Solstice Sleep

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A/N: I haven't had time to write another imagine, so hopefully this will suffice. Please do comment below if you have any suggestions and I will do my best to make them thank you!

Your eyes opened slowly, the colour of white entering your vision. The ceiling.  You heard the slow breathing of someone next to you, and a gentle hum of the ship lulling the crew to tranquillity. You could feel the warmth of the blanket around you, and even more so from a body curling into your side. Their breath was fanning your neck, their arm draping across your waist, orange hair tickling your cheek.  

And then there was the feeling of a fluffy mass nestling into your stomach. You looked down, and what did you see? Millicent.

You looked to your side, and you saw the beautiful face of your beloved, Armitage. his eyes were closed, face calm and devoid of stress that gets pent up in him every day, and his daily sleek-backed hair tousled around his face. His deep breathing told you he was at peace and his arm around your waist under the blankets was warm and not stiff from anger. 

Gently turning towards him, you drew little circles on his pale cheek, eyes wondering every detail of his face. From his little stubble to his pink lips to his flaming hair and eyelashes and the cute little freckles you could only see up-close. He was yours and you were his, gladly.

He stirred a bit, clinging onto your form tighter whilst he let out a sigh from waking from his sleep. He could see the little details over your cheek , the little details he adores. Your head moved to look at him, his crystal eyes gleamed with happiness, love, and every emotion he holds for you. You let out a little chuckle and a smile, which he gladly returned with half-lidded eyes. Mornings like this were his favourite, and it was quite obvious as to why. 

See, you made him happy. You made him feel the emotions he craved for once in a while but never thought would be given to him by another. You were the Solstice he loved. He moved his hand to your cheek, replicating the feeling he felt before. His calloused thumb grazed your cheek in slow circles, eyes stared into yours, and at the same time looked at every detail of your face. He saw an orange blur behind you, stretching. His brain turned the cogs again, slowly. Armitage looked up towards the mass. Ah, Millicent. He saw his little child staring  at you both, chirping a quiet meow before climbing over you and nestling in between you both. 

Your hand went down to her and stroked her gently as a sign of affection. She lightly started purring, sending little vibrations through you, making your smile wider as well as Armitage.

 These were the morning you three loved.

Utter peace.

A/N: So this is the best I can do because I have no idea what to write. I am stuuuuccckkk.

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