chapter seven

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The sound of the double doors opening turns her head, but it’s just Scott and aria walking in with a plastic-wrapped container.

Melissa: Oh, thank God, I’m starving.

Melissa grabs the bag out of his hands and hurries around the reception counter to unwrap it.

Melissa (realizing): Sorry, sorry.

Rushing back around, she kisses Scott on the cheek and hugged aria.

Melissa: Thank you for bringing dinner.

Aria: Everything okay?

Melissa: Except for half the victims of a ten car-pile up being rerouted to us from downtown and the ER Attending not answering any of his pages? Yeah, I’m okay. Slightly, somewhat okay.

Scott: What does “not answering pages” mean?

Melissa: It means no one can find him. Now we’re waiting for the On-Call to
get here.

An ACCIDENT VICTIM clutching her stomach reaches out to Melissa.

Accident victim: Miss? Excuse me? I could really use something for the pain.

Melissa: I know and I’m sorry, but giving you something could actually
complicate things. We really need to wait for the doctor. (to the Receptionist) How far out is Dr. Hilyard?

Receptionist: Ten minutes.

Doors pushing open, TWO PARAMEDICS pull in another victim,
head in a neck brace.

Stepping out of the way, aria takes a
seat next to the miserable Accident Victim.

Aria: You know, I think I read online
sometimes just a little human
contact can help with pain.

The Victim can barely respond with a nod. Glancing about to see no one is watching, aria places her hand on her forearm.

BLACK VEINS ripple underneath the skin of aria’s hand.

The Accident Victim draws a quick breath. But then relaxes, all of the tension fading.

She looks at him, astonished as THE DOORS CLANG OPEN. Arm around Danny, struggling to keep him on his feet, Ethan looks up.

Ethan: I need help!

Aria: Danny!

Melissa guides Danny to a seat with Ethan and aria’s help.

Scott: What did you do to him?

Ethan: Nothing. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing.
But it just kept getting worse--

Danny can barely hold his head up as Melissa looks him over.

Ethan: What is it? Is he dying?

Scott: Shut up.

Ethan: I said I didn’t do anything--

Melissa: The three of you, back off.

Her voice sends them all retreating a step.

Turning her attention back to Danny, she feels at the side of his neck.

Melissa: Okay, that’s not good. (to the Receptionist) How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?

The Receptionist just raises her hands, no idea.

Scott: Mom, what is that? What’s happening to him?

Melissa: His larynx is shifting to the side. I think it’s a tension pneumothorax.(calling out) Can we get a gurney over here--

Lurching forward, Danny crumbles to his knees on the floor.

They move to help, but his head reels back and he opens his mouth wide to vomit.

A VISCOUS WHITE FLUID pours from Danny’s mouth.

Scott, Ethan, Aria and Melissa retreat in horror while Danny wretches violently, tendons pushing out from his neck.

Aria spots SMALL ROUND OBJECTS within the discharge. She recognizes the tell-tale white berries immediately.

Surprisingly, so does Ethan

Ethan: Mistletoe

Following the gurney carrying Danny into the trauma room, Melissa notices Scott, aria and Ethan at her heels.

Melissa: Can you two please get back to the waiting room?

Neither of them move to leave, however, as she turns to Danny who continues struggling to breathe.

Ethan: Where are the nurses and doctors? Where is everyone?

Melissa: It’s a full house tonight. They’re attending to other patients.

Aria: How do we help?

Melissa: You can’t. His lung’s collapsed.

Scott: That sounds bad. Really bad.

Melissa: And his heart is being pushed against his chest cavity.

Ethan: That sounds worse. Much worse.

Aria: He’s going to die, isn’t he?

Melissa: No. No, he’s not.

Moving quickly, Melissa yanks open a drawer and pulls out a FOURTEEN GAUGE NEEDLE.

Melissa: Aria, grab that tape. (to Ethan) You, take those scissors and cut his shirt open.

Ethan grabs Danny’s shirt and RIPS it open.

Melissa: Works for me.

Fingers trembling, Melissa presses lightly over Danny’s upper chest, trying to find the right injection spot.

Scott: Mom, he’s not breathing.

Melissa: I know, I know.

Taking a breath of her own, she turns the large needle up and inserts the point into Danny’s chest.

Scott’s eyes widen as the needle goes in and keeps going.

Air bubbles up in the fluid inside the syringe as Melissa aspirates Danny’s lung.

Body finally relaxing, he begins to
breathe normally. Then blinks up at Melissa in relief.

Danny: (with effort) Thank you.

Melissa: No problem.

She takes a breath of her own, looking to Scott, aria and Ethan who watch her in amazement.

Aria: can you teach me how to do that.



Grabbing her helmet off the handlebar of her bike, aria notices Ethan stepping out of the hospital’s exit toward them.

Ethan: I know you’re not going to believe me, but I didn’t do anything.

Aria: All I know is the minute you got
here things have gone to hell, you went right after Danny. And your brother went after Lydia.

Ethan: We’re not going to hurt him.

Scott: Why should we believe you?

With a careful glance about to ensure no one is around to hear him, Ethan steps in close.

Ethan: Because we knew one of them was going to be important to you. And
now we know it’s Lydia.

Before aria can respond, she notices a strange sight past Ethan.

The twin turns, following her gaze to see Dr. Hilyard’s car slowly gliding across the parking lot. It weaves through empty spaces and then SMACKS into the side of another car, halting with the sound of CRUNCHING METAL.

Dropping her helmet back, Aria and Scott rushes for the car with Ethan right behind them.

She yanks open the driver’s side door to discover It’s empty. No one at the wheel.

Witnesses from the hospital entrance drift out while aria discovers a strange clue inside the car.

Ethan: What is that?

Lifting it by its wing, aria raises the large insect up to the car’s interior light. A single dead MOTH.

Aria: it's pretty but creepy.



Deputy cars hurtle into the lot while Sheriff Stilinski tries to get statements from Melissa, Aria and Scott with Stiles’s help.

Noah: Hold on. Were they both in the car?

Stiles: No, Dad, they’re trying to tell you it’s two different kidnappings. Two doctors. Both gone.

Noah: So whose car is this?

Melissa: Dr. Hilyard’s car. The On Call
doctor. The ER Attending is the one that never showed up.

Pen paused over his notebook, Stilinski peers up to the scene of the accident, the witnesses gathered, the crashed car. He sees his children talking to Scott, but all he hears is his own BREATHING.

Aria: Dad?

Noah: (snapping out of it) Sorry. Melissa, let me just focus on getting your story first. Guys, give us a second.

Scott, Aria and Stiles retreat back to whisper in private. The twin’s attention stays on noah, however, noticing their father’s troubled demeanor.

Scott: These are definitely sacrifices, right?

Stiles: And it’s one Deaton mentioned. Healers.

Scott: But what about Danny? He was
throwing up mistletoe. That’s not a coincidence. And if he hadn’t been with Ethan, he probably would’ve died. How is Danny a Healer?

The sound of noah’s CELL PHONE RINGING interrupts them.

Stiles glances to Scott and aria.

Stiles: Can you hear?

Aria: (nodding) They found a body. It's
the body of a ER Attending doctor.



Jennifer Blake sets a PHYSICS book on the teacher’s desk. While still her typically nervous self, there’s something different about her. More attractive clothes.

More attention to her hair. The look of someone newly concerned with looking her best.

Jennifer: Good morning. As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing--I mean sick. Or essentially unable to attend class. Anyway, I’m filling in today while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take over. So, let’s get started...

As she begins flipping pages in the book, Stiles leans over his desk to whisper to Scott.

Stiles: My Dad said the ER Attending wasn’t strangled. But they’re saying he did die of asphyxiation. They just don’t know how.

Scott: You think the On-Call doctor could still be alive?

Aria: I don’t know. But there’s twenty

other doctors at the hospital. Any one of them could be next.

Aria’s phone BUZZES. The ID on the display: DEATON. Sliding down in her seat to be inconspicuous, aria answers the phone.

Aria: Hey deaton, need me to come in and please say yes.

Deaton (V.O.): Unfortunately, yes...

Aria: why would that be unfortunate I would do anything to get out if this hell hole.

Deaton (V.O.): I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this. But, at the moment, I’m afraid you’re my only hope. I’m going to be taken.

Breath caught, aria sits up in her seat.

Deaton (V.O.): I need you to find me--

Aria: What’s happening? Doc?

But the line goes dead, a DIAL TONE blaring back at her.

She grabs her bag and pulls Scott with her to get out of the classroom.

Jennifer: miss Stilinski where do you think your going.

Aria: skydiving scott is gonna be my parachute.

Before Jennifer could say anything aria was already halfway down the hall.



Door swinging open, Scott and aria rushes inside the Clinic.

They stops when Stilinski and Deputy Graeme turn around.

Aria: How did you know?

Noah: Stiles called me right after you
left school. And I’m sorry, but your boss’s car is still here and the back door was wide open.

Aria takes a step back and without even seeming to realize it, scott sits down in one of the waiting room chairs.Almost
like he’s pushed down, filled with anger aria punched the wall leaving behind a giant hole.

Noah: Aria. Your the last person he called so I need you to tell me everything.



While his Deputies scour the clinic for clues, noah tries to comfort his daughter and scott with Stiles now by their side.

Noah: All right, we’re going to do everything we can. The best thing you can do is go back to school. Ah hell, go home if you need to. School can wait.

Aria: to hell with home am gonna find him.

Noah: aria you can't the person who took deaton is a serial killer, they took down people twice your size, what makes you think they can't take you down too.

Aria: because i punch first and ask questions later.

Noah: aria if you go after them I will put you in house arrest with an Ankle Monitor and everything.

Stiles: don't worry dad I will make sure she stays home.

He puts a hand on Scott’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze and then steps out to the waiting area.

Scott throws Aria and Stiles a look, gesturing for them to follow him into the cage room where they’ll be out of earshot.

Scott: (whispering) We have to tell him.

Aria: excuse me

Stiles: You mean like tell him tell him? Or tell him something else that isn’t
telling him what I think you want to tell him.

Scott: You know what I mean.

Stiles: He’s not going to believe us.

Scott: I can make him believe.

Aria: We are not telling him.

Stiles: Yeah, and remember how your mom took it? She couldn’t look you in
the eyes for a week.

Scott: She got over it. And it actually made us closer.

Stiles: I don’t know, dude. I mean, look at him. He’s totally overwhelmed.

Scott: He’s overwhelmed because he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. People keep dying in the town he’s
supposed to protect. And it’s not
his fault that he doesn’t know why
all this is happening.

Fingers grasping the wire of a cage, aria peers back into the waiting area at her father.

Scott: He’s going to find out sometime. You know he is.

Aria: But is now the right time?

Scott: What if not telling him is getting more people killed?

Stiles (to aria): can't you do a spell or something.

Aria: if I can don't you think I would've done it already, I can barely pick up a pencil with magic let alone cast a spell.

Stiles (to scott): ok if telling him gets him killed? I get Deaton’s been like a
father to you. I get that. But this is our actual father. We can’t lose both our parents. Not both of them.

His words come out clipped and furious. Almost spit out. Scott takes it with a calm nod.

Scott: Okay. You’re right.

He starts to turn away, but aria stops him.

Aria:  No, he's not. He's not right. I’ll
tell him, we have to tell him.

Scott: I’ll help.

Stiles lets out a deep breath. Then takes a first step toward the waiting room. But the three of them halt when they see someone unexpected speaking to the Sheriff.

Morrell: Please. Whatever you need. However I can help find my brother.

Aria turns to Stiles who mouths “brother?” Seeing she’s caught their attention, Morrell approaches the three, lowering her voice to an urgent whisper.

Morrell: Listen closely, all of you. No Sheriff, Deputy or Detective is going to be able to find him.

Aria: You don’t have to ask us for help.

Morrell: Actually, I’m trying to help you. Because if you’re going to find my
brother then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural.

Scott: Who?

Morrell looks to aria for the answer.

Aria: Lydia.



In the empty classroom, Stiles opens a BOX on one of the tables in front of Cora, Aria and Lydia.

Peering inside, Lydia removes a PLANCHETTE from the box as Stiles unfolds a tell-tale board with letters and numbers on it.

Aria: A Ouija board?

Stiles: Also called a spirit board. And
it’s worth a shot.

Lydia: A shot in the dark.

Aria: yea and this will definitely not work, this is for age 8 and up, so it's ok for 8 year old to sumon demons but it's forbidden to drink until there 21

Stiles: Will you just try? This is for
Aria’s boss. The guy who’s saved our collective asses more than once.

He sets the planchette in the middle of the board.

Cora: All of us?

Stiles nods. They each gently place their fingers on the edge of the planchette.

Stiles: Ready? Okay... Where is Dr. Deaton?

They wait. Each of them peering down at the planchette, focusing on it. Lydia purses her lips, bored. Then notices
Aria, Cora and Stiles watching her.

Lydia: What?

Stiles: Answer it.

Lydia: I don’t know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit?

Cora: Do you know any spirits?

Lydia (to aria): Is she for real? (To cora) You know, this whole thing is just a product of the ideomotor response.

Cora: The what?

Aria: Your body can reflexively respond to an idea the same way your knee responds to the tap of a hammer.

Lydia: So yes, I could subconsciously answer the question. But it doesn’t mean I’m going to be right.

Cora (to Stiles): are they always like this?

Stiles: Unfortunately.

Aria stepped hard on stiles foot and after his hilarious reaction he decided to not insult his sister for now and moved on to somthing else.

Cora, Aria and Lydia watch Stiles pull out a SET OF KEYS.

Stiles: These are Deaton’s keys to the Clinic. Close your eyes. I’ll put them in your hand and you try to get a feel for his location. It’s called psychometry.

Lydia: I’m not psychic.

Stiles: You’re something. Try, okay?

Lydia closes her eyes and holds out her hand. Stiles places the keys in her palm.

Lydia: Ooh.

Stiles (excited): What?

Lydia: They’re cold.

Stiles: Lydia, concentrate. Trying to save lives here.

She closes her eyes again and wraps her fingers over the keys, brow furrowed in concentration.

Stiles: What do you see?

After a moment, she opens her eyes and shakes her head.

Lydia: Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Aria: and This is useless absolutely useless, we shouldn't be doing this, we should be out there trying to find deaton.

Stiles: just trust the process

Stiles holds up a simple NUMBER TWO PENCIL.

Lydia: Automatic writing?

Stiles nods. Skeptical, Lydia takes the pencil and presses the tip to a sheet of paper.

They peer over her shoulders, watching her draw.

Stiles: What the hell’s that?

Lydia: A tree.

She smiles down at a skillfully drawn leafless tree.

Stiles: You’re supposed to write words. Like a location. Something that would tell us where he is.

Lydia: Maybe you should have said that.

Cora: I thought this girl was some kind of genius?

Aria: Genius, yes. Psychic, no.

Lydia: Honestly, I don’t know why you’re bothering with me anyway. Especially when it’s completely obvious that you should be talking to Danny.

Stiles: Danny? Why Danny?

Aria: Because last night he was a

They turn to see Scott walking in, holding his shoulder.

Scott: But he wasn’t a sacrifice.


The BELL RINGS and students pour out of classrooms for the end of the day.

Normal teenagers rushing out, a contrast to Scott, Aria, Stiles, Cora and Lydia who hurry down the corridor
with far weightier concerns.

Cora: But isn’t Danny still at the hospital?

Stiles: Yeah, and that’s where we’re going.

Aria:  I’ll meet you there.

Scott: What? Why?

Aria holds up her phone. On the display is a text from Allison: I think I found something.



The door to Allison’s bedroom swings open and aria quickly follows her inside.

Allison: So I was looking through one of the drawers in his desk when I found this...

She holds up an object that looks like a small light stick. But then pauses, hearing a DOOR CLICK OPEN.

Allison: He wasn’t supposed to be back yet.

Aria: What do I do? Where do I go?

Grabbing him, she pulls aria back and into her closet.

Argent: Allison? You home?

In the darkness, she clicks on the object she found

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