Disclaimer :
I do not own any of Stephanie Meyers characters or plot ! I only own mine and any plot that has to deal with any of my characters.
Enjoy <3
Chapter 1
Eight years had passed since she hasn't been home.
Eight years had passed since she hasn't seen her brother.
Eight years had passed since her parents died.
The wind from the autumn season entered the cracked open window. Samantha laid in her bed fast asleep with her teddy bear that her father had gifted her for her fourth birthday. Her unconquered brown waves that she inherited from her mother sprang across her pillow.
A scream is what brought the young girl back to reality. She rubbed her eyes while a yawn managed to creep it's way out of her mouth. Quietly, she made her way towards her bedroom door. Once she had gotten to where she needed to be, she carefully poked her head out and her once tired look was now replaced to a fearful one as she saw her parents on their knees with a figure hovering them from behind. The muffle cries of her mother had almost made Samantha move from her spot to comfort her mother but she stopped herself from doing so.
"Where is she?" The figure commanded to Samantha's parents.
"P-please don't hurt her," her mother pleaded to the man.
"If you don't tell me where she is then I will. Now where is she?" The man asked again. A shiver went down the girls spine when she recognized the mans voice.
He was once a very good friend of her fathers until one day something had happened between the two and they no longer spoke to one another.
"Fine then," they said causing Samantha to look away when she saw him pull a knife and yank her mother towards him.
"No!" She heard her father shout but it was too late. The knife that Jeremiah held was now plunged deep into her mother's heart.
Samantha looked and the young Uley's eyes widened at the horrifying sight that she was witnessing. She saw her father make his way towards her mother, placing her on his lap as he caressed her face lovingly. Tears streamed down his eyes as he saw he held his lifeless mate in his arms.
"Please come back to me," her father cried out and placed his head on top of hers while planting a kiss on her mothers forehead.
Before he could say another word to his mate, Jeremiah wrapped his hands around her fathers head and twisted it. Her fathers body fell to the side and laid there lifelessly.
Samantha's eyes widened in terror and without a word she bolted back upstairs to her room and closed her door shut, not caring that there was a murderer downstairs. She slid her closest door open and began to quickly move the pile of blankets that were blocking the secret door that only she could fit in.
Once she had managed to remove all the blankets and open the door, she crawled inside. She stuck out an arm to pull the blankets back in front of the small door hoping that it would cover her spot. She closed the door and looked through the small crack that was on the side of the door.
"Come out come out wherever you are." She heard her bedroom door open which caused her to look away from the crack and back up against the wall.
"I want to see my favorite Uley. Come on Sammy," he said. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Listen here you little mutt. I am not going to tell you again. Come out now," his voice all of sudden changed causing the girl to wrap her arms around her legs that were against her chest. The sound of nails sliding across her closet door made her cringe. Her heart stopped when she heard her closet door slide open.
She let out a sigh of relief once she heard her closet door slide close as well as her bedroom door. "She's not here. When I got to her room the scent was fresh but it was as if it disappeared. I'm heading out to the woods to see if I could find her. I'll call you later." He hung up on the phone with whoever he was talking to them the sound of the young girls front door slammed shut.
She tried to open the door but remembered that she had the blankets covering it. She placed her feet against the door and began to kick it which sent the blankets to tumble away from the door. She crawled out of her hiding spot then began to run down the stairs and head towards where her parents were at.
She kneeled down in front of them and pulled the knife, that was stuck in her mothers heart, out. She placed her hand on top of her fathers to find it very cold.
"Mom, come on get up," she began to shake her mothers shoulders hoping to get some sort of response but simply got nothing.
"Come on wake up," she pleaded.
"Daddy? Wake mommy up. She always listens to you," she now began to shake her fathers shoulders and just like her mother, she got no response from him either.
She didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to tell herself that her parents were no longer alive. She didn't want them to leave both her and her brother all alone. Without saying a word, she laid her head to where her fathers heart was at and heard nothing.
"P-please wake up," she cried out. Her head was throbbing from pain. Her heart was aching from loss. Her fingers trembled in fear. Her body froze in shock.
Her eyes raked down at her mothers condition. Her eyes that were once filled with joy were replaced with fear. Her smile that once brightened everyone's day was now formed in a thin line. Her once native tanned skin was now replaced with paleness. As for her father, his wet tears that were once streaming down his face were now dried as well as the blood that was once coming out of both his nose and mouth. His warm russet skin was now replaced with a cold rough solid feeling.
It was as if the young girls world was completely tumbling down and shattering into a million pieces. How was she suppose to go on without her parents by her side. How was she suppose to cope with these awful painful feelings that were now wandering around her body. It was as if someone had plunged a knife through her heart. The pain and loss she was feeling was unbearable. She wanted it to stop. She wanted someone to come out as tell her that her parents aren't dead.
That they're just sleeping.
A pair of hands wrapped around the young girls mouth causing her to scream but it came out as a muffle. "Tsk tsk, not a very smart idea Sammy." Tears streamed down her face as she came to realize that this was it. She was going to die without saying a goodbye to her brother, her best friend, to everyone that she loved and cared for.
"Your father took everything away from me Samantha. Your father didn't deserve to live." As those last words escaped his lips, something inside her snapped. She bit down on his hand causing Jeremiah to release her.
"You little bi-" She cut him off when she grabbed the knife, that was once inside her mothers heart, and plunged it straight into his left eye.
As Jeremiah screamed in pain, Samantha took that as her opportunity and began to run towards the woods. She never turned around to check if Jeremiah was behind her, she kept on running. She wanted to scream out for help but it was useless. Nobody couldn't help her. Nobody could help the pain that was inside of her to stop. Nobody could bring her parents back. She came to a halt and leaned her back against a tree.
Right then and there she lost it.
Tears ran down her face and it felt like she couldn't breathe. The lifeless face of her parents haunted her mind. No matter how many times she blinked she couldn't get rid of the horrifying image. Her heart contracted in agony at the fact that she won't be able to see her parents smile or show any other emotions. Her heart broke when she saw them lying on the floor lifeless. Now the idea of them not being there for her anymore was terrifying and just made her heart break into even more tiny shattered pieces.
Hope you enjoyed it. I'm actually proud of myself on how this chapter turned out. For those of you who are not new to the book, hope you guys like this version better. As for the ones that are new, hope you guys like it xx
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