You awoke the next day on your pile of reeds in the shed. You didn't remember falling asleep there.
Airy must've carried me or something. You realized. Or I was half asleep when I...
The former idea made your cheeks tingle with a light blush and you hastily shoved it away.
You snapped out of your thoughts as Airy entered with a basket of fish. "I, um...went fishing. You were still asleep when I woke up, so..."
"Oh." You were a little disappointed that you had missed out on the opportunity. No matter.
You waited patiently by the fire pit as Airy set everything up for breakfast. You noticed there was a slight nip in the air today. Curiously, you tuned your senses into the change in temperature. Chills ran up your arms. It was colder than you thought.
You knew this place had weather, but not changes in the temperature. The sky was overcast too. You cast a glance at Airy, who seemed completely unbothered by the weather.
He stood up as he started the fire, watching the flames lick the air. You took a step closer, grateful for the warmth it brought. Within a few minutes you were once again sitting across from Airy, eating fish with him.
"Do you know if there's...anything else here?" You asked. "Um, to eat, I mean." You didn't want to just eat fish forever. You'd definitely get sick of it.
"Uh...the reeds..." Airy looked over at the cliff. "I...found that out pretty early...turns out they can be used for a lot of things." A tiny smile appeared on his face. He seemed pleased with this.
"So...we're just living off of reeds and fish?" You raised a brow. Not quite what you were hoping for.
"Uh...yeah...I guess so." Airy was unbothered by this, as usual. "I...didn't really figure out the reeds were edible until a few years ago, though."
You sighed.
It could be worse, you told yourself. you could be dead.
Well, you technically were. But that's besides the point.
As the day wore on, it grew colder and colder, and increasingly harder to ignore. You tried to distract yourself, but it wasn't like there was too much you could do here. Evening came and you were shivering.
Airy was completely unfazed. It was like he didn't even notice.
"How are you...doing that?" You asked through gritted teeth as you held your arms close to your body.
"Doing what?" He looked over at you curiously.
"In case you haven't noticed, it's really freakin' cold right now."
" is...uh..." Airy blinked dully, resting his hands on the knob on his torso. "I guess I just...didn't notice...I don't really get cold."
Maybe he's used to it. You thought. It made sense. He had been here for ages. He was also a gas lantern. Maybe objects like him simply didn't feel cold.
Airy's voice brought you out of your thoughts. "Huh?"
The gears seemed to be turning in Airy's head. " cold?"
"Am I...yes?? Yes, I'm cold." You stared at him incredulously. Wasn't it obvious?
"Sorry...I didn't...realize the temperature dropped until you...said something." Airy looked down at himself, turning the knob on his torso. You'd been wondering what that thing does.
Well, you got your answer. A flame lit up in Airy's head. Your eyes went round. He could that?
Of course he could, idiot. He's a gas lantern. That was their entire purpose.
"It's not much, beats sitting out in the cold, I guess." He patted the spot next to him, and you cautiously approached, shrinking back into yourself shyly as you sat next to him.
The combination of the fire and the heat radiating from Airy was enough to warm you up quickly, and pretty soon you let out a sigh as the heat seeped into your body.
Airy watched you relax, remaining quiet the entire time. He still couldn't quite understand it. Did the cold really bother you that much?
He had never noticed the temperature that much. Being made of metal did that to you. Having a fire inside you practically at all times did that to you.
You, on the other hand, did notice the temperature. So you were all too grateful to finally be warming up. "Hey...thanks..." you mumbled to Airy.
Airy didn't reply, but his expression shifted into a slight smile.
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