chapter eighteen ; the fallout
Pulling into where Caitlin directed, Natalie parked the van and Ronnie rushed to carry the Flash inside. Natalie unbuckled the seat but couldn't bring herself to move. Caitlin, noticing her apprehension, climbed towards the front and hesitantly grabbed Natalie's hand. When she didn't pull back, Caitlin spoke. "A lot has happened tonight. And I know you have a lot of questions, but you have a choice. What we do, what I'm involved in, it's dangerous. What happened at Jitters tonight, that's just a consequence of what we do here. What I do."
Natalie tore her gaze from the building to Caitlin, the tears welling up in her eyes. Tears of fear, confusion, hurt. She didn't know what to think and didn't fully understand what Caitlin was saying, but she didn't speak.
Caitlin looked at her for a moment before she continued, "If you don't go inside that building tonight, then we won't tell you. It'll keep you as safe as you can be. But there will be secrets between us. You and me and several other people. In the dark, you wouldn't be in the direct line of threat from..what's bad out there."
Natalie squeezed Caitlin's hand, considering the first part.
"If you do go inside, then we will tell you everything. Everything that has happened, what we do, and you can be a part of it. I'll make sure of it. But you would be in a lot of danger. In our work, our lives are in danger, almost everyday. It's a secretive life. But it's made my life fuller," Caitlin said, a pained smile spreading on her face.
"Cait? We need your help!" Ronnie yelled from the building entrance. Caitlin squeezed her hand and ran to Ronnie, looking back once she reached the door.
When Caitlin was gone, Natalie let everything out. Her body shaking as sobs rocked her body. All of the fear and confusion being released through her cries. She sat there considering what Caitlin said, wiping the tears the ran down her cheeks and sniffling. It was a huge decision.
If she didn't go, her life was as safe as it could be. But she would be blocked by secrets, distanced by whoever was involved in that building.
If she did go, she could be a part of something. She would know more and not be held back by lies. But she would be in danger.
The obvious choice was to leave. To leave and never come back. To stay safe. But Natalie didn't want to live in a life surrounded by lies. Natalie stepped out of the van, clutching the keys tightly in her hand and made her way to the door. Right before she pushed it, she hesitated. This was her last moment to turn back. Taking a deep breath, Natalie pushed open the door and stepped into the building of S.T.A.R. Labs. She had to keep remembering, that she knew walking out, she was probably going to be hurt today, but that she would be part of something bigger.
Natalie walked down the hall, following it whenever it curved, the long silver panels on each side making it feel never ending. She heard voices echoing down the hall and followed, but wasn't able to make them out until she got to a room. It looked like a makeshift hospital.
She saw the legs and body of the Flash, lying on the bed with a hundred spikes sticking out of him, like a porcupine. Caitlin, she assumed, standing by his side in a lab coat, plucking out the spikes and blocking his face. Ronnie by her side. The Flash grunting in pain as she pulled each one out. Cisco was on the opposite side of the bed and a man in a wheel chair, the man who must be the famous Dr. Wells, at the foot. Natalie walked in, her footsteps announcing her entrance.
Cisco looked up from the Flash his worried expression turning into shock. Dr. Wells followed his gaze, his emotionless expression forming into anger. Caitlin stopped and turned as well and gave a hesitant smile as Ronnie walked over and slipped his hand into Nat's, pulling her towards the bed.
"Caitlin, pay attention. His wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin," Dr. Wells warned, turning his attention back on the Flash. Ronnie and Natalie slowly walked over, Caitlin still in the way of The Flash's face as she plucked out the spikes and set them in the container Cisco was holding.
Cisco gagged slightly as the spikes hit the container, the blood staining the sides, "This is just like the time I stepped on a sea urchin. Only much worse."
Ronnie stepped back by Caitlin as Natalie walked by the foot of the bed, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes fell upon The Flash, her eyes slowly traveling up is body. The crimson red suit, the spikes covered in his blood, the way his chest heaved, and then he spoke.
"Yeah..just don't pee on me." Natalie's stomach flipped when she heard the voice. Her eyes flickered up to the faceless mask of The Flash. It was Barry. His face was contorted in pain as Caitlin pulled out each spike individually. He glanced over at Cisco and followed his gaze to Natalie, his face falling into a sad expression, broken only when Caitlin pulled out another spike. Natalie shook her head and made her way over by Cisco by Barry's head.
"Umm.. Is there anything I can help," Nat asked staring at Barry's body. His gaze focused solely on her, gasping in pain a Caitlin removed each spike. Cisco picked up another pair of tweezers, "No one else wanted to pluck them out."
Natalie nodded her head and held the tweezers in her hand, scanning over Barry's body before she went to pull a spike. Hesitating slightly as she squeezed it, Natalie yanked up, pulling the spike out as quickly as she could and dropped it in Cisco's container, wincing at Barry's pain.
"Nat..I wanted..I'm so sorry-" Barry tried to say, heaving in-between breaths. Natalie shushed him, "Later, okay?"
Barry nodded and tried to hold in his screams as Caitlin and Natalie each pulled out spikes, Caitlin quicker and more precise than Nat of course. Caitlin shook her head as she worked, "I'm so stupid. The grad student who was helping Professor Stein with his F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. research, he said that the army took all of Professor Stein's material when he disappeared. I should of known it was General Eiling."
"It's not your fault," Dr. Wells said as he watched the two girls work. "He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon. Both of you," he said as he looked at Ronnie.
"Okay," Barry said, straining under the pain, "Let's finish this. I gotta get to Stein's house. Eiling's gonna be after him too."
Ronnie looked like he sensed something and turned towards the entrance of the room, "Stein's fine. He's right there."
Standing in the doorway was an elderly man that Natalie had never met, "It seems Mr. Raymond and I aren't as..distinctive as we hoped."
Caitlin and Natalie finished up pulling the spikes out of Barry and cleaned up the blood that was left on the tools as Barry went to go change out of the suit. As Caitlin set up some equipment to test Ronnie and Professor Stein, Nat took a seat on a stool. She felt someone elbow her side and looked up to see Barry, "Is it later now?"
Barry led the way out of the testing room and into a hallway similar to the one she first came through. Turning around and scratching the back of his neck, Barry stood, watching Natalie, trying to read her thoughts. Natalie stood there, trying to wrap her head around everything.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Nat, but you have to understand that I couldn't. Not then. I was going to tell you soon, but not like this. I wanted to be the one to tell you, to bring you here. Not have you shot at and have to help patch me up," Barry started, shaking his head as he spoke.
Natalie took in a deep breath, "I can understand why you didn't tell me. You had to keep your..alias a secret. And I bet all of you wanted to protect your friends. It's just..I'm having trouble, coming to terms with it. It's..a shock. You have to understand that it's going to take sometime to get used to. In one night, my whole world seems to have changed, Barry."
Barry nodded his head, relief flooding through him that Natalie's state wasn't anger.
"So is this the emergency you seem to always go to? Iris said you had a lot of those."
Barry nodded his head and smirked.
Natalie cracked a small smile. "How did you" Nat asked as she gestured towards Barry's body.
"The night I was struck by lightning, the particle accelerator exploded. That's the reason a storm, and the lightening, was created. The explosion released..a lot of matter into the area and it changed people. We call them metahumans. They have powers, like me. I was in a coma for 9 months and I woke up, able to run at the speed of sound." Barry explained.
Natalie nodded her head, slowly taking in everything, "And I'm guessing not all of them help people. Like you."
"Yeah pretty much. We turned the particle accelerator into a makeshift prison for metahumans. Wanna see?" Barry said nonchalantly.
Barry's small smile fade when he saw the terrified look on Nat's face, "Maybe some other time.."
"And Ronnie? How is he alive?" Natalie asked, continuing to tick off her questions.
"That can be explained when we get back to the others. We're still working on how to fix their, his, problem," Barry said, nodding his head.
Barry looked at Natalie and dug his hands deep in his pockets, "Natalie, if this is too much, and you don't want to go out with me anymore..I'd understand. I think finding out your boyfriend of less than a day is The Flash would be a good enough reason."
Natalie looked up at Barry with a pained expression, "No it's not, Barry. Just because..I know about all of this know, it doesn't change who you are. You are still the Barry that made me like you."
Barry smiled and pulled Natalie into a hug, holding onto to her tightly as if letting her go would make her change her mind. Natalie pulled back and couldn't hold a straight face, "A good enough reason would be if you flaked out on the date you promised."
Barry couldn't help but laugh, "I made you a promise and I am going to keep it. How about bowling? I love bowling. And that way, you can also spend sometime with your brother before he leaves."
"Sounds perfect," Natalie said with a smile. Barry intertwined their hands and led them back to the room where Caitlin was explaining the results of the test to Ronnie and Stein. Apparently, their brain waves were in perfect sync. Cisco explained, to Natalie what exactly had happened with Ronnie and Stein, how they had merged as one during the explosion and were separated. In order to keep the ones they loved safe, Stein had to stay at S.T.A.R. Labs while Caitlin and Ronnie were to stay at Joe and Barry's.
As Caitlin drove the car to Natalie's to drop her off, Nat rested her head on Barry's shoulder. "You know, Cait, as weird as the situation is for me, it kind of reminds me of old times. The three of us in the car, driving after a long day, except this time Barry's here and nobody's talking."
Ronnie laughed, "I remember Caitlin driving us back from one of the fair's and I was sick to my stomach in the back seat because I entered a hotdog eating contest and you were upset because you had to sit beside me the entire ride."
"I remember that. I thought you were going to puke on me. So I kept giving you mint gum," Nat said, reminiscing.
Ronnie's laughter died out, "I miss that. But I'm glad you moved here, Nat. Now we can hang out more. Like old times, except things have changed, a lot."
When Caitlin pulled up to Nat's house, Barry walked her up to the front door. "Caitlin and Ronnie will be safe at my..Joe's place. They'll be safe. And we'll let you know if anything happens. You're apart of the team now so no more secrets."
Natalie nodded her head and attempted to stifle a yawn that escaped her lips. Barry laughed when he saw her face, "You tired?"
"Extremely. It's been a long night," Nat said as she nodded her head.
Barry pulled her into a hug and rested his head on the side of her head, "Goodnight, Nat."
"Goodnight, Barry. Keep 'em safe for me," Nat said as she pulled away. Barry smiled as he jogged down to the car. As Natalie started to unlock the door, a gust of wind blew her hair around her face. Pushing the strands behind her ears, Nat was turned and came face to face with Barry again. Smirking, he leaned in, bringing his lips to hers and kissing her softly.
Pulling away so that they're noses were touching, Barry looked at her, his vivid green eyes meeting her soft brown. "I forgot my goodnight kiss," he whispered before he sped towards the car.
When they pulled away, leaving Natalie alone in the night slipping into morning, Nat let out a long breath, "I am in so much trouble with this boy."
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