Save Me (ShinTake)

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#Shinichiro and Takemichi needs a hug
#Poor Shin
#Hinted Toman x Michi but this is all about ShinTake

Sano Shinichiro is in fact, played an important role now that he realized it.

He was the reason to why Mikey lost two of his friends, Kazutora and Baji. He was the reason why Mikey is fighting his own brother, Izana. He was the reason why Mikey lost to his dark impulse, without his brother there to stop him.

It's as if, the man dragged everyone down with him to his grave.

They said Hanagaki Takemichi resembles so much like the former Black Dragon Leader, to which he scoffed at.

Takemichi, a lame ass delinquent with no sense of fashion, resembles Shinichiro? Nope, Shinichiro doesn't agree.

When Shinichiro was hit by the wrench, the last thing he felt is the throbbing pain on his head before everything blacked out.

Then the next time he opened his eyes, he was floating and staring down at his dead body. He died.

For some reason, he became a ghost. A ghost that is tied down to this one boy, Hanagaki Takemichi.

Shinichiro doesn't know the reason to why he's connected with him, he doesn't understand anything.

Takemichi is a 26 year old boy stuck in 16 year old body, he is a time leaper with the purpose of saving his ex girlfriend. But later change to saving Toman, to save Manjirou.

He is lame, always crying like him back in the days, always filled with bruises and wounds but there's two things Shinichiro absolutely loves and admires him for.

First, his determination of saving them. No matter how many deaths he face, no matter how many worst future he woke up into, his resolve stays strong and his determination keeps on driving up

He always boost the toman members will to fight, he always brings the best out of everyone. That's why many admire him, despite him being weak and totally suck in fighting, he gives strength to every person in Toman.

And his smile. Shinichiro has been on Takemichi's side for some time now that he knows Takemichi is a time leaper.

Takemichi has gone through a lot of pain, but despite all, he remained strong and still standing and able to smile that bright that you won't think someone as bright as him have experience hell

Shinichiro adores everything about him. His smile, his shy laugh, his determined look, how he looks after his friends, and take care of all of them.

But he can't push away the feeling inside of him, he's only a human after all. He's meant to feel this emotion at some point...

It's jealousy

He's jealous that Chifuyu knows all of Takemichi's favourite foods and buy him that when the blond crybaby is going through something, but Shinichiro knows it before him but can't do anything because he's a ghost after all. No longer existing, and invisible in human naked eyes.

He's jealous that Draken gets to cuddle Takemichi and fall to his warmth, while Shinichiro always curled himself beside the pretty blond and seeks for his warmth, but it made Takemichi cold so he stops himself from doing that. It's painful though. He only wants to cuddle him but even the law of the world forbid it.

He's jealous that Mikey gets to protect Takemichi as if he's his lover, Shinichiro may be dead but he's not blind to notice his brothers lingering gaze on the blond. It's full of love, adoration, fondness. Not just him, but the other captains, vice captains and even the vice commander too.

Unlike him, Mikey is strong so he can protect Takemichi better than him, even if Shinichiro is still alive. He bitterly thought

He's jealous that Koko and Inupi can always have Takemichi's attention with ease, the two Boys likes to spend time with the now Black Dragon leader, without fearing the toman members when they drag him away under their nose. Shinichiro also wants to experience holding Takemitchy's hands, and pull him to any interesting place they can find. He also wants to spend time with Takemitchy

He's jealous of Mitsuya---he still remembered when the kid was like 11-12 years old, he was handsome as ever since a child and more handsome now that he's a teen and going through puberty---He's jealous that Mitsuya can make Takemitchy blush with his handsome features, the said lavender man always leaned closer to the blond's face, enjoying his flush face. Shinichiro hits him before he can do something more, which feels like a cold harsh wind wapping Mitsuya's face, hard!

He's jealous that Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora can take Takemichi on friendly dates, which in Shinichiro's opinion, is not a friendly date but a romantic advances. He won't let them do anything with him clinging to Takemichi all the time. He gave them small aches if they try something.

He's jealous that the trio can talk freely with Takemitchy, enjoy everything and more! They can make Takemitchy laugh, smile wider, and blush. Shinichiro wants to do it all himself

"Its unfair. Everything is so unfair..."

Shinichiro is going insane. The jealousy that almost drives him to kill, which he loathes the most. The possessiveness that takes over his existence everytime someone went too close to Takemichi. He hates it all! He hates everything

But most of all...

He hates the fact that even though he's now a ghost, he can still feel human emotions

It was never supposed to be like this in the first place. Shinichiro woke up with shackles on his legs, trapping his soul on one Blond hair and a crybaby with the power to time leap.

Then he grew attached to the younger, clinging by his side and wishes to protect him from any harm. Of course he can't do it everytime, because it's like betraying the law of the world.

Shinichiro is granted by a power, to control some things in the human world. He can inflict pain, not that life threatening but hurts like a bitch. The power can consume a lot of energy though, Shinichiro found out in a not ideal situation

He never thought of the consequences. And uses the trick frequently until something surprising happened. He almost disappeared, heck, his already transparent body turned more like an air. So yeah, it's safe to say he learned his lesson

He afflicted pain to those who hurt Takemichi, and learned a new trick to help Takemichi's wounds heal faster and his pain tolerance higher because Shinichiro hates seeing him cry in pain. Now we all know why Takemichi has a god like pain tolerance.

He was fascinated at first, he admired Takemichi for his strong walls and undying determination, and his big heart for always choosing his friends other than himself. But then, it grew to something he never thought would happen. Not now that he's dead, at least

He fell in love. It was hard to admit at first, it sounds bullshit

But what can he do? He can't stop himself!

Can't stop himself from looking after Takemichi every damn time. Can't stop himself from noting every single details of him like a damn saesang fan. Can't stop himself from falling to those ocean eyes, and that soft smile of his.

He can't stop himself. Is it his fault? For being a human, who have the right to feel these emotions?

Is it wrong, to love Takemichi, even though it hurts that the other completely doesn't know his existence, who's been yearning for his warmth for a long time now?

Takemichi has a big heart. Can he have any spare place for Shinichiro to stay? The said man is willing to do anything, just to have a piece of Takemichi's heart. It's all enough.

But why? Why can't he have any? Why did he die first? Why can't Takemichi realize he's there, and always there since the very beginning!!

When Takemichi thought he's all alone in this, Shinichiro is by his side and hugging him tightly. When Takemichi is crying, Shinichiro was the one wiping his tears. When he's having nightmares, Shinichiro uses his tricks to give Takemichi a dreamless sleep. At least that eases him

Why, can't Takemichi see? Is it right to wish something for selfish?

His black raven eyes gazed back at the relaxed sleeping younger, a small smile immediately appeared on the former Black Dragon leader at the sight of Takemichi's peaceful sleep. Another nightmare, so Shinichiro uses his trick again

He turned his eyes back to his arms, a sigh escaping his lips


His arms and legs are fading a bit, because of the amount of times he used his power. Takemichi has been getting caught to any trouble out there, and Shinichiro is always backing him up.

Shinichiro is aware, that some time later, he'll completely disappear from the human world

The slowly fading of his body is the sign, it's not just how he uses his power so frequently now

Shinichiro wonders, what if Takemichi finally saves everyone, will he disappear? Because his purpose is finally done?

Because Sano Shinichiro still exist, to assist Takemichi in his saving of Mikey, and the others.

But, despite everything, despite his pain of watching Takemichi who's oblivious of his existence, Shinichiro wants to stay

He wants to stay here, to a place he doesn't belong too. He doesn't belong to the human world, he doesn't belong to Takemichi's side

Yet, he selfishly wants to stay.

A stray tear fell from his night eyes, looking longingly on the sleeping figure.

"Save me, Takemichi--" He softly sobbed, longingly at the boy who's oblivious to his pain

"Save me, who died first before everyone.."

Shinichiro sobbed, just like the crybaby he is as Takeomi, Benkei and Wakasa tease him. He cried as he tried to grab Takemichi's hand, which is an absolute fail as his hands are like air.

He cried and cried, that he didn't felt the buzzing connected on his and Takemichi's hands, before everything went dark


Sano Shinichiro. Takemichi learned the existence of the man, by bits and bits of pieces he heard from the toman members

He was apparently the former admirable leader of Black Dragons, the infamous guy who's leading the most dangerous delinquents in his era, the crybaby leader who can't fight for shit. Yep, even Takemichi heard those embarrassing names. Shinichiro definitely sulked when the people describes him like that in front of Takemichi. They could've at least told him his most cooler nicknames to impress his crush.

Takemichi also heard about him from Manjirou, who told him about his deceased older brother when they were biking. He also heard of what happened to why Kazutora was sent to Juvie and why he absolutely loathes Mikey. It involves Shinichiro again.

So, Shinichiro plays a very important character. He would've done better if he's in Takemichi's place.

Mikey was absolutely broken by his death, Kazutora and Baji are affected as well as they are the one who did the act, thus, their friendship were never the same again. Izana could've been sane and accepted Manjirou if Shinichiro is alive. He wouldn't have loathed Mikey. Mikey wouldn't have fallen to Darkness if Shinichiro is there to bring him back.

Takemichi was curious of the man. To what type of guy he is back in the days he was alive.

Inupi seems to admire and respect him, everyone does. Mikey even said that he resembles the said man which Takemichi denied

Sano Shinichiro seems like a cool man, why would they say something like that? He's a lame ass delinquent, a crybaby and a failure. No way he's like Shinichiro-san!

And with the way Mikey talks about the man, it seems like he loves him dearly. Mikey and Shinichiro might've have a close bond as brothers.

If only, he wants to meet Shinichiro. He wants to meet the man Mikey absolutely admires and loves, the man Inupi respects, the man who Ema likes to talk about, the man everyone respects.

He wants to see him In person, talk to him. And if possible, he also wishes--- no, he wants to save him.

Shinichiro is important to everyone, his death has taken a toll on everyone. He's what they need.

If Shinichiro is alive, then there will be a more higher chance to save Mikey from falling to his dark impulse. And preventing the future deaths from happening. If they somehow happens, at least Takemichi will be there to handle everything

His priority is to save everyone, to have them live a happy life forever, but what about Shinichiro?

Shinichiro also deserves some happiness. Takemichi kinda pity the guy because he died way too early, with people still wanting him by their sides.

And one night, with his Ocean orbs wide opened and refusing to fall to sleep, he stared at his boring white ceiling

His mind is raking for ideas, for any plans. But most all, he's thinking of...

'If I can travel back much more earlier, then I can save Shinichiro..'

'I... Want to save Sano Shinichiro!!'

With these thought on his head, his eyes eventually gave up and he fell into the familiar dark void

Not realizing how his hands sparked all of a sudden, usually happens when he shakes hands with Naoto to leap back to time or to the present

'I want to save everyone...'

'Save me, Takemitchy..'


A gasp scaped his lips as his eyes sprung opened, sitting up and panting for breath.

The darkness surrounding his entire room means it's still nighttime, with the small light emitting from the moon escaping from his open window the only source of light in the darkness.

Standing up groggily, Shinichiro steps and switched on the light, cursing immediately at the sudden bright light that hurts like a bitch.

He squinted and rub his sensitive eyes, and took in the (un) familiar sight of his room

For a moment, instead of his room, an image of a room completely in contrast to his flashes before his eyes before it disappeared as fast it appeared. Strange.

Everything feels strange. Because Shinichiro... Feels like he just had a long, long dream.

But.. he can't remember

All his mind can picture, is a blurred face of a man with blond hair, and striking beautiful blue eyes

But then again... Who is he?

The black haired teen takes a sit down back to his bed, his hands reaching to his throbbing heart. Why.. why does it hurts here? His heart, it aches

It feels as if he's forgetting something important, but what is it?!

Feeling another headache coming, the said black dragon's leader forced to stop himself from thinking any much further

It's obvious he can't remember that dream, why is he trying hard to remember anyway?

So with another tired sigh that left his lips--- it's 2 am---, he dropped back to his bed and clamped his eyes tight, waiting for the familiar darkness to engulfed him

Hopefully, tomorrow is going to be okay


Shinichiro is definitely not okay. There's a lot of things bothering him now that his energy is drained to the core.

First, his sudden halt when he was about to announce of the disbandment of Black Dragons. He's not sure but his guts is telling him he can't leave the delinquent world yet. As if, it's telling him there's still things to do. But what is it?! He never got the answer as expected

So with his motor shop opened and him still active with the gang things, everything is slowly becoming stressful

Second, the visions, small images and dreams. Shinichiro doesn't know, doesn't understand to why everytime he looks at his younger brother, he saw a vision of him looking scrawny and older, malnourished and his hair dyed white but his eyes looks dead and heavy with dark eye bags. It's the worst look on him. But the sudden image disappeared as fast as it came

The second one, when his brother tilted his head to the side, Shinichiro saw another vision of him smiling with splotches of blood coating his face, his hair a lot more longer and reaching to his shoulder, his bangs tied back. He is also wearing a black uniform that doesn't look like a school uniform, with the markings he barely make out as--- Tokyo Manji Gang? He's not sure but Manjirou looks so happy and excited there. If it's the future, then he's glad his brother found happiness.

Next is where Manjirou has black raven hair, very similar to his. His eyes are... Emotionless and tired, but his smile holds warmth. Shinichiro is very curious to who's the person he's smiling at. Its not everyday Manjirou smiles that bright

But he's holding a gun, and he's crying. Shinichiro didn't noticed but he was also crying when he saw that image of his brother. He looks so broken, what causes him that?!

It's not just Mikey. He also saw Ema, smiling beautifully and warmly but a stream of blood is cascading down her face, she's being carried by Manjirou. So needless to say after Shinichiro saw that image, he made Wakasa and Benkei guard Ema for a whole ass week until the girl snapped him out of it. Yeah, it's definitely not Emma. Emma is still young, the girl in the image looks older.

Or he's desperately in denial of everything when the truth is Infront of his eyes?

Then, Keisuke. He's not entirely sure, but he saw an image of him laying on the ground, covered in dirt and being held by a blond boy, he's smiling with small tears on his eyes with his mouth coughing out blood. He looks like he died. Poor Keisuke, Shinichiro literally woke him in an ungodly hour just to see if he's still alive or not.

Then there's Draken, everytime he sees the kid, he saw an image of an even taller version, so big and buff to be a mere middle schooler. But, Draken is as the same as Baji. Blood decorating his whole being and a warm smile on his face before his eyes completely shut. Shinichiro doesn't have to be a genius to realized he was dead.

A lot of them.. died. At least, in the images that flashes before his eyes whenever he saw them

So he came to one conclusion, He can see the future.

And then the dreams. For some reason, Shinichiro always dreams of someone who has blue ocean eyes, so deep like the sea but warm as the sunlight. He doesn't know but he's weirdly attracted to those orbs.

He tried to use his connections, to find a person with those eyes but he found none. He searched for a whole week before he gave up.

The others are starting to notice his sudden change of behavior and are starting to get worried, which Shinichiro assures them he's fine even though his mind is aching from the amount of thinking he does in a moment

2 months later. Tomorrow is Manjirou's birthday. But for some reason, Shinichiro feels..Restless?

Like he feels like something big is gonna happen and it makes him anxious. Why is he even worried for?!

He checked everything, Manjirou's cake, if he fix the bike he's supposed to give to Manjirou properly, anything!! But everything is perfect... Is he worried because everything is going on smoothly?

He hopes that's the case

Around midnight, he finally retired and went to his room to get some sleep. He has to wake up early tomorrow and gift Manjirou the bike, his brother will surely like it.

About to step on his bed, he heard some small thuds and other sorts of sounds that made him suspicious

Shinichiro is a person who has so much curiousity, that will (literally) kill him one day. Perhaps today.

He ignored his instinct yelling at him to don't go, but he went but now, opening the lights.

He walks out, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of someone trying to steal the bike he was working for his brother

"Oi, what are you doing?" He

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