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Jisoo was in an awful mood since this morning, especially at the fact that they hardly ever had any sleep since midterms just ended. Jisoo, for all her heart, deeply loves her course, but it can get quite demanding at times. There's nothing more than she wants right now but to hibernate for a whole damn season— like the saying goes, wake her up when September ends— and it just so happens that it's the month of September, but she lost track of what day it was.

Jisoo entered her dorm with a deep sigh – almost throwing her shoes across the room because she was that lazy to crouch down and remove it with her hands. The dorm room she currently resides in isn't particularly exclusive only to her since she rooms with three other people, which are her childhood friends since they were just wee babies – it was an exaggeration, but they really did know each other for the longest time.

Jisoo could still remember those sandbox memories wherein she punched toddler Lisa on the face for stealing her kiddie meal while Jennie shoved her in the sand as a retaliation— and of course, Rosie comforted her ugly bawling self on the aftermath – yeah, good old times.

But yeah, reminiscing is gonna have to wait – Jisoo really needs to know what day it was because she may have a project due the next day. She wasn't know for her organizational skills, but she was one hell of a pro when it comes to cramming.

Once Jisoo crossed the threshold of their lovely living room, the first sight that greeted her was Rosé feeding her humongous fish. Jisoo's kind of jealous that Rosé's pet was allowed in their dorms, it kind of made Jisoo miss her own  Dalgomie – but she supposes that bringing in their own litter of pets might make their already chaotic dorm room, all the more chaotic.

Jisoo didn't even greet her roommate, she all but asked the question she'd been dying to be answered since earlier that day, "What day is it today?"

Jisoo threw her bag on their couch along with her sack like body, by gods she was dead tired — she'd honestly accept eternal sleep like that Disney princess if it means she doesn't have to do anything for years to no end.

Rosé didn't seem to hear nor register Jisoo's words as she merely glances at her for a brief moment before she places the tube full of fish snacks on the cabinet.

"What?" Rosé turned to fully face the other girl, her eyes studied Jisoo and she can't help but feel bad at how haggard the girl look – as if Jisoo went to war or something. Her clothes were all over the place like it hasn't tasted ironing and her hair looked like birds laid eggs on it.

"What day is it today?" Jisoo's dead eyes just stared at their chipping ceiling. Their dorm was great and all that, but she could briefly remember a cockroach fly towards her like a fucken spartan— and she ran out screaming bloody murder, but then again she was running on caffeine at that time so she wasn't too sure if the cockroach was just a figment of her imagination.

"Don't you have a phone Unnie?" Rosé peered down on her half dead friend with an amused look on her eyes.

"I forgot where I put it." Jisoo wasn't lying, due to her frantic self earlier in the day, she hadn't noticed that she left her freaking phone on her room or somewhere in their dorm room – thank the heavens her brain dead self still had the thought of slipping on a watch on her hand.

"I thought your phone was your life line?" Rosé propped her hands on the head of the couch.

"Well yeah, but my brain isn't functioning well this day." Jisoo visibly shrugged, she slowly sat up from her laying position and combed her hairs with her fingers, "So, do you know what day it is today?"

Rosé hummed on her throat while scratching her chubby cheeks, "Well..."

A loud bang on the door interrupted their conversation and the two girls by the couch whipped their head out towards that direction. Rosé chuckled while Jisoo audibly groaned when they heard a loud screech of that oh so familiar voice.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Jennie burst out from the hall, her face was bright red with rage— and you could see her feline eyes look like it was ready to commit homicide.

From behind Jennie, another form appears – equally flustered and irritated, "He was oggling you!" Lisa points out in defense to her girlfriend's unnecessary anger.

"No, he was not!" Jennie agressively twirls around to point angrily at Lisa before screaming, "Are you daft?! Why in Arthur's name would you smack him?!"

"He was touching you all over the place!"

A sound of disbelief left Jennie's lips, "We were on a PE dance practice!" she turns around again and stomps out of the place— away from Lisa because she can't bear to look at the girl right now.

"Jennie...!" Lisa ran after the enraged girl.

"Oh bugger off!" Jennie looked over her shoulder to give Lisa a seething glare before she ran down the hall towards her own room in the dorm, "You're such a dolt sometimes! I can't believe I'm dating you!"

"Jennie Kim!" Lisa followed the girl through the hall like a dog running after its master—.... Or chew toy.

"Don't you dare follow me or I'm breaking up with you— you!" A muffled scream can be heard from down the bedrooms hall before it was followed by a loud slam of the door.

Jisoo and Rosé was still rooted on their spot, clearly a witness to the drama that unfolded right in front of their eyes. There was a moment of tranquil silence that encompassed the two girls before Rosé broke it off with a stiffled laugh.

"That answers your question." Rosé can no longer hold the laughter that escaped her lips, "It's the 'I'm breaking up with you, you soggy cat turd!' day... So it's Wednesday."

Jisoo groaned, she massaged her throbbing forehead as the shouting from her two roommates made her stress levels go on a whole other level, "Do you you always have to make over the top names?" she gave Rosé an exasperated look.

"I can't help it," Rosé jumped over the couch to slump her entire body on the cushion, "They're a bloody clockwork."

"They run on a constant routine." Jisoo sighed. She closed her eyes a thought of her two bestfriends who were doing god knows what on their too— okay hold up, that's disgusting, dear lord – a shudder ran through her spine when those thoughts crossed her mind.

"Well, tomorrow is 'Fudge Lisa and her stamina, I'm ignoring you for the entire day you arse'," Rosé thoughtfully said to the grovelling girl, "So basically, tomorrow is Thursday."

A non-committal noise escapes Jisoo's throat.

"You sleep next to Jennie's room you know..." Rosé laughed again as she saw how Jisoo's expression turned depressed.

"I hate their routine," Jisoo winced when she heard something crash from the end of the hall— she just hopes Jennie ain't throwing stuff again – or that isn't happening again.

"Can I bunk on your room again?" Jisoo asks in defeat – like hell will she lose anymore sleep because of those arguing idiots. She no longer wants to run in caffeine lest she sees that flying cockroach on her nightmare materialize right before her eyes.

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