Preference: You Love Her | Twenty One Pilots

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Prompt #37
Requested by mE



Summary: One points out to the other that he loves you.

QOTP: Favorite song from Trench?

Word Count: 1317

Josh -
When you were told you were going to be one of the opening acts for Twenty One Pilots on their Bandito Tour, you were ecstatic.

You'd been a fan of theirs for a long time, and getting to open up for them was a dream come true.

And after your first, tear-filled and slightly embarrassing meeting, you quickly became friends with Tyler, Josh, and Jenna while on tour.

Then came the day you met Jim.

Tyler still says you cried harder when meeting Jim than when you met him and Josh. Honestly, you kinda agree with him.

And so, whether it was because of Jim or not, you spent more time with Josh than with Tyler.

In the months that you've been touring together, you've definitely developed feelings for him. And, unbeknownst to you, he's developed feelings for you, too.

After performing a show in Paris, you all have a few hours before you have to leave for Amsterdam. You're supposed to stay in a hotel for the night, a chance to have a nice shower and sleep in a bigger bed that also isn't moving.

While you do do the first thing, you're still hyped up on adrenaline, and, seeing as you didn't have time to actually go out and see the sights, you want to explore Paris.

Obviously, you're not going out at night alone, so you walk a little ways down the hall to Josh's room, hoping that he's awake.

Miraculously, he is, though he's already wearing pajamas. You knock, and he opens the door to find you dressed to go out. "Y/N? What-?"

"Come exploring with me," you say, cutting him off.

"Exploring?" he asks, mostly confused but a little amused.

"Yeah. I wanna explore Paris, and we only have a few hours, so... hop to it, Dun." You gesture to the inside of his room.

He thinks a for moment. He just played a tiring show in Paris, he's already had a shower, and he hasn't slept on a comfortable, spacious bed in about a week or so.

But, dang it, he'll do anything for you, and what idiot would pass up a chance to spend a night in Paris with the girl of his dreams?

"Give me ten minutes," he says.


He laughs. "Okay, five." He meets you back out in the hall five minutes later, now dressed in nicer clothes. "Okay, where to?"

You grab his hand and half-pull him down the hallway as he laughs. "Let's find out!"


"Dude, what happened to you?" Tyler asks, seeing Josh walk out of his room the next morning, tiredly lugging his suitcase behind him. He looks like he could fall over at any second.

Then, you come out of your room, looking much the same way. You yawn. "G'morning, boys." You smile at Josh, and he smiles back.

"Mornin'," Tyler says, a brow raised.

You, being the opening act, don't get something as fancy as a tour bus, so you get in your van. Luckily, you don't have to drive, so you can get some shut eye.

Josh, meanwhile, is on the tour bus with Tyler and Jenna, who look much more well-rested than he does.

"Okay, what happened last night?" Tyler asks, amused.

Josh, as tired as he is, smiles a little. "Well, I took a shower, and then I got ready for bed, and then Y/N knocked on my door."

"And then?" Tyler asks.

"We went out and explored Paris."

Jenna raises a brow. "All night?"


Tyler's grinning. "So, you're telling me you were out exploring the city of love with a girl all night last night?"


"What did you guys even do?"

"We went to the Eiffel Tower, then started to walk to the Notre-Dame Cathedral, but we got lost, and it's, like, an hour walking distance from the Eiffel Tower, anyway. And then we found this little restaurant that was open for twenty four hours and ate there, and then we just... walked. Aimlessly. Down any street she wanted to go down. And then it got too late, so we came back."

Tyler remembers how exhausted Josh looked after the show the night before. "And you did all this after the show last night?"


Tyler laughs. "Dude, you love her."

"Yeah, I know." Josh sighs, walking back towards the bunks. "I'm going to bed."

Tyler -
Tyler sighs, rubbing his eyes. He's been looking at his computer screen and his journal for too long. Too much artificial light, too many words. Well, actually, not enough words. Just the same ones over and over again. Gosh, he has a headache.

He looks down at the page again, at the same words that keep repeating in his head. He can hear the melody that goes behind them as he reads them. Each little note, each little sound.

But he can't use it.

He sighs again, then calls Josh.

"Hello?" Josh says, picking up on the fourth ring.

"I'm writing," Tyler says.


"And I just... I'm trying to write a song, trying to go back through all my notes and voice memos and write songs from those, but there's this... there's this stupid song that keeps getting in the way."

"Is it Baby Shark?" Josh asks, only half joking.

Tyler almost laughs. "No, it's... It's my words. It's just a chorus, but lines for the verses and the bridge keep popping up in my head, too."

"Sing the chorus for me." Tyler hesitates, then sings the chorus. Immediately after he's finished, Josh says, "You love her."

Tyler stops. "Who?"

Josh rolls his eyes. "Are you telling me that wasn't about Y/N?" You're Tyler's best friend — have been for forever — and he's seen how you are around each other. Definitely how Tyler is around you.

"No... it was," Tyler admits. "And I'm trying to write something else, but I just keep coming back to her."

"Then, write that song. Use those words," Josh says as if it's obvious.

"I can't do that. As you've already proven, it's way too obvious."

"Then write it how you want to, and I'll go in and change a couple things to make it less obvious." He stops. "Or — better yet — how about you just make it obvious and tell her how you feel?"

"Through a song?" Tyler asks.


Tyler laughs. "Dude, that's so cheesy."

Josh shrugs. "Some chicks dig cheesy."

"Don't call her a chick," Tyler replies, frowning.

"I wasn't," Josh says, "Geez, you really do love her."

Tyler sighs yet again. "Yeah. Believe me, I know."

"Well, good luck on your cheesy romance song," Josh says. "Send it to me when you're done, so I can cry and/or cringe."

Tyler laughs. "Says the one who's engaged."

"Oh, that gave me an idea: I'm gonna make you two dance together at the wedding. And I'm sure Debby and I can rig the bouquet toss so she'll catch it."

Tyler snorts. "Yeah, thanks, but no. I'm just gonna write this song and see how it goes."

He hangs up and begins writing, the words just flowing out of him so fast that he hardly has time to write them down. He stops every so often to get the basic chords, and he goes back to tweak some stuff here and there, but, honestly, it's the fastest he's ever written a song in his life.

Josh isn't surprised; he already knows Tyler can easily talk about you for hours.

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