ʚ fuwa minato ɞ • lime

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fuwa minato x female reader

TW; nudity, drinking

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ❝ 𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖘... 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊? ❞ 


"You're a host! You should know not to get this drunk." You sighed at the man's actions. You arrived at his apartment after being dialed four times to come over. You didn't want to go at first but decided to go after hearing him becoming more and more intoxicated from each call. 

"You made it," He cheered while slurring his words slightly. He seemed a bit slow from all the alcohol he had taken in. He waved you in eagerly. With an unimpressed expression, you complied with his actions. 

He led you to the couch, where you delicately took a seat, he left the room without a single word. You grew impatient with the man, irritation visible on your face. You didn't want to waste your time with him. 

Before you arrived at Fuwa's house, you had been at the bar with some friends. Part of the reason why you were there was to get Fuwa Minato off your mind. You only had one drink, so you weren't wasted. But being a light drinker means you felt a bit tipsy. It hadn't kicked in at first but now it's sinking in.

He returned, leaning on the door frame to the hall he had just emerged from. He was holding a bottle of sake, and boy did that sake look good to you right now. There was a gleam of hunger in your eyes. The way the bottle's condensation dripped down the side and onto the floor captured your gaze. You watching the way the dim lights reflected off the glass. 

"Hope you're ready to have a good night," He winked, holding the glass up and he waved it slightly. He took a seat at the other side of the table and got out two glasses. As he poured the sake into the glasses, you watched while licking your lips. All you had wanted to do today was have a good drink. 

He gently slid the glass over to you while you just stared at it. He grabbed his glass and you followed. 

"Bottoms up," You murmured, bringing the glass to your lips. You downed the shot, and before you knew you had drank another. And another. And a few more. The drink was strong, bitter, and had a lingering sensation. At this point, you were nearing your limit so you slowed on the intake. 

"How about a game, eh?" Fuwa questioned while quirking a brow. 

"Alright, I'm in!" You agreed enthusiastically with a smirk.

"I haven't even told you what it is yet! Damn," He retorted. You gulped to show you were listening or at least trying to. "It doesn't have to be this, but... how about strip truth or dare?"

"I'm still in!" You said like an angry drunkard, which you practically were at the time. Your brain hadn't completely processed what you had agreed to, but you went along with it anyways. "You go first,"

"Okay... Truth or dare?" He questioned. You thought for a moment, when playing games like this the first round always sets the tone. 

"Truth," You decided this game was going to last long since you didn't want to be naked first. The game doesn't end until one participant remains wearing clothing in some form.

"Have you ever watched porn for enjoyment?" He asked, starting this off slightly on the safer side.

"Yes, but it was a while ago and it was only once." You defended. "Anyways, truth or dare?"

"Truth," He said flatly.

"How many girls did you have to reject 'cause you were just doing it for work?"(A/N: idk what kinda host he is so im assuming its like ohshc)

"That... is something I'm not going to talk about," He bopped you on the head. He already had not been wearing his jacket, he was in his usual sweater with his joggers. He removed his top, leaving his bare abdomen out for you to see.

Your eyes lingered for a second, taking in his slim torso. 

He smirked slightly, noticing your gaze. 

"Truth or dare?" He asked, leaning back in his seat. 

"Dare," You decided to be a bit more on the dangerous side since it's only been truths so far. 

"Alright," He paused in thought. "I dare you to call one of your exes and ask them if they wanna hook up, then ghost them," 

"That's just vile," You joked mockingly. You were wearing a tight-fitting, knee-length skirt with a cute button-up blouse with white frills. It was your work outfit, but since it was a Friday night you were alright with being a bit reckless with your drinking. 

You planned to save your socks for later since they decide how warm you are. You wouldn't be as cold with them on, even when you're just down to your undies. 

So you took off your shirt. You unbuttoned the top slowly, wanting to hold Fuwa's attention for longer. 

Once you finally undid the buttons, you slid it off your shoulders seductively. His eyes were planted on your chest a bit too long before he looked away blushing profusely. 

"Truth or dare?" You asked. 

"Hmm, dare," 

You took a moment to think.

"I dare you to sext the most recent person you've messaged," You were hoping this would embarrass him.

"Alright," He agreed while getting his phone out and unlocking it. "It's Kuzuha... What should I say?"

You were excited to see what he'd say.

"Ok, how's this?" He showed you his screen. You began to read it aloud.

"'Hey big daddy~ Why don't you--'" You cut yourself off, reading the graphic message in your mind. "That's a bit much... send it," 

You smiled devilishly. He pressed the send button and turned off the phone.

 "Alright, next round. Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," You felt confident.

"What's your favourite position?" He grinned.

"M- Missionary," You muttered quietly. By the look he gave you, you could tell he heard you. "Truth or dare," You asked soon after, not wanting this to lead to further questions. 


"I dare you to let me go through your phone for five minutes." You decided to be fair with the time limit. There was some hesitance before he responded.

"Fine," He let out. He did his passcode and handed the device to you. You grinned.

You started with his contacts. It was much less than what you expected. Nothing worth teasing him on. You then went to his camera roll and scrolled through a few of them. Nothing exciting. He has to be hiding something, why else would he be so reluctant. You figured going through his search history was a bit much, so you went to his Instagram. Nothing interesting. 

"Why is your phone so clean?" You whined. He had a relieved expression after you said that. You then remembered the albums in Photos, so you went there next. 




You glanced up at him suspiciously. He began to get a bit nervous. You tapped on the album. There were 15-20 photos of you in there. Whether it was something you posted online or he took of you, he had them there. There were some selfies of you and him together and some group photos too. 

You didn't want to bring it up to him and continued going through something else. 

"Ok, my time's up," You passed the phone back to the frantic boy. He quickly snatched it and checked something. His eyes widened. 

"Y- You didn't see all my photos, right?" He asked with slight fear in his tone. 

"Not all of them, but the album of me was pretty cute," You winked. 

"Oh no..." He trailed off while his soul left his body. 

"Don't worry! I think it's sweet. Plus I probably won't remember any of this tomorrow," You reassured. 

"Phew, let's just continue." He regained his energy. "Truth or dare?"


"What kind of relationship would you want for us in the future? Do you think we could be," He paused. "Perhaps... more?" 

"I don't know," You looked away awkwardly, "Maybe? I guess. I wouldn't be against the idea," You blushed. "I mean, I do like you- Err you're attractive, 'n stuff. And I-" 

You cut off hearing the laugh coming from the boy next to you. He was holding his stomach while wheezing. Your eyes widened, and you soon blushed after realizing what you had just said and his reaction. 

"Sorry, sorry," He wiped a tear that was forming in his eye from laughing so hard. "It's just," He took a breath, "I've had these feelings for you for a good while now, and I just wanted to know," He let out another small chuckle. 

You looked down, keeping your hands together on your lap. You held the hem of your skirt. 

"Truth or dare?" You asked coldly and sternly. 

"Eh?" He was confused by your sudden mood change.

"I said 'truth or dare?'" You repeated in an intimidatingly serious voice. 

"D- Dare?" He choked out, getting slightly nervous.

"Kiss me." You looked at him. You searched his eyes. You searched for any hint of falsity. Any pity. Any resentment. 

At first, he was surprised by your sudden words. His expression faded into a flat one. Your eyes squinted. 

Before you could even react, a firm hand was placed against your back pulling you forwards. Your face hit against Fuwa's. He pressed his lips into yours. You melted into his embrace. 

You began to kiss back, wrapping your hands around the back of his neck. Your fingers twisted through his hair, gently combing through. He began to carefully push you back so that he leaned over you on the couch. You fell back, your head resting on his hand, which was placed on the armrest. He continued to attack your lips.

Neither of you was wearing a shirt so you could feel his warmth. Your skin would brush together, causing there to be more friction between the two of you. He bit onto your lip, you letting out a slight moan as he took this moment to slip his tongue in. He explored every square inch of your mouth, him asserting dominance without question. 

"Do I," He said between breaths "Have your consent?" 

His eyes were lidded with lust washing over the once playful gaze of the man. You nodded a 'yes' and he reconnected your lips. 

uhm so i wanted to post sumn on this so-- yeah  idk its not very good but its better than nothing ig


1775 words

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