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Keefe opened the door with such force that everyone around it jumped. But he didn't care, his mind was only focused on one thing. He pushed people out of his way and didn't stop to apologize. He kept running and turning but he couldn't find her. Couldn't. Couldn't. His breath hitched and he ran his hand through his hair pulling at it. He felt his eyes tear up but he was not going to cry. He needed to find her.
He pulled himself up again and though of the one place she could be. Has to be. He took two steps at a time and arrived at the rooftop, the door infront of him daring him to open it. She was here. He knew it. Could feel it.
He opened the door timidly, and he felt everything in him become undone when he saw her standing at the edge of the railing. She didn't notice him at once and Keefe took his time in letting himself breathe by only seeing her.
He took a step forward and let her see him and lit up at the sight of him. "I was waiting."
"Your okay." He didn't wait for her to answer, he cupped her face in his hands and looked at her for a moment before pressing his lips onto her.
Then the memories hit.
Dex glanced at Sophie again, it was the fifth time now. He wasn't really looking at her, he was making himself think he was looking at her. Because he was a good friend and he was concerned for her. But Sophie was beaming, smiling to herself and not at all listening to Miss Greggors talk about moles. Dex was in fact looking past her... To him.
Which he should not be doing right now, he should be worrying about Biana and Fitz or why his best friend was acting like a light bulb.
So Dex sighed and turned his attention to the moles. He must have missed something because now she was talking about avacado. But he felt himself look at Jensi Babblos one last time. Then he turned away.

Sophie was out of her chair before the bell rang. She was sure it was the first time she had done so. But she was eager to see him, so walked as fast as she could to the cafeteria. But when she did arrive there, Keefe was no where to be seen. She let her eyes travel through the crowd in front of her but he was not there. Sophie would have known if he was.
"Dex!" Sophie ran to his side once she saw him. She observed him for a second, his cheeks were flushed and he was avoiding his gaze. "What happened to you?"
He gave her a shy smile, "I should ask you the same thing, at least a few minutes ago."
Sophie deflated as she scanned the corridors again, "I thought he would come today..."
Dex gave her shoulder a pat, "Maybe he's busy. He'll let you know later, don't worry. Keefe's.. Keefe."
Sophie let herself think about it for a moment and decided it was better to not. So she focused on Dex again,

He didn't hear her so Sophie followed his gaze and turned around. Sophie gasped.
"Oh my God you like-"
Before she could finish Dex pressed his hand to her mouth and shook his head vigorously. Two years ago Dex was at Sophie's height but now he towered over Sophie, it made her miss the days they used to hang out. Sure, they still do but she felt like as if she didn't know anything about him these days and she clearly didn't.
Sophie shook away his hold and lowered her voice, "You like Jensi?"
Dex narrowed his eyes at her, "No..."
Sophie raised her eyebrows at him and when he continued to stay quiet she looked back at Jensi Babblos. Two years ago Jensi Babblos was in a group called the Drooly Boys but it was clear he had moved way pass that now. Jensi was almost tall as Fitz and Fitz was tall. He seemed to have done his hair a favour and not put a river of gel in it instead it hung in long wavy dark locks around his blue eyes.
"Dex." Sophie said when Dex was caught staring at him again.
"What?" He then sighed and deflated. "Yes, okay, maybe."
Sophie smirked and jumped up a little, "This is so exciting! And your birthday is a week away you'll get your soulmate mark soon-"
"Exactly. What if... It's not him, soph?" He looked so down and Sophie knew she didn't have the right words to say that would make him feel better.
"There's no rule in this world that you should end up with your soulmate. I know plenty of couples who aren't soulmates and are still are in the healthiest relationships."
Dex gave her a slight smile, it was more for her than for him. "Yeah, it's fine. Come one, isn't today chocolate pudding day?"
But just to crack up a smile. "You know I'm great at love advice. I've read like an unhealthy amount YA novels. So first you gotta stab them-"
"Sophie." Dex interrupted but he was smiling but clearly didn't want to talk about it so she let him lead her to the cafeteria with once last look back to see if someone was there waiting for her.
There wasn't.

Keefe, Fitz, or Biana hadn't come to school by then. Everyone closed to them didn't have a clue as to where they were. When Linh had gone to the Vacker's house the gates had been closed and no one answered. When Sophie had gone to Keefe's house she had the same treatment. No one was answering their phones.
By Thursday Sophie was sure she had no eyelashes left anymore. Her parents looked at her worryingly every day and when she asked if they could contact the Vacker's they admitted their calls weren't being returned.
This wasn't right, Sophie thought when she finally had enough and slid down to her knees right in the middle of the school corridor. No one just dissapears and without letting people know. It was crushing Sophie and everyone she knew. Her parents assured her it was fine but...
That was when Dex came rushing to her. "I found them!"
Sophie immediately got up. Dex stopped in front of her and tried to catch his breath.
Sophie loved Dex but she was going to strangle him if he stayed quiet a second longer. "There out."
Sophie reached for his neck.
"I mean, sorry, but their on vacation."
Sophie blinked. Her mind needed a second or preferably a day to understand the word, "Vacation."
"I'm sorry, what?"
Sophie didn't realize she was being led somewhere by Dex till she found sitting at a table outside.
"What do you mean vacation?"
"You know how Alvar Vacker returned and the whole showdown happened?"
Dex took out his phone. "And you know how the Vacker's have a bunch of snobby relatives? Apparently, one of them had proposed it would be "good" for the family to spend some time together, and... the Sencen's somehow have managed it squirm their way into it."
Sophie let the words settle in her mind. "Okay, but why didn't they tell us anything?"
Dex sighed. "The place they have gone to seems to be a remote island with controlled connection. The grandfather seemed to be behind all of it."
Sophie considered the what the chargers would be for causing a accidental slip for an old man.

"How do you know all this?"
At this Dex turned pink. "I... uh found one of their cousins private social account. She seems to have attained some sort of private Wi-Fi, and she keeps posting about some hot blonde guy sulking and sending rude gestures to an older guy that looks exactly like him."
Sophie wondered at what sort of thing Dex had to go through to get accepted into her account. Sophie reached out and squeezed his hand.
"Thank you."
Dex smiled at her. "You don't have to thank me, I just wish there was something I could do."
"You did more than enough. But do you know when they'll be coming back?"
Dex lowered his head. Sophie's heart plummeted but she kept holding onto his hand. And then they watched the trees in silence.
Sophie was reaching her breaking point and the fact that she was at school on a Sunday did not help. She had spent the last three days thinking about what she should do, not just about Keefe but about Biana and Fitz. All of them. Gone.
Dex, Linh, and Tam met her the other day, they had all tried to cheer themselves up by binge watching Lord of the Rings. Unfortunately, watching Frodo Baggins or saying "Precious" to each other all day didn't help. But it did remind them all they were in this together. Tam and her had a wonderful talk afterwards too, apprently Tam is wonderful on advice.
"I know their our soulmates, Sophie but... Just because some person is the other half of you it shouldn't mean you should stop enjoying life. And I don't think that's true by the way."
Tam had kept eye contact with her during the next part. "No one is the another part of you. Your not incomplete. I just think that soulmate is the definition of someone being the person that just gets you. Not know you better than yourself, no one can do that, I don't anyone in this world truly knows themself. But just get you."
"Be ready to catch you when you fall?" Sophie had offered.
Tam smiled. "Will know when your going to fall."
The words had stayed with her till then, it wasn't as if Sophie wasn't having the best life before she met Keefe. She did, the best friend, the best parents. But after, it just got better. And Sophie knew she would help Keefe do the same. When he comes. Which Sophie knew he will. And as always, Keefe Sencen ever the gentleman seemed to have the perfect timing because he came out the door and smiled at her in a way that Sophie wanted to imprint on herself.
"I was waiting."
"Your okay."
And before Sophie could scream and cry at him for how he could possibly do that or ask where Biana and Fitz are... He kissed her. Then the memories hit.

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