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Episode 5 ~ Moo Shu to Go

★ ★ ★

Jason rushes around the institute trying to find his sister. He checks her room, Izzy's room and even Alec's room but she wasn't there. He then goes to the training room and sees Izzy and Alec watching Alisha hit a punching bad. The two experienced shadowhunters watch impressed. Jason strides over and grabs Alishas arm causing her to elbow him in the face, thinking it was an attacker.

"Ow! What the hell?!" He shouts at her sister who has a guilty expression.

"Oh my god J I'm so sorry, are you alright?" She asks and he nods.

"Look we need to go." He says and Alisha frowns.

"Why?" Alec asks just before Alisha could.

"Nothing, we just need to go." Jason says sternly and grabs his sisters arm.

"Jason." She says, worried as to why he's acting weird. He strides towards the exit until Alisha stops him. "Tell me what's going on." She sees Alec and Izzy watching from afar.

"Theo called, we need to go." Jason says and walks out on his own, knowing his sister will follow. She looks back at Alec and Izzy, giving them an apologetic smile and runs after her brother.

"What just happened?" Izzy asks and Alec shrugs.

"I have no idea." He responds and turns to his sister. She studies the worried look on his face.

"She'll be okay, she's with her brother and we know he would die before he let anything bad happen to her." She says and Alec sighs.

"Right, I'm going to find Jace." Alec says and walks off to his parabatai's room.

Alisha walks into Jade Wolf with her brother. They meet up with Gretel and their brother and sits opposite them. The hybrid hugs her old friend as they smile at each other. She kisses her younger brothers cheek. Isaac rests his arm across Gretel shoulders. Alisha turns to her alpha, Theo, and nods her head at him. The two never got along, she always got a bad feeling from him. But at the end of the day, he was her alpha and she could never disobey him without putting her brother or friends in danger. Theo nods back at the girl just as a wolf walks in. Nobody seems to be paying any attention to it. The wolf walks up to Theo after taking a glance at Alisha, Isaac and Jason.

"You're late. Beer." Theo states. The wolf walks into the kitchen and changes into a human. "You know the difference between the Circle and the Clave? I don't. They all look the same to me." The wolf from before in his human form walks out and Alisha sees it's Alaric. She smiles at the man slightly and he smiles back. He used to look after Alisha, Isaac and Jason when they were younger. He taught the three how to fight, control their wolf sides and how to act around other werewolves. Alaric gives Theo a beer. "Shadowhunters think they're better than us." He stands up and talks to the rest of his back. "They're the ones killing each other over petty disagreements. Is that who you trust with the Mortal Cup? They expect us to obey order they don't follow themselves. I'm sick of it. Yeah, maybe we don't have angel blood. We got each other. We're a family. A pack. We're stronger than they'll ever be. I say, we take the Cup for ourselves." Alaric hands Theo a photo of Clary causing the Lovota's to look at each other. "This girl knows where the Cup is. Find her. Bring her to me." The werewolves walk out and Alisha takes out her phone, calling Alec.

"Alisha? Nows not really a good time." He says but Alisha doesn't listen.

"Do not take your eyes off of Clary." She says as she walks away from Jade Wolf with her brother. Jason and Isaac try to track Clary with their werewolf senses.

"It's kind of hard when she runs out." He says and Alisha groans. "Why, what's wrong?"

"She's got the whole of the New York pack after her." She hears Alec sigh through the phone.

"Alisha! Got her!" Jason shouts and Alisha nods.

"Look, Alec, I have to go but I trust you okay. Don't let them get her." She ends the call and turns back to her brothers who are trying to start a motorbike. She rolls her eyes and walks over. Jason luckily starts the motorbike and goes to starts Isaacs. Once they're started, Isaac gets on his while Alisha gets on her older brothers.

"Just like old times." Isaac says and Alisha smiles getting onto the back of Jason's bike, wrapping her arms around him.

"Just like old times." She sighs and Jason drives off towards Clary, Isaac on their tail.

Alisha, Isaac and Jason stop their motorbikes in an alleyway beside the Brooklyn Acadamy of Arts. The three rush over to the Shadowhunters they heard just as they got there. They see Izzy walk towards Jace and Alec who were trying to track Clary.

"Just like I thought. She wasn't arrested." Izzy says.

"What the hell happened?" Alisha says, announcing their presence. Jason and Isaac look around whilst Alisha glares at the Shadowhunters.

"Two people kidnapped Clary and Simon." Isabelle says and Alisha looks at her brothers.

"It was your job to look after her." Jace shouts at Alec, stepping forwards.

"I did my best, Jace." Alec states.

"Well, then maybe your mother was right, and your best just isn't good enough." He spits making the girls object.


"Hey! Are you so blinded by your feelings for Clary, you've lost sight of us? Clary snuck out. I went after her... to protect her. I did nothing you haven't done a thousand times before." Alec says.

"Yes, you did. You lost her." Jace comments and steps back slightly.

"Enough, both of you." Isabelle states and Alisha and Isaac walk off.

"Where are you two going?" Jace asks the girl. They turn around.

"Probably to get myself killed, who knows?" The others look alarmed and she turns to Jason. "You know where we're going, make sure they come as well." Jason nods and Alisha and Isaac get back onto a bike, driving off.

Once Alisha and Isaac get to Jade Wolf, she struts in and sees Theo stab a fork into the table. She sees Simon and Clary handcuffed sitting opposite Alaric and Theo.

"Playtime's over." Theo states.

"What the hell!" Alisha shouts making them all look at her and Isaac.

"Oh my God, Alisha, Isaac!" Clary sighs.

"How did you two get here?" Simon asks and Theo walks up to the hybrid and werewolf. He grabs her arm tightly, sure to leave a bruise, knowing Isaac won't leave his sister.

"Theo." Alaric scolds but backs down at the nasty glare he received.

"You need to leave." Theo says and Alisha shakes her head making him grip her arm tighter. "It wasn't a request." She takes one last look at Simon and Clary before storming out with her brother following.

"Alisha!" She hears the two pleas but she shakes it off. The blonde takes out her phone and sighs, hating her idea but knowing it's the only one. She calls someone.

"Woah! Why are you calling him?" Isaac asks.

"Cause he's our only hope." She says. "Luke?" She asks once he picks up.

"Oh my God, where the hell have you been! I've been trying to locate you but your nowhere to be found! That was so childish Alisha!" Luke screams through the phone and the hybrid rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, like you care. Clary, Isaac and Jason heard you talking, apparently you don't give one about me or Isaac or Jason or even Clary so do not try that overprotective dad shit with me!" Alisha shouts.

"They were circle members okay?" Luke says and Alisha groans understanding now.

"Luke I'm sorry." She says quickly and Isaac looks sorry too, obviously hearing the conversation.

"It doesn't matter okay, where are you?"He asks.

"Jade Wolf, Clary's in danger Luke, I don't know what to do. I can't go against Theo without putting people in danger." She rants.

"Whatever you do don't fight Theo, alright? I'll be there soon." Luke says and ends the call. Alisha looks at her brother.

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