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chapter three ; central city police department


"The last stop is Central City's very own Police Department on this mini tour of ours," Iris said as she held open the doors for Natalie to the building.

"I care a lot about my safety and I respect these guys a lot, but why are we here?" Natalie mused as they headed towards the elevators.

Iris pushed the up button and waited for the ding announcing the elevator was on their floor, "Because, this is where all the interesting stories in Central City are solved."

As the girls rode the elevator up the building, Natalie couldn't help but notice Iris fixing her lipstick and checking her appearance in her compact. "Getting ready to see your detective of a boyfriend?" she asked with a smile. Iris laughed and shoved Natalie's shoulder in response to her tease as the doors opened to the new floor.

Natalie followed Iris' lead off of the elevators as they headed past the many bustling people in the lobby. Iris headed towards a blonde man with a bit of a scruff beard whose eyes lit up when he saw her. "Hey babe," he said as he wrapped his arms around Iris and planted a long kiss on her lips. Natalie stood to the side awkwardly, running her finger along the side of a mahogany desk.

"Natalie?" a voice called out, causing her to jump and turn around.

Her stomach flipped a little when she saw the owner of that voice, "Oh hey Barry. What are you doing here? You didn't get arrested on your way to work now?" she said in an attempt to be funny. Fortunately, it worked as Barry laughed and walked over to her.

"No I didn't get arrested. I uh, work here. I'm a Forensic Scientist," he said with a proud smile. "Anyways, what are you doing here? Maybe you were the one who got arrested," Barry asked, playing off of what she had previously said.

Natalie laughed and glanced at Iris and her boyfriend behind her, "Iris was giving me a tour of Central City. She may have taken a little...detour of sorts,"

Barry had a look of disgust as he watched the couple behind Natalie before shaking his head and smiling at her. "Well since Iris is...busy, how about I show you the rest of this place."

A smile spread on Natalie's face as she nodded her head yes and followed Barry around the floor.

"This is where emergency calls are made to. It doesn't seem like a very fun job." Barry pointed out as they passed a few rows of people answering phones and jotting notes.

Barry walked away from the calls and stretched his arm out motioning them to go another way, "This is Captain Singh's office. He can be...difficult. You wouldn't want to get on his-"


Barry tensed and spun around on his heels as Natalie slowly turned around as well, but not before giggling at the frustrated expression on Barry's face. "Captain Singh."

"What the hell are you doing, Allen? Aren't you supposed to be working with Detective Thawne on a case? This isn't the time for you to take your girlfriend on a date around the police department!" the captain yelled, waving his arms around and his face turning red from a lack of breathing.

"She's not my-"

"We're not-"

"This isn't a-"

Barry and Natalie both tried to stumble out the words that they were not together before the man motioned for them to stop talking.

"I don't care what the hell you were doing. Just get your ass back to work. Where is detective Thawne anyway? I swear we shouldn't hire anymore kids who aren't already married. Love's a distraction," Captain Singh said before slamming the door to his office shut behind him.

Barry let out a sigh of relief as an older man walked up to Barry chuckling and patted a hand on his back. "Thank you for that, Barry. It just made my day so much better."

"It's not funny, Joe"

"Ahh, yes kid it is. So who is this, not-your-girlfriend friend," Joe asked while gesturing to Natalie.

"I'm Natalie Reed. My cousin is Caitlin Snow, if you know her," she said, extending her hand yet again today.

He took it and shook it, "I'm detective Joe West. And I know your cousin Caitlin well. Remarkable young women she is."

"West? As in Iris West?" Natalie asked as he released her hand.

Joe laughed in shock, "So it seems you've already met my daughter. Hope she hasn't made a bad impression on you,"

Natalie laughed and shook her head, "No, she's actually very kind."

Joe smiled at the compliment of his daughter and grinned even wider, "Well I'd better get going. I'll see you at home Barry."

After Joe was out of sight, Natalie formed a smug look on her face and raised her eyebrow while turning to Barry, "So...you still live with your foster-dad?"

Barry laughed and scratched the back of his neck, "Hey, things have been a little...hectic this past year. Haven't had the time to move out."

Natalie nodded in understanding before Barry spoke up again. "Oh! I could also show you my own lab upstairs if you want to see-"

His offer was interrupted by his phone ringing, which he pulled out of his pocket with a groan.

Natalie stood patiently as Barry listened to the caller on the other side before telling them he was on his way.

"I'm sorry to have to leave you with Iris and..Eddie, but I really have to go. I'll see you around," Barry said as he walked backwards in a hurry towards the elevators.

Left alone, Natalie turned around to see Iris and Eddie, hand in hand, walking over to her.

"Where's Barry?" Iris asked as she looked around the station in search for her friend.

"He had to go. Thanks Iris for the tour but I should probably head home. It was nice meeting everyone," Natalie said as she waved goodbye to Iris and Eddie and took the elevators down to the main floor.

When Natalie finally arrived home after a long and very eventful day, she plopped down on the couch and fell asleep due to exhaustion. Her last conscious thoughts racing over every event through the day, memorizing names, personalities, but one thing lingered longer in her mind.


She still hadn't found out who or what he was and curiosity began to seep in. Before Natalie could take any action, she made a mental note to find out more about it in the future.


18 May, 2015

Okay so I know the first 3 chapters are kind of ehh but they are more like introducing Natalie to the tv show characters. There is hinting at the romance between Barry and Nattie and it will happen!!!! Please bare with me on how this story develops. It will follow a general plot line of the show but not exactly. You'll see what I mean.

Please spread this story around and also my Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fanfiction too!! I need all the advice I can get.

Love Lillian Carrol Xx

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