Mr. Perfect

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Here I was, staring at myself in the mirror, hoping to gain some self confidence. Its my first day of school, what else am I to do? Well duh Alyssa you could actually be ready for the first day then looking at yourself.

I laughed at my own thoughts. I was funny if you haven't noticed. I quickly grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth vigorously, hoping to gain some time to pick out the perfect outfit. Today was the day to find and make everything perfect.


Not my specialty but I need to use it... A lot.

After my teeth I quickly out my hair up in a bun so I could got get NY outfit and do my hair afterwards. I got out of the bathroom and swung open my closet doors.

What to wear....


I ran to my bed and grabbed my phone quickly. Who was texting muah?

Wear your Galaxy Unicorn Outfit today


Just do it...😐

Fine, I was gonna wear it anyways😇😜

Well... What I was wearing is decided then. I went back to my closet and pulled out the outfit she was speaking about.

As you can... Well tell, I have a slight obsession with unicorns... Yes I may be in high school but Unicorns are real as long as you believe in them

That's final, okay?

I quickly changed and went back to the bathroom to do my messy, brownish colored hair. I grabbed a brush and attempted to get all the knots out before placing my unicorn headband to top it off.

Before heading downstairs I out my purple beats around my neck, grabbed my galactic unicorn shoes and my backpack to go along with it.

I was met by the smell of my favorite food...


I ran into the kitchen where I found my mom taking freshly baked muffins out of the over.

"Good Morning Aly" she said with a smile, missing tn cheek as I walked by her

"Morning mom" I replied, opening the fridge to pull out the orange juice carton

"Oh Alyssa, the clocks ahead an hour now" she reminded me a so drank my now served juice

I suddenly spit out and slammed my cup in the table. My clock wasn't digital and I didn't see the time on my phone... I WAS GONNA BE LATE!

"Snap, bye mom" I rushed, grabbing a still hot muffin and running out the door, hopping on my bike and biking as fast as I could to the school which was several blocks down

I pedealed with all my might, I was not going to let my perfect day be ruined by my not so perfect timing. Once at the school I jumped off my bike, locked it to a post and ran into the school just as the bell rang.

I found Rachel already on the classroom which is when I realized my bestie had worn the same outfit as me. She just wanted to match!

"Bestie matching first day!" She squeaked hugging me as I sat down

"Hopefully this is going to be better then last year" I mumbled

Last year a two teachers were fired, one student was sent to jail and there were constantly fights... But we got used to it and hoping with all the false hope we had, we hoped maybe it wouldn't be that way this year.


"Okay I spy with my little eye, three boys who look cute as heck" Rachel said lowly, knudging me in the direction of several other tables.

I looked over to see the most gorgeous guy ever. He had brown hair and a dashing smile. He had a sweater on and on the back it said "J. Sartorious"

"Your right, the one with he sweater is cute." I said with a smile

She giggled and leaned against me causeing me to push her off.

"Don't get too comftrable now' I warned, taking a bite out of my lunch

We began to chat about all the summers events, all the stuff we missed or could've gone too. We were so wrapped up we didn't realize the group of students that aproached us.

"So what's this? The elementary school table?" A high pitched voice said in front of us

We looked up to see Sophia in front of us. Behind her were several kids and the boy with the sweater. He seemed confused and uneasy.

"So best friends dress alike, talking about unicorns and rainbows" the girl behind Sophia snobbed causing everybody except sweater guy to snicker.

"Leave us alone, we like what we like now go away" I stated salmly, trying to keep myself together

"Sophie you said-" Sweater boy began to whisper

"Shut up Jacob" she snapped causing him to cock his head slightly

"Now back to the dweebs here. Unicorns were so 10 years ago. You wanna make an impression, grow up" she laughed, snapping at us at the end

I guess she was right... Unicorns were for elemntry schoolers... Right... I looked down and so did Rachel, showing that we gave in to her scheme.

"You know what Sophie? I like unicorns, no problem with that. I'm not gonna stick around to watch you bully girls cause there way prettier then you" a boys voice snapped

I looked up and saw it was sweater guy, arms crossed and his back against the table

"Oh my god Jacob your not really gonna join these elemntry schoolers"

He looked back at me and smiled, his eyes practically melting me.

"I guess thats what it means" he said with a smile

Sophia scoffed and began to walk away, her crew following after like ducklings. Sweater boy sat down in front of us with a smile.

"I have to say, the unicorn outfits are cool." He said with a huge grin

"Thanks. My names Rachel" she said, sticking her hand out

"My names Alyssa" I salmost stuttered, holding my hand out for him to shake

He took my hand and a shock went through my by body, like something suddenly clicked. My suddenly not so perfect day became perfect again!

"My names Jacob. Jacob Sartorious"

No... He was Mr. Perfect.


I has made this for bicklepickle who wanted another Jacob one, best I could do really. Well not really, I know I could do better.. Sorry. I hope you enjoyed it though! I can never get his last name right either...

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