Chapter 11

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I sat there in the hospital bed thinking about what dally said. I don't know how I feel. Ever since I've been here my life's been a complete mess .

I heard the door handle jiggling and it opened it was my father.

Hey pops I said hugging him.

Are you okay he said scared for my life he had a bad expression on his face.

What happened ? he questioned still scared. I ...... don't remembered I lied .

I don't care what did as long as your okay he said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

I'm fine dad seriously I insisted hugging him back.

Cmon were bringing you home , I got something for you to he mentioned .

While riding in the car , I thought about what I should do about dally , or Ricky I don't know if I could trust him .

Any boys you like my dad said staring a conversation .

Uhh pops let's not talk about it I said feeling awkward.

Cmon I'm not your mother but we can talk about things acknowledged .

If I do will you stop bringing her up I said getting frost.

I still love her Janet , she's your mother I know it hurts but one day she will come back he concluded .

Your wasting your time she left us dad for some man that could do better for her , doesn't that hurt I burst out

Sweetie when you love someone you will understand , no matter how much pain they do you'll always love them he advised.

I thought about Dallas .

We pulled up to the car and walked out. Even though he was right I couldn't forgive her , she was my world until , I wanted to be just like her.At 5 in the morning she packed her suit case and left getting in his car. I never seen her after that. a Three years later I'm still waiting for her.

I saw my dad sit down and drink his brew I could tell he was sad.

Dad you wanted to know about the guys I liked ? I said trying to cheer him up

Sure he said giving a week smile

I sat down and told him bout Dallas and Ricky .

Later that day

I went to the Curtis house

I opened the door to see soda by himself watching tv.

Soda? I called. Yah he said jumping up.

Where's the gang ? I inquired

They out in about I decided to hit the sack early he commented

Since when do you come in early ? I asked

Soda never was the lonely type he was always smiling I swear he got high off of life.

Bob is such a skuzz I'm sorry he did that to you soda burst out.

What brought that up ? I asked

He sat there for a minute .

When I found out you could be hurt I realized I couldn't live without you Janet he articulated

My heart skipped a few beats.

What are you saying soda ? I asked

I'm trying to say your special to me but I know dal has your heart he said

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say , I never knew he felt this way until now.

He got up and was about to walk away .

Soda !? I called unsure why I did .

Yes , Janet ?he said turning back around .

Don't move I said coming closer.

I grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

The kiss grew hungry and strong I felt something different this time . More and more we started kissing , turning it to a make out session . I stared to pull up his shirt , while he lifted me up and brought me to his room still not letting go of the kiss . In the heat of the moment soda called my name "Janet" he whispered .

Yes soda I said grabbing his hair while kissing him.

We can't do this he said letting go of the kiss.

Why I said looking disappointed .

Because you still love Dallas and I'm just getting in the way of that he began .

I'll always love you though he added

I love you too soda , you were always there for me I said kissing him on more time .

Janet ? can you just lay with me he begged .

Of course soda I said laying in his chest peacefully .

We laid there talking sweet nothings .

I got up out the bed watching soda sleep .

God he was so beautiful sleeping like that with his shirt off but he was right I loved Dallas and he was getting in the way as I left I kissed him on the cheek .

I was waking home in the midnight to see Jenny on the front porch .

Stranger I yelled playfully . I head you were at the hospital you good she asked worried .

Yeah I'm a greaser member , those soc's ain't got nothing on me I laughed

Ha , your right but you need any one to talk to she suggested .

A girls input could help me a lot I assured .

She invited me inside and the house was messy and I could tell she was not a neat person .

I'm not the best cleaner she continued .

I can tell I said sitting down .

So , I heard about you and dally and Ricky I just wanna say dally still loves you.

Dally POV

Bye I said

Bye dally I'll see you next time

Broad I uttered .

I wasn't feeling right tonight because I missed her more and more .

What happened to me since when do I love someone ?

I'm Dallas Winston , I don't love skirts I leave them but I love her so much .

I got up and took a walk , the air was cold and every breath I took I could see it in the air.

As it start getting darker I saw Tim Shepherd .

Hey you heard bout my tires getting slashed he asked with his mean mug.

Yah I said opening my blade discretely .

Well I heard it was you he said throwing his cigarette and stepping on it .

Yeah well some one lied you dig ? I said

Well this ain't no cut up this is my car now you gonna pay he yelled .

Just beat it I yelled frost .

He took his knife and tried to stab me but only left a scratch then I pinned him down punching him until I saw blood.

Then bright lights were flashing and they were red and blue .

Shit it's the fuzz we said .

The two finks came out the squad car with their guns pointed .

You two greasers put your hand up ! the yelled .

Fuck I mumbled while he put handcuffs on me .

Why the fuck I'm I getting arrested I argued . Shut up you skuzz before I bang your head in floor.

I was in the car watching the lights flashing before me while I sat in the seat , I guess it's true old habits die hard .

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