He couldn't believe it.
He couldn't believe that he saw her. He couldn't believe that he hugged her. He couldn't believe he saw the smile that made his heart beat swell with joy. He couldn't believe that he saw her beautiful brown eyes that he fell deeply in love with. He couldn't believe that he had heard her voice, the voice he had missed for years.
Jacob Black couldn't believe it.
It was as if his whole world was fully completed now. It was as if the smile on his face would never fade away as well as the tune he was whistling as he walked to where the kitchen was at. The look his father had given him once he had made his way to the kitchen was simply ignored.
Before his father could say anything, Jacob had spoken up but not to him directly, to himself,"I can't believe it."
His father listened closely as words kept on escaping his sons mouth.
"She came back."
Billy's ears had perked up once the three words came out. His thoughts were filled with nothing but questions.
He wondered who was back.
Who was the she his son was talking about?
Where did they come from?
"I can't believe Samantha's back."
The sound of glass breaking as well as shouting caused the teenage girl to sit straight up from her bed and have her throw her sheet covers off of her. Once her feet had touched her carpet floor, she sprinted down the stairs and head to where the noises were coming from.
Her eyes had widened as she saw the monstrosity disaster that had surfaced her once clean kitchen. A gasp escaped her lips as she saw a bloody Derek grab a hold of a very bruised up Tyler's neck and shove him against a wall and began to tighten his grip around Tyler's neck.
Where the hell is everyone? She thought.
She ran towards the two wild animals and had yank Derek off of Tyler who had slide down from the wall and was grasping for air. Samantha did her best to clam him done but it wasn't working. The beast inside of him wanted to come out and show Derek who he was messing with. He wanted to give Derek a beating of his own.
Samantha saw the red marks on Tyler's neck as well as his busted up nose which she would probably have to crack it back into a place. She turned around and saw Derek glaring daggers at Tyler who just simply chuckled.
Anger began to rush through Samantha's body.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" She yelled at Derek who was surprised at her sudden outburst as well as the others as they all came in from the back door and had shocked expressions as they saw the destruction in the kitchen.
"Sam-" Derek began but was cut off from a pissed off Samantha.
"No! Care to tell me why you decided to trash my kitchen?" She asked as she tried to calm herself down, not wanting to do something she might regret.
Tyler spoke up from behind her,"I was going to pull a prank on you when you were sleeping but Derek said no that I shouldn't. So, I told him why not, it wasn't anything bad but him being over protected when it comes to you said no but with a bit of command in his voice and you know me, I don't like it when people command me. So I might of said some things and they might of pissed him off."
Once Tyler was done talking, she glanced at Derek who had his head done which caused a sigh to escape her mouth looked at Derek who had his head down. "You guys get out of the house except for you Derek," she told the but they began protest about it but luckily Steve had dragged them out. Once they all had left, leaving the two alone, Samantha walked up to Derek and lifted his head up. His eyes were filled with nothing but guilt, regret and sadness.
"Derek," she breathed out.
As his name escaped her lips he couldn't help but stare at them. He would do anything to feel her plump pink lips against his once more. To have her back in his arms. To hear her laugh. To see her brown eyes that he loved stare into his own eyes and see the love he saw when they were together. To see her smile the way she use to at him.
"Derek," she called him but it was as if he was in a different world. All he could think about was why.
Why did I have to screw everything up? He thought to himself.
Without rethinking his actions, he brought his hand up and began to caress her cheek, loving how soft she felt against her touch. Before he could take a minute and think about it, he placed one of his hands on her back while the other was on the back of her neck.
"Der-" Samantha was cut off when she felt his lips slam into hers.
Once his lips were on hers it caused her to gasp but not in enjoyment but in shock. She placed both of her hands on his chest which he thought she was giving in but soon enough she began to push herself away from his but he held her tight.
"Derek stop," she begged but soon shut her mouth when she felt his tongue glide at the bottom of her lip which sent a shiver down her spine.
Not only was this awkward for her but the fact that she still hasn't brushed her teeth had her wanting to puke.
Derek's hand that was once placed in her back had slide down and squeezed Samantha's bum which caused her to gasp.
Not a very good idea Sammy, Sia said in disgust.
He took the opportunity and basically shoved his tongue in her mouth. Not being able to take this any longer, she grabbed the back of hair and yanked his head back which cause him to pull away
"If you think I regret what I did than you're wrong because I don't." He added on,"Sammy can't you see. I still love you."
She sighed as she placed her hand on top of her head,"I thought you understood. I don't feel that way for you anymore."
"I don't believe you. I know you still love me. Look I know what I did was stupid but please just give me another chance." He pleaded.
"Derek just stop." She wanted them to just be friends. She wanted all of this to be over. She wanted to start all over.
"No! I'm not going to stop! I know you feel the same way you just won't admit it!" He grabbed a hold of her arms and tightened his grip on them.
"Derek y-you're hurting him," she whimpered as she felt the familiar pain forming on her arms.
"Listen to me Samantha," he ignored the pain look she was giving him.
"Let me go!" She snapped as she pushed him off of her.
"Listen to me! We are over Derek! Can't you see it? I moved on Derek!" As the words escaped her, she immediately regretted it as she saw the pain expression on his face.
"It's time for you to do the same," she muttered as she walked out of the kitchen leaving him alone with his thoughts.
"No," Samantha heard him say which caused her to stop on her tracks and turn around.
"I'm not giving up on us. I know we can make it work. I know-" He stopped when he saw Samantha shake her head.
"It's over Derek. Grow up and move on."
Hey would you look at that another filler chapter! Sorry for the late updating, finals are this week coming up and I have been busting my ass on the studying. Sorry if my writing in the end got sloppy. But hopefully the chapter was ok. Yes y'all ... Beau Mirchoff plays Derek *you're welcome* xx
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