84. Blackpink Reaction (33)

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Blackpink Reaction to your clingy side


This girl...she would find it really adorable! She would actually adore the fact that you are clingy and would look forward to your hugs and kisses everyday. It will make her feel more loved then before.

To be honest she would love it and be protective over you. When she see's how clingy you are she does it back, like the members teases her and you but she doesn't care about it. As long as she loves you, no matter

I think she would enjoy the clingyness and may be even clingy back sometimes. As long as it wasn't 24/7 she wouldn't mind, but she still loves it. Also... She would tease you like "aww you missed me so much that you can't keep off me."

SHE WOULD LOVE IT SO MUCH! she is a very cuddly person anyway she when you cling to her, her heart warms up. She wouldn't mind doing it anywhere or anytime, even infront of people..she doesn't mind.


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