Chapter 1

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I wake up slowly. It's Monday, I hate Mondays. I roll over and shut off my alarm. I slowly get out of bed, and head to the bathroom to have a shower. Once done my shower, I pack my schoolbag and head to hell.

My walk to school wasn't bad. It was cold being fall, and I didn't remember gloves. I walk into the school taking a deep breath. I head to my locker and put my jacket in it. I head over to my first-period class.

My head is down. I'm writing in my notebook, like always. Lots of kids filter into class. The class is a breeze, it's English my favourite class. Once the class is over, I walk through the lobby to get to my second-period class. 

That's when I hear a bang. It's so loud, I turn and look at the doors to see that they are in fact gone. I try to head off back the way I came, but another explosion goes off, sending me flying. I scream in pain as shards of glass dig into my skin. I see someone head towards me, a figure I do not recognize. The figure bends down and looks at me. I am barely awake, I'm losing so much blood. The figure stands back up. The last thing I hear before the world goes black is:

"She's the one."

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