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14 July, 2015

I am so sorry if you expect this to be an update but trust me, the next chapter is written and it will be up within the next day or so, it just has I go through extreme editing. I was really off my game today.

The previous chapter, the next one, and probably the one after that will be following Barry, so yes it will be repeating what was in the episode 1x16. But it is necessary for the story to continue.

I would just like to warn you all that I will be editing the chapters on this story for grammar and things auto correct didn't catch.

Also, I am going to be posting a song choice on each chapter. Most of them will be from the selection that has been featured on the Flash, some will be my own. Just to apologize if you get several notifications and think they are updates.

Have a great summer!

Xx Lillian

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