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"let me make it easier for you!"i smiled then pulled the shot him. 

he didn't dodged he had some kid of force filed around him. i kick a small stone and it ping back at me."what him you done to. yourself kaname . you smell like death your been drinking the pure bloods blood haven't you ?"i asked curious

i realized that he was turning into one giant Target ," help me kill the pure bloods Sella or you don't wanna know what ill do," 

"hit me with your best shot." i said. 

i started shooting at him bang bang , i switch guns but then i was out of bullets."my turn"he smiled i pulled out my knife dodging all his blows then he grab both my arms he was pumped up on pure bloods blood and i didn't know what that would do to me i let out a Howell for help them he bit me with stunned me like a possum . once he was done he threw me to the ground and pain start shooting threw my veins, i screamed out in agony, "enjoy your gift."he laughed then disappeared. was i changing this pain was worst, then something happened my memory's started flooding back fast and then the Forest froze over and i past out from pain in. 

in my mine i was reliving the day i lost my memory.

it was 12 in the morning i was packing a travel bag ,what was i doing, a guy came he looked 18 black hair taller then me strong face features, he was kind of pretty , he grab my both of my arms ,a young me looked screed, "what are you doing Victoria."he growl. 

"I'm not staying I'm going."i said. 

"i can't let you leave."he said. 

"you can't stop me."i replayed  

"i reply throwing him against the wall. 

i quickly took off with a trail of flames. 

i followed myself she ran threw a under group tunnels and being track but the fire was speeding so the that was first then tracking me and i got to the hill, "idiots I'm not a follower,"i said cocky like. 

wow I am cocky. there was a rusty in the bush, she froze it over then took of running i followed again. 

she ruining threw the forest then came to a road then i was hit by a truck ,"fuck!"i screamed at the site of the. 

i went under the wheel , i was crushed under the truck , my head was smashed my head against the ground, i was swimming in a pool of blood ,my head was crack open you could see my brain, my bones were poking out of my i looked dead. a woman walked past and she was hood i couldn't see her faces it was a blur she sat down be side me, "o dear you want wanna remember this," she said. 

she pulled a vile of stuff out and dropped it in my mouth. 

"wait wrong one oops."she laugh. she picked up and took me to hospital. we she walked in dropped me and left there they rushed me into surgery and stop all the internal bleed and took all the shattered Pisces of bone out out. they wheeled me out and in a room. 2 days later they pulled life support and i wake up as soon as the tube was out this is where my memory Begin ,i Begin and Victoria died under that bus. 

i was sitting in a chair steering out the window thinking nothing , 

,feeling nothing, reasoning to nothing ,felling dead and i could remember nothing. 

then i sucked back to the real world All i saw was red and snow. half my body had frozen over i pulled my self up from the ground,"how long was i out for."i whispered in pain. 

i got up looked around for my guns ,couldn't find them i only had my black Thorn gun ,no bike and the ass stole my game bag and walked back to cross. i go out of the Forest and i notice the first had snow all thew it and the acamcay was like i left it a four hours ago, something wasn't right with me i don't know what, i headed back to the dorm hanged over in pain, i was walking threw canvas, i wanted to get to the dorm i fleet my neck it was still bleeding,why it hasn't stopped, so i held it ."Sella!"someone yelled. 

i moved quicker threw the people i didn't want people to see, "Sella stop."he yelled. 

i quickly ripped my hair tie out so i could the blood and my hair seeing it was the same colour. i stop and turn around ,"katio its a bad time!"i said. 

"cross wants you."he said 

"im not in uniform ."i said laughing it off . 

"its important i was about to came into the Forest and find you."he said. 

"no!"i said realising i was yelling . 

he moved my hair from my neck, i step back,"what happened?"he whisper. 

"i don't wanna talk about it , tell cross ill see him later."i said walking off, 

he garb my arm,"your coming with me, first aid on that wound."he said dragging me off. 

i just went with him, he took me to his offices, i sat down on the chair and push my hair to the side, "whats the damage."i asked. 

"i have to clean it first but i don't think your attacked by any normal vampire." he said. 

he squad the salt water on to it, it stank, "what attacked you?"he asked. 

"don't wanna talk about it"i said. 

"you need tell me, Sella,"he said. 

"no i don't have to,"i said pushing him away.  

i walked out i head to the night class dorm, "yuki your dealing with them tonight "i screamed at the top of my lungs, i went into my room in and locked the door, i broke down crying, i was in a unfamiliar pain, a vampire had beaten me at my own game and these memory's i don't wanna know who i was. i laid on the floor holding my gun to my head ,should i pull the trigger, i have failed at this and i don't like the person i was. 

"Sella don't."zero's voices rang. 

i smiled at him bang i pulled the trigger and shot myself, i knew it wouldn't kill me but i wanted the memory's gone. i woke up in the medical ward i had a banged around my head and neck, i got out of bed and listen to the door, "we don't think she'll make toga the wound on here neck and the bullet in her cellredale cortexs. she not going to make it throw the night we cant move her ."she said sadly. 

"you need to start believing in the impossible, i find her after being mangle up some how, it was like she was hit by a train and survived. so i don't believe that she gone, Sella is 1 in a billion "he said. 

i walked into the bath room i unwind the bandages, i had changed i wasn't the same looking, my eyes turn a electric light blue, my red hair was brighter, i had fangs and my skin was paler, the hole in my head just spat out a bullet i screamed, i had no idea how this happened, "what the hell!"i heard the nurse say from out side the bath room.  

"go wait out side."i heard togu say to the nurse. 

i couldn't be a vampire its not possible it cant be i am werewolf."Sella let me in."he said. 

"give me my gun so i can finish myself off."i said stringy. 


"you don't wanna know." 

"Sella we are particular family, then nothing you can say to me to shock me."he said. 

"master and student i don't call that family ,all right ill threw something strange at you."i said. 

"okay lets here it. stupid " 

"i have a school girl crush and i think I'm a ..................... vampire"i said. there was silently the door opened behind me,

"togu finish me i will end up killing good people. do it!"i yelled. 

he looked at me in shocked i looked like one of the night class students, now and more a out cast now, and the temperature was dropping."i don't think you a vampire, hybrid is the term. are you craving?"he asked. 

"no.?"i said. 

"okay well sort some of those pills out for in the mean while go back to your dorm and get some rest there a full moon next week."he said. 

"why wont you do it?!"i yelled. 

"i couldn't kill zero what makes you think i can kill you, your like family and you sure treated me like it and i did the same.?" 

i hug him,he hugged me back"how are we going to get you out of this,"he said. 

"shot that mother fuck right between the eyes!"i growl anglely. 

"sure."he laughed  

"okay lets go back to the night class ill start  a plan,"i said normally. 

"okay ill erases the nurse memory"he said. 

"thanks."i smiled  

"its all right you saved my life." 

"i own you my life to start with, come over to the dorm later after the night class leave for class."i said. 

"okay."he said. 

i jumped out of the window and head to the dorm, my eyes hurt out in the sun and my skin was white so the sun hated me. i did bother to open the gate i jumped over it and continue to the dorm i walked in they were in drinking the pills i in hailed the smell of it. "NO!"i screamed and run up stairs,  

i liked the smell of it, i am not a vampire. 

i didn't want to be a vampire, 'let me out ill show you how fun it can be a wolf and a vampire.'i heard in my head. 

i pulled a needle out of silver iodide out and injected into me.  

i heard a knocking at the door i opened it, yuki and aido,"yes?"i asked. 

"you all right president Sella." 

"fine never better."i reply normally. 

"no, don't lie Sella, you never screamed at as went we have the blood pills out."aido said. 

"yuki i like talking to you came in."i said causal like. 

"okay."she said curiously. 

i pulled her in a slammed the door on aidos faces. 

"you never told me kaname's plan ." 

she lowered my head,"I'm sorry for not telling you."she cried. 

i grab her by her top and pinned to her wall, "tell me!"i growl. 

"put me down your scarring me." 

"if you don't tell this bullet will meet your brain."i yelled i point my gun under her chin,

i was in a foul mood. "okay kaname been killing pure blood for there blood to get there power and stop you from turning the e's and aristocrats back." 

i pushed the gun hard on her neck,"what else!?"i growl thew my teeth, 

"there was another bit to do with you."she said. 

"tell me what it."i got closer into her faces looking her in the eyes, 

"tell me."i said. 

i don't know what happened but her eyes glowed red"he wants to turn you so he can compelled you and use your power," 

"why does he want my power I'm useless compared to him." 

"hes done research on you, he knows your name is Victoria and you have special wolf abilities and your bloods not so pure you a pure blood vampire in your history and what it takes to turn a werewolf." 

i calm down, 

"forget this happened." i said. 

she snapped out of it,"what you wanna talk about ?" 

"nothing go . you need,go get ready for class ill be back at the start of nexts week, there a lot going on."i said. 

"okay."she said. 

she walked out i slammed my hand threw my walk"ill fixes it!"i yelled at him i all most put my thirst threw akatsuki head. he walked away"bloody emo."i muttered. 

i went down stairs and sent them off to class and told them ill be back in class next week Monday. 

i waited for togu,he knocked on the door i was re plastering the wall "COME IN!" i screamed . 

he came in and there was four people, 

i walked over to the top of the stair case, togu,cross,zero and katio, i quickly turn round,"fuck i thought it was just togu."i said under my breath. 

i quickly ran to the bath room and washed the plaster off my hands.then went back down stairs,"i put a hole in the wall i was fixings it"i said. 

i sat in my head chair,"take a set." 

they look nervous i could smell it. 

" Sella you have change."cross said. 

"kaname turned me into a half cast freak."i said looking to the roof. 

"Sella why'd you shot your self in head,"i heard zero. 

"my name is Victoria and Sella is my last name , i remember something for before my accidents, who i was, i don't like it so,i knew it wouldn't kill me just take away the memory's."i sighed leaning but into the chair. 

"here."cross threw me a box's of pills. 

"what is it?" 

"blood pills."he relayed. 

"ow."i said a slipped them in my pocket. 

"so what's the plain?"he said 

"kanames after me, that's why he turned me into a half cased, because he thinks I'm like other werewolf's i can't be compelled so turning me into a vampire, ups my werewolf abilities, so next time i see kaname I'm going to burn him, he's became stronger feeding off pure bloods but i have a army he's alone."i said. 

"what?"togu said. 

"oh i didn't tell you a secret a little secret the 502 e's i killed, i can summon them at will to fight for me and send them back,"i growl. 

"Sella you all way surprise me."togu laughed. 

"kaname's after me heads going to burn for turning me." 

i saw a smile for zero and kaito. 

"all right how do you plain to to it?" 

"cross your not going to like this i idea but yuki as bat hes after pure bloods and they fear me and yuki the only one i know ."i said 

"no we cant risk it."cross said. 

"or me i go out into the forset, put me out in the firing line if i can get past the shield and use the fire."i said 

"Sella no we are not going to rise it at all."cross argue. 

"its not stupid if i play my cards right."i said. 

"Sella not you cant."cross asked. 

"why not."i reply. 

"your family i don't wanna loss my newest daughter."he said. 

"I'm not your daughter I'm a mutt wolf now the Sella pure bloods probably don't want me back, i want to kill him so i can release the aristocrat and e's from his grips at the moment no one is safe. start thinking like chess."i said 

"Sella that's a game "kaito said. 

"game of strange, and of kings. if there death its all in a change of strangers."i sighed. 

"she find her best ideas." 

"expect this game kaname and me are the kings of the game and one of us are coming out alive."i said with a honest tone. 

"okay Sella how do you plan to win this?"togu asked. 

"we both die end it all together." 

"what!?"katio said. 


"you don't need to die Sella. please don't do it ." 


that shut him up,"ill put my plan into action after the moon." 

"Sella i wish you would do some think else." togu said. 

"I'm in the final stage of perfecting it, zero do you have a problem with it? you haven't said a thing." 

"i want in i wanna help kill kaname."he smiled. 

"good then. ill in form use when i have finish my plan." i said with a smile. 

"fine im in Sella, i cant let you go on a suicide mission with out my supervision."togu smiled. 

i looked at cross."fine." 

"sweet is there some where i can try out these supposed wolf powers i can try out?"i asked. 

"just use the back of the dorm , im going come zero,katio."he said 

they left . 

togu said there i play with the pill box's,"that's not your plan is it?" 

"no its not, i have something bigger in the works."i smiled. 


"we needa sort out a gun that can kill me I'm think a double barrow hand gun." 

"what one with bloody rose bullets other black throne bullets?" 


"whats the plan." 

"me to know and you to fine out. I'm going to go try these powers out , first ill need to frig out how they work." 

"okay i have to go chat with the nurse."he said 

"no wonder you like being in medical you like the nurse who told you i was going to die

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