First Time We Met

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The young girl sat on the living room floor while she played with her barbie dolls that her father had given her for her birthday while her brother watched his cartoon shows. As for her parents, both of them were in the kitchen doing different things. Her mother was making breakfast while her father was on the phone with somebody. A few minutes later he ended the call and then hollered for both Samantha and her brother.

Setting her doll aside, the two Uley siblings began to walk towards the kitchen. Once they say done on of of the chairs that surrounded table, the young girl looked up and saw her mother smiling at her. Seeing her mother smile she could feel a smile of her own blossoming onto her face in response to her mothers. Her mothers smile was the kind of smile that would brighten you if you were having a terrible or upsetting day.

"Sam, Sammy, your dad was on the phone with a friend of his-" her mother started to say before her father intervened and finished it for her. "You guys remember Billy right?" Both Uley's nodded their heads at their fathers question. It had been awhile since the two have seen Billy Black. All she could remember was that he was married and had two daughters as well as a son.

"Well he invited us to his house for dinner tonight. Will be leaving around seven." Both Samantha and Samuel nodded their heads once more then went back to what they were doing before.


Samantha sat down on her parents bed, as she watched her mother getting ready. She saw her mother rushing on getting herself ready seeing as how she only had thirty minutes left. She couldn't help but admire her mothers figure. Her mothers brown curls that would slightly bounce when she would move around. Her pink luscious lips that didn't need no lip gloss or any makeup product to make them look attractive. Her brown hazel eyes that made Samantha's father fall in love with her. Her curves which made it seem like she had gotten her butt done but she didn't. Her breasts were on the B size which wasn't all that bad. In other words, her mothers body was to die for.


Getting out of the car, the Uley's all began to walk towards a small red house. Samantha grabbed her brothers hand for comfort when she saw her father dad knock on the door. A man who looked to be in his late thirties answered the door. The man had the same skin tone as Samantha's father. Instead of short brown hair like her fathers, the man had long black hair. Aside from the same skin color, they both had the same eye color.

The man greeted both her parents then glanced down at both her and Sam. Over the time the man hasn't seen them, he could tell they both have grown up. "Look at you two. You've guys grown since the last time I've seen you. I'm Billy if you don't remember my name."

"Hello. Sorry for my sister she's kind of shy at first," said Samuel as he nodded his head towards Samantha who was now standing behind her mothers leg. Billy smiled at Samuels manners then reached out his hand to shake his hand.

Then Billy turned his head towards where Samantha was and reached out a hand for her to shake as well but do to her timid-ness, she hid behind her mother more. Suddenly, a beautiful women who looked to be in her late twenties appeared besides Billy's side. She had short brown hair as well as light brown eyes with her russet skin she looked absolutely flawless.

She must be Billy's wife, Samantha thought to herself.

She greeted both my parents and brother and was about to do the same to Samantha but she must of noticed her shyness. All she did was offer her a kind welcoming smile which Samantha kindly returned. They stepped to the side as they gestured us to come inside. The house smelled like chicken mixed with apple pie which was a weird combination but it still sent a mouthwatering feeling to Samantha. Two girls, who looked like they were the same age as my brother, popped out from a room. Beside them, stood a boy who seemed to be around Samantha's age. The three began to introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca." Next was the girl who's good beside Rebecca. "Hi, I'm Rachel." The two resembled a lot like their mother. They both had her eyes, hair even the same same skin tone but theres was slightly lighter than their mothers.

"I'm Jacob," he said shyly then walked to where his mother was at and stood behind her. The young boy caught Samantha's eyes. Something about him was sending her on edge. It wasn't a bad feeling it was actually a good feeling but she couldn't quite put her mind to it. Just by looking at him she could tell he inherited more from his father than his mother.

"Why don't you kids go on and play?" Samantha's mother suggested ushering her kids towards Billy's children. While Samantha went to with Rachel, Rebecca went to go help her mom. As for Sam hanging out with girls didn't suit him much so he went on with Jacob to his room despite the age difference. While Samantha entered Rachel's room she noticed that it was pink.

"You guys must really love pink," Samantha told her as she sat down on one of the girls beds. The only thing that wasn't pink was their wardrobes, closet door, and window.

"We're girls. We're suppose to like the color pink," Rachel retorted with a sassy tone.

Well someone's sassy today, Samantha thought.

"I like the color teal not pink," Samantha muttered as she played with her fingers.

"Do you have anything to play with in your room?" She asked as she saw Rachel turn on her pink tv as well as grab her pink remote and laid down next to Samantha on her stomach. All Rachel did was shake her head then continued on watching her tv show.

Deciding that being with Rachel didn't seem as much fun anymore, Samantha exited the pink room and went to go see what Sam and Jacob were doing. As she got there, Sam was laying down doing the same thing Rachel was doing which was watch tv while Jacob was on the ground coloring in his coloring book. Samantha rolled her eyes at her brother than walked over to where Jacob was at.

"Can I play?" She asked shyly which caused Jacob to take his eyes off from his coloring book and look up at her.

Jacob's eyes widened a bit when he saw that a girl was talking to him. He shook his head slightly when he realized that he was staring at her. "Sure," he finally spoke with a smile on his face.

It was that one word that had started a friendship that know one knew would turn into something more.

Flashback Over


Just another filler chapter which once again I am proud of how the ending turned out lol

Let's start a lyric chain :

"I thought that I've been hurt before but no one's ever left me quite this sore"

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