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Song pairing: Now, Now - MJ


Your breath hitched every single time you heard anything break the sound of your hurried typing on the datapad.

The darkness consumed your flesh within the office, as though the papers and pens on the desk were sleeping, and the light switch was mocking you, asking to be lit.

You knew better as the screen of the datapad burnt your eyes, making your face glow with the most heavenly blues and white you could imagine.

But you were no angel.

You kept scanning, typing, deleting. You wondered whether your racing mind as to whether these codes would be read as meticulously again, or if it will be used and thrown away with the billions of others.

I'm nearly there, you kept muttering.

Once you encoded the last command, you sent it over, sighing in relief as the data was sent successfully.

Your back collided with the plush office chair, your chin raising to the inky black ceiling as you stared at the eigengrau filling your vision.

Looking back down, you smiled at the message in relief.

You didn't know how long you were in the dim office. Your eyes were comforted by the darkness but burnt from the rays of light flooding your sight from the screen. 

You closed your eyes again, basking in the gloom of the office. The red lights from the door stared at you, waiting to be awakened once more.

If only you knew your time was too long spent.

The sudden whoosh of the doors made your body jolt up. The adrenaline seeped through your veins. You neck straightened as you turned your eyes to the door to see a black and ginger silhouette. You gasped, your knees scraping the sleek floor as you shoved your own body to hide behind another table as the lights flickered.

Hux's gasp caused your spine the become iced as you cowered behind the desk, clutching your datapad to your chest. Your breath nearly failing you. You knew he saw a glimpse of you. Hands shaking,  teeth biting your bottom lip so hard you couldn't tell the difference from the pain and the metallic taste. 

You wondered if you were hearing hope when you heard his footsteps slowly become distant as the whoosh of the door opened and closed.

Staying silent for a couple of seconds, you let out your breath in relief, your shoulders relaxing and eyes closing to seep in comfort for just a bit. It was as though you could breathe again, but your blood was still rushing around your body. You could feel its thumping move your skin. 

Your knees dug into the cold floors just before you got up to exit the office. Your head was pounding to the point you honestly thought you weren't going to be able to live, but you knew better than that.

Let's just go home and rest, you told yourself.

Your toes were just about to hit the sensor line to open the doors, but it seemed that someone else had beat you to it.

The light came flooding in, burning your eyes. You grunted looking away and stumbling back enough to put space between you and the person.

"You thought I wouldn't know, did you?"

It was as though someone shoved a rock down your throat to stop you from breathing and gulping. A mechanical, malfunctioning heart that was beating way too hard to keep itself together. 

The courage it took for your eyes to look up into those green eyes of General Hux shook you to your core. You wondered if his deep gaze could see everything behind your eyes: the tears, the truth, the fear. 

His face was far from the stoic expression or the soft smile he gave you in private. There were no wrinkles of a smile, no glass eyes or sighs. His chest was positively heaving, his hand in fists by his sides, the black gloves squeaking every time he rubbed his fingers. The veins on his temple struck out as his face blossomed with pinks and reds.

"I..." it felt as though air didn't exist.

"Can't speak for your doings?" Hux seethed. You looked down again, questioning everything with blasphemy. His boots thumped against the floors louder than your heartbeat - circling your form so close, you wondered if he could feel the field of heat between you both. 

You felt your whole body shift from hunched to a pole. Fists clenched, your jaw tight and your eyebrows furrowed as you looked him in the eye more sharply than ever. 

"This is no crime," you spat towards his face, "I did what was right."

You saw his red eyes become green once again, his wrinkles softening, "it isn't a crime," he muttered, his gloved fingers tilting your head towards him as he came closer, "but I can't have you dying when I'm the one to blame."

All your thoughts stopped as you searched his eye for a meaning. You remembered the times where he was so fidgety around you, snappy, the times he would swiftly hide his datapad whenever you entered his office.

It finally clicked, "You're not who you are, are you?" your eyes started burning from the pools of tears accumulating, a sob nearly escaping from your shaking body.

"No, but you aren't either," his forehead nudged yours softly, "I didn't want you to get hurt."

"If you get hurt, I do too," you held onto his lapels tightly, "I would rather die with you happy than alone on this ship. Please, let us leave," you pleaded.

You could feel his breath stutter within him, "tomorrow night, yes?" he offered before his kissed your lips softly.

You nodded before kissing him more slowly, both lips moulding over his with such delicacy it nearly made you cry again, "I love you, Hux..."

He pushed your body towards him, there was no air between you both as his warmth flooded  to your skin, your neck softly being warmed and kissed, "I love you too, my dear."

Not even the lights could separate you now from your shared oxygen.

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