CH 17

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Vegeta stared at his wife. How was he supposed to react to this type of news?!He opened his mouth and closed it.
Bulma wobbled on her feet and Vegeta caught her.
"Come on, let's get you to bed.." He lead her out of the Gravity room.

Bulma shook him off of her, stubborn as always. She whipped her head looking up. "Well aren't you exited?"

"Yes Bulma!" He said sweating, he really didn't know how to feel. His brain was telling him things.... He was reminded of the threat that would come in 2 years. The second one was almost up. He wasn't ready! He was Gonna have a kid, bringing a Child into a world that is in danger... Vegeta felt weak he wasn't strong enough.

He lead Bulma to the bed and practically threw her on the bed. Bulma looked at him with a scowl. "Be careful!" She cried.
"Sorry." He grumbled.

Vegeta walked towards the door. He stopped in the door way turning to her. Bulma looked up when she saw Vegeta reenter the room. Vegeta paused, he leaned down and kissed Bulma. He lifted up and quickly left the room, leaving a shocked Bulma.

Vegeta closed the door. Jumping when he felt someone behind him. "Is she alright?"

"She's fine." He told everyone. "She just needs some rest."
He looked at Yamcha who was looking at the ground. Vegeta felt sorry for what he was about to do, but he must. Bulma and Yamcha won't stop him.

Vegeta walked past the group. "Why don't we get back to training?" He scowled at Goku.

Goku pumped up his fist. "You itching for a fight, Vegeta?!" He smiled, he's been waiting for Vegeta to say that all day.
Goku powered up going Super Saiyan. Vegeta clenched his fists. That Super Saiyan power was going to be his!

Vegeta scoffed turning around waving his hand for Goku to follow.
Krillin turned giving a sigh. "I'm going home. I need to see my--"
"NO DON'T LEAVE." Goku grabbed Krillin carrying him away. Krillin kicked his legs and hit Goku's back. "If these were the consequences of being your mate! Then I would of said no!" Krillin huffed. Yamcha looks up confused. Mate? His eyes landed on Vegeta. He blushed watching the three turn the corner.

"You don't mean that!" Goku slapped Krillin's ass. Krillin yelped grabbing Goku's shirt.

"Shut up you two!" Vegeta snapped.

"Your just jealous!" Goku stuck out his tongue. "Your too small to carry Yamcha!" Goku grabbed Krillin's butt making him squawk.

"No I'm not!" Vegeta's spiked hair bristled. Vegeta knew Goku was just teasing. He saw how Vegeta threw Nappa into the air like it was nothing but rage still built up inside the Prince.

Goku lifted his chin closing his eyes. He puffed out his cheeks.

Vegeta growled lowly. Soon Kakarot, just you wait.

They finally reached the Gravity room and Goku was quickly concentrated on their fighting.
When Vegeta turned to him Goku smiled going Super Saiyan.

Krillin leaned against the wall he yawned with boredom. Vegeta kept pressing Goku with his attacks but Goku dodged him quickly.

Vegeta was pissed. Goku wouldn't even try to hit him, he just circled around him.

Goku smiled. "Are gonna hit me Vegeta?!" Goku stopped in place laughing at Vegeta's reaction.

"Shut up!" Vegeta launched himself at Goku but he moved out of the way. Vegeta slammed head first into the wall. Krillin died laughing. Vegeta punched the wall inches away from Krillin's head.
Krillin shrunk under Vegeta's ice cold gaze, his face flushing white.

Vegeta looked around when Krillin disappeared before his eyes.
He turned around and saw Krillin being held by Goku.

They both laughed at him. Vegeta flew at them going straight for Goku who held Krillin tight and used his leg to take the hit. Vegeta struggled, Goku's legs were just as powerful as his arms. Goku pushed harder kicking Vegeta in the arm. Vegeta grabbed his arm as pain shot through his body.

Vegeta blinked trying to calm himself down. Vegeta started backing up, moving away when Goku stepped closer.
Goku smirked "Maybe we should do this with Yamcha instead. Then maybe you would fight better."

Krillin laughed. "Yes with his little Yamcha in danger!"
Vegeta's face went red.

Stupid Krillin, he was only saying that because he felt safe in Goku's arms.

Goku placed Krillin down. "Come on Vegeta! Step it up!"
Vegeta growled.

Vegeta was ready to attack but it was to late Goku was behind him. Goku kicked Vegeta's legs making him fall. Goku landed a punch to his back making him fly across the room.

Vegeta hit the wall. His body hurt like hell. He looked up to Goku who was walking towards him. Goku smiled powering down to normal.

Goku reached out a hand for him to take but Vegeta weakly stood up on his own. "Are you alright?--AH" Goku yelped.

Vegeta had just slapped Goku with the back of his hand.

Goku grabbed his cheek his eyes watering.

Vegeta had just realized how much distance he and Goku had. It ate away at his brain. Vegeta turned around and left the Gravity room. He walked past Piccolo and Gohan who were looking confused as to what happened.

"Vegeta! Wait! I'm sorry!" Goku walked after him.
Vegeta stopped walking. He remained facing forward. "Leave me alone."


Vegeta walked around the corner. He had been avoiding the others for the rest of the day. He only stayed with Bulma for the most of the day making sure she was comfortable.

He turned his attention to Dr Briefs who was in a happy mood finding out that he was going to be a grandfather.

Vegeta blinked. An image finally getting into his head. If Goku had become a Super Saiyan in space.. maybe he could too...

Vegeta stood up and trailed behind the man. Dr Briefs' black cat, Tama saw him first. The cat meowed, nuzzling into the shoulder of Dr Briefs, purring.
The doctor turned around.

"Oh, Hello! What do you need boy." His cigar hung from his mouth his face showed a little bit of fear. It was easy to tell he was a little bit uneasy with Vegeta considering the last time he talked to him. Vegeta had forced him to build him a better Gravity chamber scaring the crap out of him so he would do it. The uneasiness was more noticable to his normal chilled exterior.

Vegeta tried his best to smile normally trying to hide his wicked smirk. "There is something you can do for me."


Yamcha opened one of his eyes when he heard the door to his room click. He knew who it was based on the Ki. He heard what happened with Goku and Vegeta earlier in the day. He remained still.

"Are you awake, Yamcha?" Vegeta called softly.
Yamcha opened his other eye. "Yes.."

Vegeta sat down on the bed. "Yamcha... come outside with me.."

Yamcha yawned. "Why don't you lay with me?" Yamcha patted a spot on the bed. Vegeta felt a chill of sadness run throughout his body. Yamcha and everyone else had no idea.

Yamcha frowned looking up at Vegeta. His eyes growing big. Vegeta sighed he couldn't help but give in. Damn it Yamcha! Why do you have to be so cute?!

"Fine... just for a bit." Vegeta lifted the bed sheets and crawled in bed. Yamcha pulled him closer hugging Vegeta tightly.

Vegeta laughed nipping Yamcha on the neck. Yamcha squirmed. "V-Vegeta.." Yamcha whimpered. Vegeta felt his pants tighten a bit.
Vegeta kissed Yamcha with him returning the favor. He moved giving Yamcha's ears a couple of bites. The instinct to mate with Yamcha wore down on Vegeta. He wouldn't dare do it now, especially if he was going to be alone for a while.
Vegeta went back to Yamcha's neck licking his skin. He wanted to bite his neck so badly. It took him effort for him to pull away.

Vegeta sat up moving away from Yamcha. "Sorry..."
Yamcha smiled. "It's ok Vegeta. So you said you wanted me to come outside."

Vegeta stood up. "Follow my lead."

They two of them walked around the entirety of Capsule Corp. It was mostly a silent walk too. Vegeta should of spoke but he was too nervous. They finally made it to the yard.

Yamcha layed his eyes on the massive space shuttle in the yard. "Vegeta? What's this..." Yamcha looked concerned.

Vegeta looked to the Space craft and Dr Briefs stepped out. "It's all ready for you Vegeta." He smiled "Remember the things I told you to operate the Space ship. I know you know how to use one." The doctor yawned. "Now, I'm going to bed."

Yamcha blinked. "What is going on?!"
Vegeta looked at him. He sighed and turned away, he couldn't look at his face anymore.

"Yamcha. I'm leaving for a bit."

Yamcha walked closer to him. "W-why?"
Yamcha Scowled. "You can't leave! Bulma is pregnant with your child!"

"I need to get stronger Yamcha!"

"But Vegeta your strong enough.. your one of the strongest fighters we have." Yamcha walked closer.

Vegeta pushed him away. "It's not enough Yamcha, I can go beyond. How can I sleep at night thinking I can do more... I want to surpass Kakarot."

"We're not enough?"
Yamcha's body shook. "I'm not enough?"

Vegeta whipped around. "Yamcha, don't say things like that. I love you." He planted a kiss on Yamcha face.

Yamcha left out a cry. He should just let Vegeta go, he knew whatever he said wouldn't stop him. He placed his hand on Vegeta's chest. He looked through his tears. "Get stronger Vegeta." He smiled. "Don't you dare get killed out there! Your Wife and Child will be waiting for you."

Vegeta smiled. "I'll be back by the time they are born."

Yamcha hugged Vegeta. "I'll be waiting for you.."

Vegeta hugged him back. They kissed once again and parted.

Vegeta blushed. "Can I do something?"
Yamcha tilted his head. "What?"
Vegeta blushed harder.
"Just trust me!"

Yamcha lifted a brow. "Fine."

Vegeta grabbed Yamcha and picked him up above his head. "Vegeta what are- YOU DOING?!!!" Yamcha cried when he was tossed into the air. Vegeta flew up quickly and caught him. They landed safely on the ground.
Vegeta smirked and kissed Yamcha on the lips. See Kakarot?! I can pick up Yamcha!

"What was that for?" Yamcha gasped.
Vegeta looked away.. "N-Nothing!!" He gently placed Yamcha on the ground not before kissing him again.. he was Going to miss Yamcha. He kinda wanted to take him with him but he knew it wasn't safe for him. He didn't dare put Yamcha in danger.

Vegeta made his way towards his ship. He looked back to Yamcha one last time before the door closed behind him.

Yamcha frowned watching the Ship take off. He was worried, he didn't want anything bad to happen to Vegeta. He would have to hear from a very angry Bulma tomorrow.


Goku snored loudly waking Krillin up. He crept out of bed trying his best not to wake Goku up.

Krillin quickly flew from Kame house. He did this once in a while when he hadn't been able to go home. He flew for a while until he reached the city.
Krillin slipped into his house his eyes going wide.

"Lazuli?" The house looked trashed. Where had his wife gone?! "LAZULI??!" He called for 18. She was no where to be found.

He ran to a room when he heard crying. "Marron!" He picked his baby daughter up. She stunk so he quickly changed her and he gave her Baby formula. He held her until she fell asleep and he placed her on the couch.

Krillin looked around the trashed house. The window was shattered and his wife was gone. He knew he wouldn't be able to find her because she was an android. It confused him at first he remembered the future boy talking about the evil androids that attacked his time line but the only android he met was 18. Which he fell in love with and had a baby with.

Krillin jumped when he felt a presence behind him. He turned to see Goku's silhouette in the door frame. He looked mad probably because he woke up to see that his Krillin wasn't in his arms.

Goku's face calmed when he saw the state of the room. He stepped inside. "Krillin. What happened?" He stepped over the class making his way closer to Krillin. He looked at the table and chairs. There looked like their had been a struggle. The chairs were all flipped over on the ground and the table was broken.
He frowned looking down at the state of Krillin's house. "Krillin, where's your wife?"

Krillin just slumped down on his knees shaking his head.



(Too much drama... ಥ_ಥ)


Haha I'm in danger. Here is this image for you to think about...

It's beautiful I know... voice your opinions-

( '༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ')...

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