[Nightless City]
Zhao Zhuliu arrive at the big door and the light turns on. Zhao Zhuliu bow, "You call me, Master?" Zhao Zhuliu speak. "Wen Zhuliu the Core Melting Hands. I want you go assist Wen Chao my useless son to collect the others pieces of Yin Iron" Wen Ruohan said and Zhao Zhuliu eyes widen. "Do you knows the others Yin Iron pieces was located?" Zhao Zhuliu ask his Master. "Yes i know where the others located it and i send my son to go collect it but i want you to go with my son because sometimes he will become useless and i want you to do the rest job" Wen Ruohan said full of dominated. Zhao Zhuliu bowed at his Master and walk out of the hall.
As he was outside and was sure that no one was around, he make a dark purple butterfly and send it to his other master. As he done sending massage, he walk away towards Wen Chao room to inform him a new mission. When he arrive Wen Chao room, the guard bow at him and let him in. Zhao Zhuliu open the door and just to meet Wen Chao was flirting with a women again.
Wen Chao stop laughing as he notice Zhao Zhuliu present, Zhao Zhuliu bow at Wen Chao and then he start to inform him what his father told him, "Young Master Wen, your father inform to me to assist you to find the reminder piece of Yin Iron. It's time for our move Young Master Wen. Master Wen said he already knows where the reminder piece of Yin Iron". After Wen Chao heard that, he immediately chase away his prostitute and sit up. "Then what are we waiting for, let's move. We can't disappointed my father" Wen Chao said as he let out his evil laugh. Zhao Zhuliu bow and walk out of the room and told the few guards to be ready.
[At The Forest Near Cloud Recesses]
The dark purple butterfly landing at someone shoulder and begin to deliver the massage, "They start to make a move master. Wen Ruohan asked me to assist his son to find the reminder piece of Yin Iron" the person smirk and as the winds blows, his white hair move beautifully. "Let them make a move. I wanna see how far they can keep up" that person said with a smirk. The butterfly vanish in thin air as Ying Sanren destroyed it. Yes that person with white hair and purple eyes is Ying Sanren...... Zhao Zhuliu other Master or you can said the one and only Master he obey. Ying Sanren told him to become part of the Wen Clan Sect as he heard about Wen Ruohan stole the first pieces of Yin Iron at Dafan Mountain that take many innocent villagers life.
[Flashback 20 years ago]
Zhao Zhuliu was being abused by his family since young and at that time he was only 5 years old. Someday, Zhao Zhuliu was being beaten by a guard infront of his father who sit at the throne chair with a smirk on his face, "That's the punishment for stealing the food. Beat him hard till his bone crash it all" his father commands and the guard follow the order. As one guard rise the whip up in the air and swing it down forcefully and was about to hit Zhao Zhuliu body but got yanking suddenly across the room. The front door was open and was meet with white hair person who had a hat that covers the face with a cloth.
"WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU TO BARGE IN MY PLACE!! GUARD! CATCH HIM!!" his father scream and a bunch of guards comes to that person and start attacking it but in a split of the eyes.... that person was infront of his father and the guard was all dead for being slice. "I'm the person who is no match of yours power because I'm Baoshan Sanren son and I'm here because my mother told me to eliminate the Zhao Clan evil spirit" Ying Sanren said as he rise his bloody sword and pointed towards the Zhao Leader.
"BUT IM A HUMAN, NOT A SPIRIT. YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!" the leader shout again and Ying Sanren tsk at him, "Don't scream, it hurt my ears plus I'm not deaf and I'm infront of you so no need to scream...its annoyed me. And of course i can kill you because you are the evil spirit that was staying in human body. Plus your god called you from hell" Ying Sanren said as he rise his sword and slice the leader neck. The leader fall into the ground while holding his bloody neck as he struggle to get help but no word comes out and soon he slowly stop struggle and laid there lifeless. After done doing his business, he turn around and look at the boy who flinch under his glance and shivering as he back away when Ying Sanren walk up to him.
Ying Sanren stop his step as the boy won't stop backed away. He let out a sigh and take out his needle and throw it towards the boy. The needle stuck on the boy neck that keep the boy from moving so in that way, Ying Sanren can approach the boy. Ying Sanren kneeled infront of terrified boy and pull out the needle and the boy can move again and was about to backed away when Ying Sanren open his mouth as he start to talk, "Don't be afraid, i won't kill you. I come here to save you without my parents knowing. I want you to follow me either you want it or not" . Zhao Zhuliu glance at Ying Sanren with fear, fear that if he decline it and he will also end up like his father so he just nodded slowly at Ying Sanren order.
Ying Sanren give a smile towards the boy and he take out the pill and give it to the boy, "Here take it. It will help with your injuries" Ying Sanren said as he put the pill on the boy mouth. Zhao Zhuliu open his mouth weakly and Ying Sanren feed him the pill and he gulp the pill down. After one minute, Zhao Zhuliu start to feel the effect and he didn't feel the pain much from before. Zhao Zhuliu stand up with no problem and smile at Ying Sanren, "Thank you sir" Zhao Zhuliu said as he bowed at Ying Sanren. Ying Sanren nodded and then he get up and Ying Sanren reach out his hand toward Zhao Zhuliu and Zhao Zhuliu happily give his hand and follow Ying Sanren out of this hell.
Ying Sanren brought the kids to the Burial Mounds where he was now studying here for more knowledge. Zhao Zhuliu was scared as he knows what this place is and he tried to free himself from Ying Sanren but Ying Sanren immediately hug Zhao Zhuliu and soothing him, "It's okay, you don't have to be afraid. As long I'm here you won't get hurt by anyone or even the spirit" as Ying Sanren said that, Zhao Zhuliu calm down and let Ying Sanren walk him inside the Burial Mounds.
As they are inside the Burial Mounds building, Zhao Zhuliu start to feel the pain again and he starts to scream. Ying Sanren immediately take the boy and lay him down, "Okay kids, the pill is start to wear off so I'm gonna start to heal you okay" Ying Sanren said to the boy and the boy nodded as a tears run down into his cheeks. Ying Sanren put his hand at Zhao Zhuliu legs and his hand start to light up with light blue color.
The healing times only take 5 minutes to close up the wound in Zhao Zhuliu body but the wound inside is still not heal much, "Okay kids, i already close your wound in your body so there won't be any effect from bacteria but your wound inside is still not healed so don't move. I'll go make you some medicine for you to drink" Ying Sanren explain as he retreat his hands back and smiled at Zhao Zhuliu. Zhao Zhuliu nodded at him and Ying Sanren get up and start to walk away to go somewhere leaving the laying young Zhao Zhuliu in the bed.
After half an hour, Ying Sanren come back with a bowl in his hands and goes towards Zhao Zhuliu who is now sleeping. "Look how peaceful he sleeping. Must be hard for you to keep alive since a baby" Ying Sanren thought as he smile toward the sleeping boy infront of him. Ying Sanren lay down beside the boy in the bed and gently wake him up, "Kid wake up and drink your medicine" Ying Sanren said gently and Zhao Zhuliu eyes start to move a bit but still not opening his eyes.
Ying Sanren sigh and he reach out his hand and touch the boy shoulder to shook him but as he touches the boy shoulder, he immediately got the image of Zhao Zhuliu future and he frown. In that image he saw the Wens Clan attacking the others Clan and they also slaughtering the innocent people even the kids without mercy and Zhao Zhuliu was there too. After watching the boy future, Ying Sanren look at Zhao Zhuliu face with sadness, "I guess i can't leave you now ha kids. Don't worry, i won't let you be in mess" Ying Sanren said with soft voice as he caressing the boy cheek. Zhao Zhuliu slowly waking up and look at Ying Sanren face as now Ying Sanren didn't cover his face and Zhao Zhuliu was stunning, "He is beautiful" was all Zhao Zhuliu thought and Ying Sanren smile at him. "Thank you for you compliment, Zhao Zhuliu" Ying Sanren said as he smile.
Zhao Zhuliu eyes widen, "Ho-how do you know what I'm thinking?" Zhao Zhuliu said as he was shock and Ying Sanren just chuckled, "Why don't you get up and drink your medicine first and i will tell you how i can heard your thought" Ying Sanren said. Zhao Zhuliu nodded and tried his hard to get up and with the help of Ying Sanren he can get up. Ying Sanren give him the bowl and Zhao Zhuliu gulp the medicine down with a disgusting face as the medicine taste horrible.
After drinking the medicine, Zhao Zhuliu immediately cough as he felt his throat dried and Ying Sanren give him a water and Zhao Zhuliu hurrying take the water and gulp the water down. Ying Sanren wipe the remind water that was escape from Zhao Zhuliu mouth using his napkin. Zhao Zhuliu look at Ying Sanren with sparkle eyes and Ying Sanren chuckled with that and he pinched Zhao Zhuliu cheek. Zhao Zhuliu let out a whine and pout, Ying Sanren stop pinching and take Zhao Zhuliu both hands, "When i tell you my identity, you have to be royal to me and never betrayal me okay? Can you promise me that? Because I'm afraid if you betrayal me...you won't see me ever again" after Ying Sanren said that, Zhao Zhuliu nodded his head.
Ying Sanren let out a relief sigh and give a big smile at Zhao Zhuliu, "Okay let's start the introduction, shall we? First let me know your name and your age from your mouth of course and tell me what is your ability in cultivation" Ying Sanren said and Zhao Zhuliu nodded. "My name is Zhao Zhuliu and I'm i will turn 5 in this week. I-i didn't learn yet about cultivation" Zhao Zhuliu said with sadness and Ying Sanren just keep messaging Zhao Zhuliu hands as a sign, 'it's okay' and it work as Zhao Zhuliu give a cute smile towards Ying Sanren who is also smiling at him too. "Zhao Zhuliu...good name for a future cool cultivation. My name is Ying Sanren and I'm Baoshan Sanren only son. I will call you A-zhu from now on and about learning cultivation...i will teach you from now on" Ying Sanren said as he give Zhao Zhuliu a big smile who is now in shock because he heard about Immortal Baoshan Sanren who had a high cultivation that no one can compare with.
As from that day, Zhao Zhuliu become Ying Sanren student and learn how to use swordsmanship and how to use close fight combat. As for Ying Sanren, he keep sending a letter towards his parents about his whereabouts and he also tell them about his new student and his parents just give him a bless. It's been 4 year Zhao Zhuliu practice cultivation with Ying Sanren or you can said, his Master.
His master never leave Burial Mounds because he can't reveal himself as immortal in human cultivation world. His master will always play his flute at the middle of night to give a calm energy to his surrounding because the spirit in here come from the messing soul that wants to get out from here and make a mess in humam cultivation world as because some of them got murder, rape and murder, and also who is died alone and wanna have a partner to company them so with that, his master will always play a calm song to settle down the spirit and rest well.
Zhao Zhuliu was in his room listening the song that his master play outside calming himself while he close his eyes. After a while, the song is stopped and Zhao Zhuliu open his eyes and his room door being open by his master. Ying Sanren come inside the room with serious face.
Zhao Zhuliu was curious as he saw the serious face from his master but he brush it off and get up and greet his master with bowed respectfully. "A-zhu....I'm for putting you a hard task from now on" Ying Sanren said as his face softened and look at Zhao Zhuliu with full of sadness. Zhao Zhuliu start to panic when he saw sadness on his master face, "Master it's nothing, you never put me in hard work plus it was my will to learn cultivation from you so please don't be upset. I'm willing to do anything for you to make you happy because without you...i think i won't be survive until now" Zhao Zhuliu said with a little smile on his face.
Right now Zhao Zhuliu is already 9 years old and the journey when he practice from his master was true kinda hard but the results was amazing and he appreciated it. Zhao Zhuliu always the one who will be out from Burial Mounds and goes to town to sell vegetables that he and his master planted and will buy some food with the money he earn from selling the vegetables. He always alone because his master can't show himself up from people outside and choose to stay in Burial Mounds.
While Zhao Zhuliu was practicing combat, his master give him a book about how to melt cultivation golden core. First Zhao Zhuliu to learn but his master told him this is part of combat skill fight and this type of combat won't kill a person but only melting their golden core and they won't have ability to fight anymore but still can be a ordinary human being.
His master also said that he will be using it when the time is come so Zhao Zhuliu don't have another choice but to accept it and start to learn. After learning the Golden Core Melting combat, his master told him that he want to see, "But Master, with who i will using it?" Zhao Zhuliu ask his master with frown. His master smile and put his hand at his chest, "Use me as a test" his master said with a smile on his face.
Zhao Zhuliu was shock with what his master said, "NO!!! Master no. If i use it to you...then... then-" Zhao Zhuliu said with trembling and his eyes start to wet. His master smile fade and quickly go hug the boy and soothing the boy with moving his hand up and down at the boy back, "It's okay A-zhu...it won't effect to me because I'm different and plus I'm immortal so this kind of combat won't hurt me so don't cry okay and be a man and don't hesitate or else's your cultivation spirit won't be strong" his master said as he broke the hug and say it while looking at the boy eyes.
Zhao Zhuliu wipe his tears away and nodded at his master with a smile and his master return the smile. His master get up and get to his position and Zhao Zhuliu start become serious and do a move that he learn from the bool and also a little bit advice from his master.
Soon he start running towards his master and hit at his master abdomen with his hand and clutch on it. His master kneel down and coughing the blood and Zhao Zhuliu start to panic and cry again. "Don't cry A-zhu. This is how the effects when the Golden Core being crushed and you do a good job. I'm proud of you" his master said as he smile at the boy who keep crying.
Zhao Zhuliu wipe the remind blood that was on his master lips and ask his master with tremble lip, "Ma-master... your... your... your core" Zhao Zhuliu said in his weak voice and his master give him a smile, "I still have my core A-zhu. My core is not the same level as your core. My core is not golden core but it's more powerful than a golden core so don't worry. I lock 99% of my core to see how far you can melt a golden core and as i expected... you did a great job and i proud of you" his master said as he rub the 8 years old boy head.
Now Zhao Zhuliu is 9 years old and was worried by what his master saying, "Master what's wrong?" Zhao Zhuliu ask his master in worried. His master look at Zhao Zhuliu and then he changes his face into a serious one and that is when Zhao Zhuliu knows that his master gonna give him a very serious mission except teaching the bad guy cultivation for doing bad things towards women and children by melting their core and let the village punish them.
"I want to give you a very difficult mission" his master said with stern face and Zhao Zhuliu listen to him with serious too. "From now on you won't be my discipline anymore. BUT-.... i want you to monitor the Wen clan daily routine and mission and i want you to make the leader of Wen clan sect trust you the most. I want you to gain their trust towards you so that you can get close to them and get to know their top secret. I want you to go near their place and show them what abilities you can do and you show them that Core Melting combat as your most skilled abilities because there is no one except you and me knows how to melt cultivation core. I know you are smart boy so do anything that can take the leader attention and take you in. I'm sorry but when you step your foot inside their place.... you can't get out until someday when the time is suit enough...i will come by myself to save you from there. Go inside there, gain their trust and always report to me when there is strange things happen or any top secret you got from them. I will send Suibian my sword spirit there to check you up and to sneak some information too. I'm sorry again for putting you into this mess" his master said at the last with sad face and Zhao Zhuliu just smile, "It's okay master. I will do anything for you and won't betrayed you till my last breath" Zhao Zhuliu said with smile on his face.
The next has come and Ying Sanren cover himself up so that no one can spot him as a great cultivation because he didn't want to attract people attention and got scold by his parents because damn...his mother is scary when she angry. They both walk out from Burial Mounds and walk at the town that very close with Nightless City place and as their planned, some Wen guard kinda bullied the homeless people and even beat them up when they ask for their money for food.
Ying Sanren was hiding himself somewhere in the corner of town that still can watch the boy. Zhao Zhuliu take a big breath and slowly approaching the Wen guard and softly ask for food but what he get was a slap. Zhao Zhuliu get up and with one swish, he shove his hand towards that guard abdomen and clutch it and destroy that guard core. That guard spit the blood and passed out after that and the others guard was shock and scared, "You... you... YOU ARE THE CORE MELTING PERSON!!!" the guard said screaming and started to back away. Soon they heard the eagle sound at the sky and they all look up and saw the eagle covered with the black mist on his body. The eagle fly circle at the sky before suddenly fly down toward the ground with full speed and when the eagle almost touch the ground...it transformed into a human figure.
The Wen guard who immediately notice who it was and immediately bowed at the guy with red hanfu and dark expression. That guy turn towards Zhao Zhuliu and smirk at him, "So you are the Core Melting
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