Chapter 3

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I can hear the water. And birds and a ship nearby.

Now, where am I?

My back feels cold, my legs and head are also cold. I feel like I'm resting in the softest bed ever; it carries my weight like a caring mother would her baby.

I open my eyes, only to find out I'm floating in the ocean. No wonder I was cold. I sink, lifting my head up to take in a gulp of air, before being pulled back in. Water floods into my mouth like a wave washing onto the shore.

I gulp in water, coughing out water as more floods in. My stomach fills up with water. The water now covers my head, gravity wants me on the ocean floor now more than ever. My chest begs for air as I descend, I kick, turn, and try my best to go back up. This is when a hand grabs me and pulls me back up.

"Breathe kid, breathe," he ushers calmly.

I cough out water, taking in some much-wanted air. The man swims with me towards the ship I had heard. My lungs thank me for the air as I pant, my breaths short and forced. We board onto the ship, all eyes are now on me. Something I never liked even at school.

I shake as I look at the people, fighting back the urge to bite my nails. Most people here must think I got shipwrecked, and I'm lost. The only thing I've lost is my dignity because I didn't notice that I am naked.

I try my best to cover myself, my eyes roaming around looking at everybody. The people have now made a semi-circle in front of me. They all stand from a distance, none bothering to come any closer. A child hides behind his mother's leg whilst peeking at me with one eye.

A woman strides towards me, balancing herself as much as she can with her wooden stick. Her swollen jointed fingers grab onto her stick as her legs look like they're about to fail her. She reaches me and covers me with a blanket.

"Thank you," I murmur.

She strides back to the crowd as I use the blanket as cover and a source of heat, though I didn't really feel cold. Two boys slowly make their way to me. They have clothes in their hand, giving me blue jeans and a black t-shirt.

I am now dressed and standing next to the woman who had given me the blanket. Just by looking at her I could tell she was beautiful at her youth, though her face has clusters of wrinkles and is sagging.

"Where is the ship headed?" I ask, a lot more confident than I was when I first made into the ship.

"It's heading straight for Mac," the woman answers.

I smile, "It's heading straight home."

The sun is out in the blue sky, not a cloud in the sky. The clouds must've cleared out really quickly. Just this morning the sky was grey and not a beam of light touched the earth. Now not a cloud hovers up in the sky.

I see a man reading a newspaper, upon further inspection I notice that the newspaper's front page isn't the same as the one the people who took me were reading. I look at the newspaper again as I recall the front page of the kidnapper's newspaper. It isn't the same, but the newspaper company is the same.

I try to focus harder on the newspaper's date. I try my best to zoom in with my eyes at the newspaper. My eyes seem to see through the newspaper. Infront of my eyes now is a man smoking his pipe. The man's beard covering most of his upper lip. The man is bulky. Even with his clothes on, it was easy to identify that.

I quickly close my eyes and open them again. Everything is back to normal when I open my eyes. Did I really see through the newspaper? I shake the thought off and start a conversation with the boys who were nice enough to give me a pair of kicks.

I could now see the dock, ships were leaving and others are just arriving, all from different directions. I try to see through a boat they docked our ship next to. I focus hard on the ship; I try to zoom in like I did with the newspaper. My attempts came to no prevail, I stop looking at the boat with such an intense glare.

I get off the boat saying my salutations to everyone. Not wanting to bother anyone with transport home. This is a place that I've never been to in Mac, it looks foreign even to my knowing eyes. I know that North of here is my home. I embark on my longest road home on foot. I tie my shoelaces in a hurry and start running. I run past buildings in a hurry, passing through traffic.

I have new found stamina that I'm sure I didn't have before the kidnapping. I run past cars and then I notice that my shoes are untied. I continue running, trying to make my way across the street so I can tie my laces. I trip on my shoelaces and fall to the ground. I use my elbows and knees to balance.

They scratch upon the ground, wounds open up as they collide with the ground, I swallow in the pain. I pick myself up, this is when I see an ice cream truck heading straight at me. The driver immediately hits the brake, it doesn't matter because at this speed the truck will still hit me.

The driver steps harder on the break with his eyes wide open. He looks at me as I cover my face and wait for the truck to hit me. I wait for the impact of the truck, but it doesn't come. My whole surrounding smells like burnt tires. I open one eye to peek. The truck is no longer in front of me. Somehow the truck is now behind me, and I am fine.

I touch my torso, I look around still holding my torso and face to ensure that all is well. I stand up and the wounds in my elbows and knees are already healed. I only notice now that the wounds I had on my back are gone.

I look to my body to see a blue glow that has covered it. I try to touch the truck, but my hand passes through the truck. I quickly pull my hand out of the truck, I touch my hand and make sure I can feel it. I try to touch the truck again, my hand again passes through.

I enter the truck through the back, the interior of the truck is designed to be like a cooler. Empty ice cream cans are all over the truck. It must be freezing in here, but I can't feel it. Come to think of, I couldn't even feel the heat outside. I look at my hands and body, what is happening to me. Why did the people let me go, the last thing I remember is myself dying.

If what they were doing to me was successful, why did they let me go. These are the thoughts running through my mind as I walk out of the truck. Some people have their hands over their mouths after seeing me walk out of the truck without using a door. Some kids' mouths are wide open, in no time a crowd is forming. The driver of the truck comes to me.

"Are you ok kid?" He asks worryingly.

He tries touching me to ensure that I am fine. His hand passes through me, he attempts to touch me again as I grab his hand.

He attempts touching me with his other hand, and it completely phases past me. I hold his other hand when it passes through the other side of my body.

"I'm fine," I reassure, turning around then running.

No-one bothers to follow me, they just look at me with eyes wide open as I run. This works to my advantage because I need to get home as soon as possible, I don't need people following me around.

I am now far away from where the truck incident had happened. The blue glow is still on me, but I can touch things when I intend to. Just as I further try to phase through things. The blue glow disappears as I try to run through a tree.

I hit the tree face first, falling to the ground with a bloody nose. I groan in pain as my nose slowly moves back in place. I lift myself up, I look at my entire body. Somehow the glow has disappeared.

I try to summon it again, trying my best to focus for what feels like 5 minutes before giving up. I continue my run home, with no hopes of making it anytime soon. I stop near a building, looking around before I start.

I focus hard on the building wall, trying to zoom in with my eyes. The building wall seems to come closer to me, and in no second, I can see the inside of the building.

Everybody sits on their chairs hammering on their computers. The people inside the building are all wearing formal clothing. Everyone is busy with their own thing.

"Look mom, that boy's eyes are glowing blue," a girl points.

I force my eyes shut and open them again. This is when I see a mother and daughter walk past me. The mother looks at her daughter with a quizzical look after seeing my green eyes.

I run, not knowing why I am running in the first place. I suddenly feel a surge of energy in my body, something I've been feeling ever since I woke up in the ocean. I feel stronger, but strange. As if I'm a visitor in my body. I keep running, but this time I'm running through buildings. I enter the wall of a building and exit through the next.

I don't care if any of the people inside see me, or if there are any cameras. I run like my life depends on it, a wide smile on my face. My smile does not waver as I see the looks of the people inside these buildings.

I run into a building's wall, on the inside everyone is eating or drinking something. The people have divided themselves in their groups as they eat and talk.

A woman drops her cup of coffee after seeing me run through the wall. She screams in horror as I run straight out of the wall on the other side.

I stop, placing my hands on my knees as I pant heavily. I can already see my street in my mind. If I'm being honest, I still have a lot of ground to cover.

I have just passed the area with all the extensive buildings and I am now entering the area with the minor houses. I can see the school from here, just not home.

I further picture my street in my mind as I straighten up. I can even smell the trash can at the front of the yard. I close my eyes whilst doing this, hearing my neighbour's dog barking in my mind. The smell of the grass in the yard, I can even feel the warm breeze now.

When I open my eyes, I'm standing right in front of my yard. My neighbour's dog is barking whilst kept on a tight leash. How it wishes it could break free and tear me to pieces.

I smile whilst looking at my hands and body. I look around to get a grip of my bearings. I really am home. The blue glow fades away soon after, seeing all the houses around but still filled with disbelief. I pinch myself, no I'm not dreaming.

My mother's car is parked outside the house, that's one thing to look forward to, she's home.

This is when it hits me, Josh!

Could the men have taken him, why would they take him? It was me they were after. My heart beats faster, turning around and heading to Josh's house. I dash as I cross the street, stopping where we had stopped that day. I look down the street, seeing the spot they parked the Camaro.

Why did they chase after him, were they afraid he knew their faces or something? Josh must have out ran all of them. There's no way they caught him, it can't be.

I started walking, slowly making my way across the lawn. I keep kicking a stone around as I reach the stairs of the house.

I lift my hand up to knock, I drop it again. I run my hand through my hair as I look down. I lift my hand up to knock again. I drop it, not knowing what I will say.

Am I ready for the truth, could I even handle the truth. My friend could be in a lab being treated as a rat there. Am I ready to handle that, I swallow, taking in a deep breath.

Mrs Brown opens the door. What was she doing home? Her eyes shoot up after seeing me. Something is definitely wrong. She is never home at this time of day.

Author's note:

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