Nothing But Reunions

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Samantha kept on blinking, thinking that this is not happening right now. That someone must of drugged her or something.

Is this a dream? I have to be dreaming, She thought to herself.

As for the person that was standing on her porch, he kept on staring at her in shock. He too that he was dreaming or that someone knocks him in the head pretty well. Without rethinking his actions, he pulled the teenage girl into a bone crushing hug that she was all too familiar with.

This was the hug she craved that same night with what happened with her parents. This is what she had missed after all those eight years of being away from home. She still got the same familiar warmth comforting feeling.

He had miss this. After eight years of being alone without his family, this was the feeling he had been waiting for. He craved the feeling of warmth and love for so long. For eight years he had been alone, no parents, no sister. For eight years, he has never felt so alive until mow. She had come back.

His little sister was back home.

After a few minutes of hugging but it felt like hours to them, the two had pulled away from each other. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," her brother whispered as he pulled her in another hug.

"You're never leaving my side again do you understand missy?" He asked sternly as he released her.

"Yes dad," she scoffed. Her eyes glanced at her brothers image. He had grown a lot over the years. Instead of his soft boyish face it was replaced by a muscling grown man face. "Puberty did you good brother."

"Really? After eight years of not seeing each other that's the first thing you say?" He asked her a bit taken back. He thought that she would be crying or saying how badly she had missed him.

"Well yeah. You're not the same boy as I remembered from the last time I saw you. You should take what I said as a compliment," she suggested as she crossed her arms.

"Samantha do you not know how worried I have been for the last eight years? Do you not know how everyone has been searching for you for months? Do you not know that Jacob had stopped talking for a month and wouldn't eat properly?" She shut her eyes at the mention of her best friend.

"Did you not think about how I would feel? I had lost not just you but our parents Samantha!" His sudden change in tone caused her to flinch.


"Stop hurting her!"

The man in the black coat ignored the teenage boy, who was trying to fight the four body guards that were holding him back. He tried to fight free from their holds but the more he fought the more held him back.

"Aro!" The boy called out.

In a matter of seconds, Aro was standing next to one of the guards who held the boy. "Let him go," he commanded the guards. They released the boy but was soon held back by Aro as he tried to walk to where the bruised up young girl was at.

"Don't go near her."

The boy was about to protest but was soon cut off when one of Aro's men, Demetri, slapped him across his face. The young girl saw the small action which caused a growl to erupt from her mouth. At her sudden growl, they all turned their heads towards her direction.

"Don't touch him," she growled again but soon turned into a whimper when she felt the familiar pain that was beginning to form on her back.

"That's enough Caius."

Aro kneeled down in front of the girl and raised her head up but aw quickly moved her head from his cold touch. "Take her to the other room."

Her eyes widened as her eyes looked to were the boy was at and begged for his help but she saw the four guards that had once held the boy, head towards her. As soon as one had touched her amor she began to fight them but failed when she felt pain struck her lower back. Her eyes glanced to where Alec and Felix were at only to see them have their heads turned away form her. As for the boy, he now had six new guards taking him away from her.

The four guards that held the young girl were now dragging her to the room Aro instructs them to take her. She new it was useless to fight back at this point when she knew they would make things ten times worse for her once they had her in the room.

They sat her down on the cold metal chair as one of the four had grabbed the chains that were scattered all around the floor and chained both her wrists and ankles tightly. One guard had shut the door and all of them stood in front of her. "How should we do this?"

"Surprise me."


Once her brother saw the way she flinched at his tone he calmed himself not wanting to do something he would regret. "Sammy-" he began but was cut off when he felt his sisters arms wrapped around his waist as she gave him her own bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry," was all that she could manage to say through her overwhelming feelings she was receiving. She didn't mean for anyone to worry about her. She didn't mean for her best friend to starve himself and become a mute.

She didn't mean for any of this.

Soon enough, she felt her brother respond to her hug but this hug was different than the other. This one she could tell that he was afraid. He was afraid that she was going to leave him again. Afraid that if he lets her go that he'll wake up in his bed and all of this would just be a dream to him.

After their little sibling moment was over the two decided to talk and catch up on things they had missed out in each other's lives. From what her brother had told her, he was engaged to a girl named Emily who sounded very lovely as he described her. Samantha was happy that her brother was living his life.

As they talked, a howl broke out which caused the two to stop their conversation and look through the window that was in the living room. Samantha knew it wasn't neither of the guys but she did grow curious wondering who that could be. As for her brother, he knew who it was.

"I-I have to go." Before she could say anything to her brother he was already running out the front door leaving her curious even more. Her eyes had widened when she noticed that the guys haven't come back yet. Heading out to the front door as well, she walked out towards the street and looked around for any sign of the guys but to no avail she saw nothing.

Right when she was about to go back inside, the sound of rustling noises had her ears perk up. Being the who she is, she began to walk towards the woods hoping that it was the guys and not some rapist even though she could handle one. Once she had gotten deeper into the woods, the sound of numerous groans had her waking even faster then before. She let out a gasp when she saw Derek, Steve, Tyler, Frankie and Dylan all laying down on the ground, groaning in pain.

She began to run towards them but stopped when she felt a breeze run by her. The sweet strong scent had sent her in full alert. Suddenly, she felt herself being airborne before feeling the rough tree form slamming into her backside causing her to slide down onto the ground. Pain shot threw her back but she quickly ignored it and immediately got to her feet and saw the person who had pushed her.


Before she could say anything he vanished. She fluttered her eyes hoping that she was just hallucinating. After she brought herself back to reality, she went over to the guys and helped them all up to their feet.

Steve spoke,"It happened at the grocery store. Frankie said he smelled something disgusting and we had to see what it was. We all went around the store and saw some guy with a hoodie on, probably trying to cover his eyes. You saw his eyes right?" All Samantha did was nod her head and urge him to continue on.

"He saw us looking at him which made him walk out of the store. When we got outside, he was gone. We went back inside the store to get the groceries then once we were done we went out to the woods and started to track him-" Dylan continued for Steve.

"We caught his scent around your house but it turned to a different direction. For some odd reason his scent his scent got cut off so we just stood their in the middle of the woods trying to did another trial. Then out of basically nowhere he came up from behind us. I don't know we just felt this awful pain throughout our bodies."

"I'll see what I can do. For now just act like nothing happened. Give me your keys so I can go and get wherever you left your car." Frankie handed her the keys while going her a sympathetic smile which she returned. As they all headed inside the house she was left all alone outside. Some many questions ran through her head but only one caught her attention.

What do they want with me now?


Let the action/drama or whatever the hell you wanna call it begins! Next chapter she will be reunited with somebody which I'm freaking excited about! But hope you all like the chapter xx

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