Only The Beginning

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Chapter 40


Without even thinking about it, Samantha found herself running towards Xavier who already had his arms opened out for her. As soon as her arms wrapped around his neck, she held onto him as if he would disappear again. Ignoring his cold ice skin. His body figure had change throughout the years Xavier was gone. His arms and shoulders were much more bulkier and seeing as how he was wearing a tight white muscle shirt, you could clearly see his abs right through it.

"I missed your hugs," he mumbled while holding her tighter. That he did. Not a day had gone by that Samantha had not crossed his mind. All he could think about was Samantha, wondering if she was even alive or not. He had nightmares that he imagined how Samantha's death was caused.

"I missed you," She whispered while closing her eyes tightly.

I miss our bed, Sia whined.

A cough caused the two to pull away from each other and to awkwardly have their arms by their side and no where near each other. On the other hand, Jacob was glaring daggers at Xavier not even noticing Samantha working towards him.

"Whose this?" Xavier asks tilting his at Jacob.

"I'm Samantha's boyfriend, and you are?"

The word boyfriend made Xavier cringe, finding it very hard to believe that Samantha - who he thought of as his little sister - lip locking it with another boy. Just the thought of it had him throwing up in his mind.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your ass right now?" Xavier asks while crossing his arms and staring at Jacob, almost in a challenging way.

"Because that would mean I'd have to kick your ass," Samantha scoffed at Xavier's cockiness.

"Hm, you two haven't-?" Xavier takes his eyes off of Jacob and is now looking at Samantha whose eyes had widened.

"No!" The two young couple shouted at the same time. Samantha found it very disturbing to see her and Jacob getting it on. Seeing as how they both been best friends since they were young. Although Jacob wouldn't mind doing the frickle-frackle with Samantha.

"Good. So that means your cherry hasn't popped."

"Oh my god," Samantha muttered while placing her hand on her forehead. What made this situation even worse was that Sia was laughing at Xavier's comment.

"My turn to talk" Samantha began, changing the subject to a whole new different level,"Mind telling me how you're alive? Because from what I remembered you had your neck snapped," she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

Sighing, he responded,"How about we go back to your place and discuss this."


"So you're a vampire?" Samantha asks once he got done talking. She would of caught the scent of a vampire from a mile or two away. Also, his eyes weren't a red or golden color like other vampires.

He nods his head,"I know it's confusing but I'm still the same old Xavier. Just with a few new adjustments."

"What are you doing here?" This is what she wanted an answer on. Out of all the places in the world he could have gone to, he just had to choose here.

"Word has gone around that their have been signs of a new hybrid."

As the words slipped out his mouth, Samantha froze in her spot. Was she really making herself obvious?

If word has gone around then that means Jeremiah- Sia was cut off when Samantha gasped at the mention of his name.

"Does he know? Does Jeremiah know?" Samantha asked Xavier who could hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Jacob to heard her heart race as he took that as his cue to grab her hand to calm her down.

Xavier shrugged his shoulder which caused Samantha to send him an annoyed look finding his small gesture not helping at all. "I'm not quite sure."

Well that helps a lot, Sia said sarcastically.

"Now would probably be a great time to show you this," Jacob began and pulled out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket.

I don't know whether or not he deserves a slap or a punch in the face. But then I look at his body and it just makes all my anger towards him vanish and turn into crazy hormones, Sia said making Samantha groan seeing that now is not the time for her remarks.

Samantha took the paper away from him and opened it.

Get ready for what's to come.

~ J


As soon as Samantha opened her bedroom door, she immediately ran to where her desk was at and grabbed every single note. Once she had all of them opened she began to scan through them.

He's coming for you
~ A

We're all coming for you
~ A

I'm coming for you
~ J

I'm going to make your life a living hell
~ J

There was only three people that Samantha knew that started with an A. That was either Aro, Alec or - Samantha was cut off from her thoughts when Sia growled.

Andrea, Sia snarled.


"Are you positive that they have been writing the notes?" Dylan asks Samantha as he explained to both her and her brothers pack - that showed up not too long ago - about who she assumed was writing these notes to her.

Samantha nods her head,"I'm one hundred percent sure they're the ones that are writing them."

Arms crossed, Derek spoke,"How do you know it's not Aro that's witting it."

"Because both me and Andrea never got along. Plus she's the only one who isn't scared of Jeremiah seeing as how she's his daughter," Samantha stated.

"If word is going around saying that a hybrid - Samantha - is alive then you will be needing someone by your side at all times," Dylan suggested. Over the year he's known Samantha, he's grown fond of her and saw herself as his own little sister in a way.

"You guys don't have to-" she began to protest at his suggestion. It was bad enough that Dylan had the guys patrolling at night and morning because of her.

Derek shook his head,"Nonsense. Samantha you're part of our family. We protect our own no matter what."

A smile formed it's way into Samantha's face as Derek mentioned her as his family instead of his ex. "I'm thankful for that but I can clearly see that you guys need your rest. Will discuss this after you all have enough sleep. Until then, this conversation is over." At her sudden order, her pack grumbled and began to walk upstairs to go their bedrooms to take a nap that they all needed badly. As for her brother as well as his pack, they all helped themselves to the food that was in her refrigerator.

Once everyone went their separate ways, Samantha signed and slumped down on the couch. Jacob - who was the only one who didn't leave her - followed her actions and rested his arm around her shoulder and started to play with her hair. Loving the small attention Jacob gave her, she rested her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes.

"You look like you need the rest," Jacob mocked her which brought a smile to her face.

"I do but I can't sleep knowing that the two people I hate with a passion are trying to look for me." All of this just made Samantha stress out. On top of all that, Samantha still had tons of homework to do as well as to study for upcoming tests that were going to occur this week coming up. She still wanted to graduate as she promised to her parents. Another, on top of all that, their was the whole Bella and Edward situation but thankfully Samantha could simply ignore it seeing as how it was none of her business.

"Carry me to my room," she grumbled against his shoulder. If she wasn't so stressed out then she could simply walk herself up the stairs to her room but her laziness got the best of her.

Laughing, he got up from the couch and scooped her into his arms and carried her bridal style. As he was walking to where her room was at, Samantha snuggled closer to him loving how warm he felt. Times like this is what Samantha loved the most. Despite all the chaos that's been going on around them she cherished every single moment she'd have with Jacob.

Once they got to her room and were laying down in her bed. Samantha grabbed her controller to watch a movie on tv. As the movie began playing, Jacob would glance at Samantha now and then only to have a smile on his face. He found it adorable to see her so into the movie.

"You're staring," Samantha said, her eyes still on the movie.

"Can't help it. You're just so gorgeous," at that he grabbed her waist and pulled her back down so that now she was laying down while he hovered we. He began to plant kisses all over her face. Samantha couldn't help but giggle at his actions. Once he was done, Samantha let out a breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a loss of her own. The kiss was short and simple but it still held so much passion.

Jacob now laid on his back, his arm around Samantha's waist as Samantha was snuggled up to him. The two watched the movie while eating their popcorn that Jacob made for them. Samantha new that this was too good too last. Thinking back to the note she received from Jeremiah.

She could feel something bad was coming their way.


And that is a wrap up for New Moon and onto Eclipse *wink*wink* a lot of shit is going down in Eclipse just a heads up for you all. Round of applause for me putting up like 1974919 chapters today lol thank you all for the comments and votes you left on this book so far xx

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