Chapter 24

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Unedited- PLEASE feel free and comment my mistakes so I can fix them.

~Adrian POV~
- 4 days later -

I groan as I stand up from the toilet. I don't think I'm going to eat anything ever again- okay no that's a lie. But honestly I keep throwing everything up, but lucky it doesn't happen more often than not.

I've learned that I should stay close to a bathroom after I'm done eating though. The pack thinks that I'm sick with the flu, a couple few people think it's something more, mostly Shelby.

She doesn't say it directly but I know that she has hope that I'm actually pregnant. But she can't hope for that, because it'll never happen.

Lycans have been trying to have pups for the past 13 years, and not a single one has been successful. They've tried everything, from just natural conceiving to actual scientific surgery and fertility trials. Not a single thing has worked.

We told Mason's family about the whole pregnancy thing and it seemed to really affect them, I'm not sure why but his parents were more affected than Damien and Shelby.

I think it was because the thought of being a grandparent, but realizing that it could never happen hit then hard. I mean sure they knew before but this is different- we actually thought we were going to have a pup so it just hit us hard.

Deep down I still have hope that I'm pregnant, mostly because I'm still moody and I keep throwing up, but mostly in the morning. My wolf swears on her life that there's a pup growing inside of me and I honestly believe her.

Mason keeps telling me that I'm not the first one who thought for sure she was pregnant, he says that it's just my mind. But even he hopes, because I can see it in his eyes, there's no hiding it, and because his wolf can sense it too.

Every time I try to talk to him about it he changes the subject, saying that it's best to let it go and forget about it. He keeps saying that I'm in denial, but all in all I think he's the one who's in denial.

Mason's footsteps echo through our room, stopping at the doorway of the bathroom. He sighs and walks towards me, wrapping me in his arms, "Are you okay baby?" He whispers in my ear.

I just nod my head, a stray tear flowing down my cheek and falling into his shoulder. He pulls away and softly grabs my chin so I look at him, "Adrian what's wrong?" Concern laces his voice.

I shake my head and aim my gaze at the ground. I'm not going to get into another argument because of this, I won't do it.

"Please," He asks gently, "Please tell me." It's almost as if he's begging for me to tell him. An Alpha begging and bowing down to someone is unknown, but this is a definite acceptation because I'm his equal, his mate.

"I don't want to," I whisper.

"Adrian please, I need to know so I can help you." He pries again. I almost scoff, help me? Or just tell me that I'm wrong about my own pup growing inside of me?

"You can't help," I snap, "You'll just make it worse." I jerk away from him and walk out of the bathroom to sit on the bed.

I'm being harsh, I know that I am but I just can't help it, the anger is running through me and I can't help it.

Mason walks out of the bathroom and sits down next to me, "Tell me." He says harshly, "Tell me why I would make things worse."

"No! I don't want to argue Mason please!" I beg, closing my eyes. This is the last thing I needed, with all of this commotion about the pregnancy scare I don't need to argue with him right now.

"Adrian I'm not trying to argue with you! I'm just trying to help you but you keep pushing me away and I don't know why!" He shouts, standing up from the bed.

"Maybe it's because I know that I'm pregnant! I just keep pushing that thought back because it's impossible! But you always tell me that I'm in denial and that I just want a baby so bad that I'm imagining it!" I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my hair.

I stand and square up to Mason, making him growl in protest, "Adrian stop it. You know fully well that I want a pup just as bad as you do! I want to be able to have children running around the house and ruining things that we buy! I want to be able to walk my little princess down the isle one day at her wedding with her beloved mate but that's never going to happen!"

"I've seen what this does to people Adrian." He said a little more seriously, "It's very rare but it happens. People have thought the same thing as we do, they thought for sure that they were pregnant and having a pup. They thought about it so much that they went crazy, some killed themselves for unknown reasons, some were banned from their packs because they were so crazy, and others just statute isolated because they were sick of hearing that they weren't pregnant when they 'knew' they were."

"I don't want us to end up like those people Adrian, that's why I keep pushing the thoughts about you being pregnant away. I don't want to be isolated or kill ourselves because we were obsessed with the idea that you were pregnant. I don't want to do that to us." He shakes his head.

"But we're not like those people!" I scream loudly, "I do try and push the thought of being pregnant to the back of my mind but guess what? It keeps coming back up because me and my wolf know fully well that it's true, impossible but true. And I know that you and your wolf believe it too! I can feel it."

Mason groans loudly, "This is the exact thing that those other people thought. You want to know how I know that? Because some of those people were my aunt and uncle! My aunt was positive that she was pregnant, she started out just like you, thinking the same things, hell even saying the same things."

"I don't know why the thought of never being able to have kids makes people go this crazy but it does, it just does. And I will not have my mate go crazy because of it. I will not allow my mate to kill herself like my aunt and uncle did. My aunt was the one who became obsessed with it and my uncle couldn't stand it but he loved her so he put up with it."

"She started to put pillows in her shirts so she would look like she was pregnant. Everyone was terrified for her sanity but the thing they hasn't noticed was that it was already long gone. One day my uncle found my aunt dead, lying in their bed with a silver knife plunged into her stomach. Not long after my uncle couldn't handle life without her so he just simply hung himself."

"I miss my aunt and uncle, I love them so much but my aunt went crazy and there's no denying it. She mentally went insane and it cost her her life and her mates life as well. So I swear Adrian, I will not let you turn out like my aunt did, I will never even let you come close."

Mason walks towards me and places his hand on my cheek, "I will never allow you to become more insane then you already are." A smile spreads across his face before he pulls me into his chest.

"I'm sorry about you aunt and uncle Mason," I mummur into his chest, pulling away to look into his eyes, "But I still won't believe that I'm not pregnant until we go to the pack doctors and test it. I know that it's impossible and everything but I just have this feeling in my gut, and I haven't had any symptoms to make myself believe anything different so let's just go to the pack doctor and see. Once I know for sure that I'm not pregnant I'll be fine and I'll let it go, never speak of it again."

Mason sighs but nods his head, "We can go today. I'll tell Olivia to get everything prepared by 4."

"Thank you Mason, I know that our chances are slim but I just can't get rid of this feeling that maybe we've done the impossible." And with that I walk into our bathroom to take a shower.


"Alpha I have everything ready." A nice looking red headed, brown eyed doctor, which I assume is Olivia, walks out of a room as soon as we walk into the doctors office.

As we follow Olivia back into an open room she shuts the door and smiles at me, "Luna," She bows her head in submission, "I see that you think your pregnant?" She asks me.

I give her a simple nod and she sighs, "I'm sure that your sick of people telling you that your not pregnant because it's impossible but I'm going to have to take all of their sides on this one. But we're still going to take a look just to see."

She has me go to the bathroom and pee in a cup, also she takes a blood sample. Once I'm done she tells me to go back into the room with Mason so we can wait for the test results to come back clear.

"What if they come back positive?" I ask Mason, because I honestly have no idea if they will or not, sure I have that feeling in my gut but hell, it could mean something else, it could mean anything.

"If it's positive than there would be lots of trouble and mystery's to be solved but all together we would raise our prefect little family and who knows, maybe even add on to it if possible."

His response helped my mood a lot. It really gave me the confidence that I needed. "And if it's negative?"

"If it's negative like everyone thinks then we will most likely morn again because we can't have any little pups but we would get through it and then we could have all the unprotected sex we want." He kisses me neck.

"Mason!" I laugh and shove him away playfully.

"What? Tell me you wouldn't love that. We could-" I cover my hand over his mouth.

"Don't you dare even finish that," I warn.

I drop my hand immediately when Olivia knocks and opens the door with a troubled look on her face.

"Sorry that took so long but we had to retake the tests a couple times and overlook some things." Olivia apologizes.

"No it's fine, it was quicker than I thought it would be." I smile at her, a giddy feeling spreading throughout my body.

"Luna could you please lay down on here and Alpha could you take a seat in that chair over there?" She asks while pulling out some things from the drawers.

"Yeah of course." I start to lay down as Mason worriedly gets up and sits down in the chair, but constantly fidgets.

'Mason it's going to be okay. I promise you nothing bad is going to happen.' I mind link him.

'I know' He whispers softly, 'I just can't help but worry about you, it's all I do.'

I want to cry but I hold in my tears because they won't do anyone good. If I keep up with these constant mood swings then I think I'll just put myself in a mental hospital.

"Can you lift your shirt up?" Olivia asks me. I nod and lift my shirt up just to my bra, "This is probably going to be cold," She warns me before a cold gel substance encloses on my stomach.

I squeal and laugh at the coldness, I wasn't expecting it to be that cold. Mason chuckles at my silliness as a large smile spreads across his face.

"Can he come over here and hold my hand?" I ask Olivia, who smiles warmly at me.

"Of course he can." She nods for him to come over and hold my hand, which is the exact thing he does.

He grabs my hand in his and kisses my knuckles repeatedly. Olivia takes out some more doctor tools that I honestly have no names for, but one of them she hooks up to a machine and a little TV screen flashes on.

I'm not that stupid as to not know what's going on, I'm getting an ultra sound. Friends and family members always send my family pictures of their baby's ultra sounds.

A feeling of relief washes over me, I'm pregnant, or at least that's what I think. I'm pretty sure that the tests came back positive so Olivia's doing an ultra sound just to be sure that I'm pregnant.

It all happens in slow motion. The little doctor's tool is placed on my stomach as Olivia moves it around. A blob of black and white shows up on the screen and throughout the whole room a small heartbeat echo's in each corner.

Olivia pales, along with me and Mason. "Y- your pregnant," She mumbles.

I look up at Mason to see him smile brighter than I've ever seen before. I can't hold back the tears of joy that roll down my face. We make eye contact and immediately he leans down to kiss me, gladly I kiss him back with just as much passion and love.

We've somehow done the inevitable, we've done something that has been trying to be done for the past 13 years. Somehow we've done it, we are having a pup.

(A/N) Oh look at that! She's having a puppy- I mean baby. Not that it already said that in the description or anything.. PSH.

But how are they able to have a puppy? You won't find out for a while, MWAHAHAHA!


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