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"No, no! Eunji!"

I sobbed uncontrollably when you vanished. I remembered you fell to the ground and seconds later, you were dragged away from me even before I could get to you.

I heard you screaming in pain as I ran after you but stopped mid-way when I realised you were completely gone from my sight. But up till now, your screaming still echoes in my head. It's like your haunting me. I can't blame you though because I know I got you into this.

After crying for what seemed be for hours, I stood up, feeling slightly shaky. I picked up the flashlight and shone it around, trying to find for the exit. That was when I saw a nearby staircase. I couldn't believe my eyes but still climbed my way up.

I saw the sign 'first floor' when I went up two floors higher. At that moment, I knew that we had went down to the basement, thinking that it was the first floor. I felt like crying again.

As I walked through the first floor, I saw the front door still wide opened from a distance. I made my way there with a heavy heart. At that time, I didn't even know if my friends were alive but all I knew was that someone had taken you, my precious buttercup.

I walked out through the front door and climbed over the fence that surrounded the abandoned hospital. I then headed to where we had parked our car to see that it was still there. Even more, there was no one inside.

I knew immediately that my friends were still inside the hospital, trying to find their way out.

But guess what I did?

I left them too.

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