he enjoys watching her like this every morning and she is defenseless.

His fingers brush the strain of her hair from her face before he places his chin on her head while embracing her, gently, not wanting to wake her up any moment. Last night he had another nightmare again but this time his dream was about Layla's death.

He desperately wished it was only just a dream.

Her death, her body on the cold floor surrounded by a pool of her blood and her lifeless eyes... It's just a nightmare. Layla is immortal. She can't die that easily... unless someone finds a way to kill her... 'No. Stop thinking about it! Just a nightmare, Erik!'

That time when he awoke and screams in agony, Layla rushed to his room trying to calm him down while embracing him with her soothing magic on him. Rocking him back and forth, he clung to her as his life depends on her. They stayed like that until they haven't realized they soon fall asleep. In his mind, he decided to let her sleep in his room instead of him sleep in her room. He knew that he can't sleep unless he hears her breathes beside him.

"Forever and always."

He was still traumatized.

Luckily, Layla was there to saved him.

He always thought he was alone. The only mutant with special ability.

She was there to support him and always by his side.

He needs her in his life.

'I can't let anyone touch or break what is mine.' His eyes slowly become dark and his expression is blank, 'Unrequited love sucks.'

Reaching his left hand to touch her cheek but stopped his movement by the sudden shout from the outside of his room.


He growls, Howard always tried to disturbed whatever he was about to do as if he knew what he will do next. "Don't tell me he DID insert some kind of small security camera in my room." Clicking his tongue in a bad mood while cursing under his breath. Damn you Stark!

"He sure is lively early in the morning."

He looked down at Layla when she spoke. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, yawning slightly causing him to blush at her cuteness before his hand stroke her cheek gently with a small smile. "Good morning."

She smiles brightly at him. "Good morning, Erik."

He stood up from the bed, grabbing his white shirt while Layla sat up stretching her arms with a soft moan and stares his back in concern. She caught a glimpse of his expression.


Frowning, she wrapped her arms around him from the side and is pulled by him as he returns the hug. "Do you have to?" She mumbles in his masculine chest, "Revenge is not one of them." Hearing him sighing heavily, he lifted her chin up so their eyes meet each other and lean closer, placing his forehead on hers.

"I can't be satisfied unless he is dead."


He gently kissed her forehead to ease her concern, "I can protect myself. You don't have to worry about me."

"Don't get yourself in a dangerous situation, dear." She grinned slightly as she pinched his cheeks.

His face heats up, groan in annoyed that she treats him like a child again and crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. "If I did, will you be there to rescue me again?"

She huff, punching her fist up proudly. "Of course! I will never let those who are precious to me die again..." her fist clenched tightly, suddenly remember the tragic event of a certain 2 men in the past.

Erik knew what she was thinking. She had told him her stories when he was just a young boy and it pained him to saw her in depression and mourned for the death of her dearest friends.

Pulling her close in his arms, whispers determine, "You won't lose me. I promise."


"So, the metal guy is leaving for real?" Howard asked, somehow feels lonely and less fun without him. "...I... strangely felt... disappointed..."

They gathered in front of the entrance to say their goodbye and watch Erik depart for his journey, Layla hugged him for one last time when she felt something is not right and hope nothing bad will happen to him out there. Howard and Erik staring each other for a moment before they shake their hands like a gentleman in agreement.

"Take care of yourself, kid." Howard teases him a little. "Remember, I am older than you, pal."

He scoffed, "Shut up, old man."


Layla quickly pulled the two away from each other, Jarvis grabbed a hold of Howard before he continues cursing about disrespect to elder people or something like that. "Okay, okay, that is enough, Howard. Now is not the time to pick a fight."

Sighing in relief, she smiles sadly at Erik and grabbed his hand together with hers. "I will wait for you."

"I will."

With one last touch, he left.

Unknown to him, Layla had transferred her magic aura to him when they hold hands together. A spell that she never regrets, her sense of caring for him is far too much to the point she can't leave her sight away from him and that spell can only be used once in a lifetime... and only for 1 person that is worthy of her chosen. The spell not can only protect him but also...

...half of her immortality is for him.

Her blood is in his vein.

Did she make the right decision for him to be immortal? He will know sooner or later once he notices something is different about him and she will prepare for the consequences. She is fine for him to get mad at her for doing something reckless without his permission... her main reason is as long as he is safe from any kind of threat.

She had sealed the immortal blood from the human who is trying to test his blood cells and if they did try, she has prepared it to make it seems like normal mutant blood of him so human will never notice the difference.

Knowing the new development of this era, they will soon hunt the so-called paranormal mutant and do some experiments for their interest and curiosity. A mere human would hunt her too, gaining her immortality and luckily, Erik doesn't have to worry about his immortality in his vein.

'I must be careful in the near future... Hydra is still out there.'

A week later, Howard had returned from SHIELD meeting and she was proud to hear Peggy is the founder of SHIELD and the one female who brave enough to be the leader of the agency. It is a secret organization that contains few trustworthy and that's including her. Layla was sitting on the sofa not far from his study desk in his so-called office and looking at him in amused because he looks like he was nervous and having the battle in his mind about something that frustrated him.

"... damn... what should I do? Should I start talking to her? But what if she—" He groans, messing up his hair, "Agh! What am I gonna do?!"

Layla smirk, placing her chin on her hand with slight interest, "Let me guess. Having a hard time thinking of a way of making a good approach to a certain lady?"

He quickly avoids her gaze as she crossing his arms in a childlike manner. "That is none of your business, princess."

"A genius engineering, playboy like yourself fear of rejection for a certain lady you interest. Do you need my advice?"

He dropped his head in defeat, "...yes please..."

She laughed at his dejected expression when she had advised him to do and what don't do if you like someone but soon her laughed died down when an image of a certain someone appears in her mind. Howard frowned, he had realized when she came to him and she looks as if she hadn't enough sleep.

"Stop worrying about that iron-brat."

"Huh?" She blinked her eyes in confuse.

Scratching the back of his head as he speaks, "He will be fine. You know how strong he is and he can protect himself. Although I got to admit I can't do my big invention without his help...Ahem, He is your son after all." He smirks at his last sentence.

Smiling at him, thanks to his comfort words to ease her worries and chuckles, "Howard, Erik is not my son. You are right though he is strong but what I worried the most is his vengeance..."

Year 1962

The clinking sound of a gun, pointing it dangerously near his forehead about to shoot but he can't and put it away in hesitation. "I can't... I can't shoot anybody point-blank, let alone my friend."

"Oh, come on." He grabbed his hand and point it on his forehead again, "You know I can deflect it. You're always telling me I should push myself."

The man who holds the gun exclaims with slight anger and frustration, "If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself." Pulled the gun away as he sighed at his friend's desperate behavior, "Whatever happened to the man who was trying to raise a submarine?"

"I can't." Raising both of arms wide, "Something that big? I need the situation, the anger..."

He gives him the gun back, shook his head and speaks calmly, "No, the anger is not enough."

"It's gotten the job done all the time."

"It's nearly gotten you killed all this time." He looked at the side of the field and saw something that might help him to improve his power. "Come here. Let's try something a little more challenging."

The two of them stood behind the rails and he points his finger at the big white satellite in front of them, "See that? Try turning it to face us."

To say it is hard to make it move is an understanding for first-timer, that is what Erik felt as he took a deep breath and raise both of his hands trying to control the satellite to make it move even just a bit until his face turns red causing him to give up and gasping for air to breath.

The man behind him, Charles, places both of his hands into his pockets as he made his way towards Erik who is trying to catch his breath. "You know, I believe that true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity." Erik stares at him anxiously when Charles points his finger at his own head and said, "Would you mind if I..." Asking his permission to enter his mind when Erik slightly shakes his head in response.

Searching in his memory, everything is surrounded by darkness even the path he is trying to find Erik's brightest memory system until he feels the warm sensation of the small light. This must be the one. When he enters, in a dark room with the only light of the candles and he saw an old woman with a young boy.

'This must be Erik and his mother when he was young.'

They seem to be in abandoned buildings as if they were trying to hide from someone or any danger, feeling upset and anger at the same time. Charles sharing for any sign of serenity in this memory but there is none. He searched deeper again in the darkness when he saw a ray of blue light in his path makes him wanting to follow it.

Reaching at the end of the light, in the peaceful forest near the riverbank surrounding with mother-nature and from the distant the same young Erik was captured by soldiers. The same soldiers that tortured him in his darkest memories and he was screaming at them when he sees a beautiful lady appeared on the water with crystallizing water dragon around her.

Charles was in awe at the sight of such power the lady had. Her monstrous strength, her eyes fill with the burning sensation of determination to protect Erik from the enemies. Never in his life to meet such a beauty goddess-like mutant-like hers.

He felt Erik's anger at the sight of her in pain and almost die from protecting him but she embraced him with a warm hug and her only concerned was him alone. "You are not alone, Erik. Do not worry. I will always be there to protect you.." She soothing him with soft alluring whispers into his ears. And there, he found Erik's serenity.

Returned to reality, Charles wiped the tears from his cheek as Erik blinks his eyes in both daze and caution as he speaks with a monotone voice, "What did you just do to me?"

Charles stands beside him, his expression is solemn. "I.. accessed the brightest corner of your memory system. It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you."

He looks at Charles with teary eyes before gazing at the ground at his feet while scoffing

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