CH 15

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(Oh no ew smut𓂸ඞ)



Yamcha's foot tapped the table leg. He could hear Bulma's painful groaning from the other room. Her sickness seemed to of gotten worse including her mood.

"Is she alright?" Yamcha asked as Vegeta walked in.
Vegeta looked back concerningly. "I think she will be." Vegeta sat next to him.

"VEGETA!" Just when he sat down he was up again. He stood up quickly the chair sliding loudly across the room.
"Damn woman.." He growled.

Yamcha stretched leaning back in his chair. "Better go see what she wants."
Vegeta scowled.
"VEGETA GET OVER HERE!" Bulma cried.
Vegeta tried his best to control his anger
"I'm getting to it!" He screamed back at her.
Yamcha laughed. "Now you see what I had to deal with." Vegeta gave him the death stare, puckering his lips in a pout.
"Cute." Yamcha smirked. Vegeta's face went red making Yamcha giggle.
Vegeta huffed walking out of the room.


Yamcha sat in his bed, his hair still slightly soggy from his shower
Yamcha layed back. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.
It was currently 11pm and he had no idea where he was going to meet Vegeta. He thanked Kami he could sence his ki from his room.
I should get up...
He felt a pang of sadness, what if Vegeta doesn't like the way he looks? Maybe he should shave!
Yamcha sprang up from the bed and quickly did his best to look nice..
Yamcha looked at the time, it was 12am. He's late Vegeta's gonna kill him!

Yamcha put something loose on and jumped out of his room. He couldn't feel Vegeta's ki so Yamcha powered up his hoping Vegeta would sense his. Yamcha smiled when he could sense Vegeta. Now he knew where to go.

Yamcha traveled down a couple halls until he was up against the door that he could feel Vegeta the most.

Before he even knocked the door opened. Vegeta blinked at him. He had booze in his hand and he took another drink of it. "Your late...." He grumbled.
Yamcha frowned did Vegeta need to Drink to have sex with him? Yamcha didn't want to feel like he was taking advantage of Vegeta.

Vegeta lifted his eyebrow. "You ok?"

Yamcha walked in the room. "I didn't know you were gonna drink.."

Vegeta put the bottle down. "I just started. We can drink it afterwards. It takes a lot more booze to get me hammered."

Vegeta seemed to understand that Yamcha wasn't comfortable with him drinking. "Thanks.." Yamcha smiled nervously.

"Why did we go to your guest room.. we could of gone to mine.." Yamcha felt dumb for asking.

Vegeta smirked. "Incase Bulma wakes up and comes looking for me. She may be bed ridden but this will be the last place she expects."

"Oh.." Yamcha seemed to think the wall was more interesting than Vegeta.

"Are you nervous?" Vegeta walked closer to him. Yamcha held his arm and nodded slowly. "Don't be." Vegeta helped Yamcha take his shirt and pants off.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Yamcha making his whole body twitch. Vegeta kissed Yamcha's neck. "I'll take care of you." He whispered against his ear. "All you have to do is lay their and look pretty~"
Yamcha's legs buckled. Vegeta laughed lifting Yamcha up and putting him on the bed. Vegeta traced his fingers along Yamcha's chest. His clouded eyes lifted to Yamcha's face. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Yamcha lifted his brow smirking. "I have a feeling you'd kill me if I said no." Vegeta growled "That's not an answer.." Yamcha ruffled Vegeta's hair. "Yes... Vegeta." He rolled his eyes.

Vegeta quickly took his shirt off. Yamcha looked up and down his chest. The moon almost made his muscles sparkle. Yamcha blushed he couldn't believe he was doing this with Vegeta.

"Are you enjoying the view?~" Vegeta growled. Yamcha looked down when Vegeta took off his pants.
Vegeta looked up at him. Yamcha quickly flicked his eyes away. He heard Vegeta approach him. Yamcha looked away blushing, the room seemed like a hot sauna he was sweating so bad.

Vegeta looked at him confused because he looked out of breath. "You alright?"

Yamcha rubbed the sweat from his brow.
"Damn, why is it so hot in here..?" Yamcha growled.

Vegeta looked at the temperature and turned it down. "You seem do be the only one who thinks it's hot in here." Yamcha looked like he was about to speak but Vegeta waved him off. "It's alright. I can handle a little cold. I want you to feel as comfortable as possible."
A shiver went down Yamcha's skin a shade of red appearing on his face.

Vegeta walked up to him and kissed his cheek. He kissed all over his face leaving nothing unkissed. Vegeta took his time kissing on Yamcha's scars. Wanting to make sure the Yamcha knew every part of him was perfect. Yamcha yelped when he felt Vegeta's groin on his. Vegeta backed up with a concerned look on his face. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you..?" Vegeta asked but Yamcha shook his head.

Yamcha looked down, his boxers covered in sweat. He quickly took them off not thinking anything.
He heard Vegeta gently laugh making him sink lower into the bed with embarrassment.
He slowly took his hands and covered his groin.

Vegeta laughed. "Why are you so embarrassed? I've seen your dick anyway."
Vegeta made a confused face, he didn't know how to deal with someone so shy. "I'll take off my boxers, then we'll both be naked."

Yamcha watched Vegeta slowly pull down his underwear. He looked away when Vegeta looked up at him. "Don't look away Yamcha." Vegeta growled. "I want you to watch."
Yamcha basically dragged his eyes back to Vegeta. He watched Vegeta's large cock spring out of his boxers.
Vegeta looked at him with a smirk.
Yamcha gulped. It was bigger in person.

Vegeta walked up to Yamcha on the bed. He grabbed his thigh. He leaned and kissed Yamcha. Yamcha blinked but kissed back.

Vegeta grabbed Yamcha's member and stroked it slowly. Yamcha moaned on Vegeta's lips, bucking into his hands. Vegeta left Yamcha and he let out a deep moan.

"Does that feel good?" Vegeta smiled.
Yamcha nodded. Vegeta rubbed circles on the tip making Yamcha almost scream.
Vegeta smirked leaning down to lick it. "Vegeta!" Yamcha cried. Vegeta put Yamcha all in his mouth. His tongue licking all over Yamcha's cock. Yamcha gripped the bed sheets trying not to buck into the warm mouth. After a while of this, Yamcha got close but he didn't want to cum yet.
Yamcha lifted his leg. Vegeta moaned feeling something press against his boner. Yamcha grabbed his hair and pulled. "Ow! Yamcha!" Vegeta got off of Yamcha wiping his mouth.

"Sorry.. I wasn't ready to cum yet.." Yamcha smiled shyly.
"I'll do the same for you..." Yamcha blushed.
Vegeta smirked getting off of the bed. "You pervert~ you want to suck my cock?"

Yamcha nodded getting on his knees.
Vegeta crossed his arms. "Come closer." He motioned with his fingers. "I want you to come to me."

Yamcha stood up and took the embarrassing walk to Vegeta. He stood infront of him rubbing his arm. Vegeta leaned at kissed Yamcha's neck. His lips feeling the skin on Yamcha's neck twitch.

He grabbed Yamcha's head and pushed him back on his knees. Yamcha looked to the ground stuttering. "Now that I see it.. I don't think it's gonna fit!"

Vegeta laughed. "Don't worry about it! I said I would take care of you."
Yamcha sighed.
He looked up at Vegeta and quickly looked back down forgetting that he was naked.

"If you don't want to... then--"

"No. I'll do it."

Yamcha looked back up blushing at the big dick infrout of him. He grabbed it and stroked it. Vegeta's breathing picked up and he groaned. Yamcha's jaw dropped when his dick got bigger.. he was gonna die... Vegeta's fat dick was gonna kill him..

Ah, fuck it... Yamcha licked the tip and a bunch of pre-cum flooded out. It landed all over the floor. Yamcha blinked.. he was just kidding before.. maybe he was going to die.. drowning in Vegeta's spunk might just be a worst death than being killed by that Fucking Saibamen...

He looked up at Vegeta. "Sorry, that always happens..." Vegeta grumbled.

Yamcha tried to come up with a idea of how he was going to fit it in his mouth.
He tilted his head and grabbed the shaft. He opened his mouth and pushed the cock in. Yamcha gagged but didn't spit it out. He tried sucking and it was hard but by the sounds Vegeta was making he was clearly making him feel good. Yamcha swirled his tongue around Vegeta. he could feel Vegeta grow restless almost bucking into his mouth.

Yamcha looked up and saw Vegeta staring at him. He quickly looked away from Vegeta's gaze feeling judged.

Vegeta started pushing in deeper and he even sometimes bucked into his mouth his balls slapping Yamcha's neck.
Vegeta pulled Yamcha off his cock and pushed him against the bed his butt on the floor.

Yamcha rolled his eyes understanding. "Fine... but be gentle.."
Vegeta let Yamcha wrap his mouth back around him. Vegeta moaned. "I'll try.."
Vegeta put his hands on the bed and started to slowly thrust into Yamcha's mouth. He soon pressed harder into Yamcha and he picked up the pace. Yamcha felt his lower region run a pain through his body. He grabbed his member and stroked for a bit. But he stopped after a while and He quickly took his hands away. Not yet

"Yamcha! I'm gonna cum!" Vegeta slowed down. Yamcha blushed looking to the side.

"Look at me." Vegeta growled. He grabbed Yamcha's chin and lifted his head up.
Yamcha couldn't hold it in anymore. He moaned on Vegeta's member. As his body convoluted and he came on the floor. Vegeta soon followed and he came down Yamcha's throat.

Vegeta took his cock out of Yamcha's mouth. He looked at the time. The clock read 2am he knew that Bulma could call him any minute making him have to leave Yamcha. He didn't want that to happen.

Vegeta picked Yamcha up making him gasp in surprise, he was still coming down from his first orgasm.

He placed Yamcha on his back laying his head on his pillows. Vegeta climbed on the bed and crawled on top of him. "Are you ready. I'm going to loosen you up.. when I do it, you need to stay relaxed."
Yamcha gulped and nodded.

Vegeta placed his finger to Yamcha's face. "Lick them."
Yamcha put the fingers in his mouth. Sucking on them like did to Vegeta.
"Good." Vegeta said pulling them out. He lined up the fingers with Yamcha's hole.

Yamcha closed his eyes tightly when he felt them push inside. He spread his legs trying to make more room.
Vegeta put a third one in and started scissoring with his fingers.
Yamcha moaned he pulled the sheets in pain. Vegeta pulled them out. "Are you alright?"
Yamcha nodded. "You can put the real thing in..."

Vegeta smiled and lifted up to kiss Yamcha. Vegeta pressed his body. Grinding against Yamcha. "Quit teasing!"

Vegeta laughed and put the tip to Yamcha's hole.
He took heavy breaths bracing himself. Vegeta grabbed Yamcha's hips and pushed himself in. Yamcha's eyes formed tears as he grabbed the bed sheets so hard that they ripped. Vegeta and Yamcha both stopped what they were doing to stare at the destroyed sheets.

They both shrugged and continued. Vegeta was finally inside of Yamcha.
After a while of Yamcha getting adjusted he finally gave the ok. "You can move now, don't hold back."

Vegeta smirked. He started moving slowly his breathing quickly grew heavy.
Yamcha moaned he turned his head and hid his face in the pillows.

Vegeta growled. "Don't hide your face." Vegeta grabbed the pillow Yamcha was hiding under. Yamcha puffed up his cheeks..

Vegeta kissed Yamcha on the cheeks. "Your so cute. Now you know why I want to see your face." Vegeta slowed his thrusting. Now giving long pumps.

Vegeta leaned in for another kiss but Yamcha turned his head away.

"Oh? Am I in trouble again?"

Yamcha growled. "Yea!"
Vegeta pretended to be really sad. "Oh.. well I guess I should stop--"

Yamcha grabbed him. "No! Don't stop! Fuck me!" Yamcha quickly covered his mouth. Yamcha's face became red like a beet. Vegeta smirked devilishly. "That's what I like to hear~" Vegeta picked up the pace. Slamming into Yamcha. Yamcha saw everything go blurry as he left something graze his prostate.
Yamcha moaned looking up at Vegeta he saw nothing but lust in the Saiyan's eyes.
Yamcha felt another wave as he shuttered and came all over his own chest. Vegeta watched him, his mouth open trying to get air. Vegeta slowed down, leaning down to his chest. He stuck his tongue out and started to lick Yamcha's spunk off of him. Sometimes licking his nipples making him squirm.
"V-Vegeta..." He called out breathlessly.

Yamcha stared for a while. Just surprised trying to remember all the moments that led to this one moment. He was interrupted when Vegeta pulled out. Before he could protest he was turned on his stomach and slammed right into. Yamcha grabbed the sheets and shoved it in his mouth, stopping himself from screaming bloody murder.

"Sorry." Vegeta mumbled. Thrusting inside him hard. Yamcha felt Vegeta shift above him. Yamcha moaned his eyes bulging when Vegeta's cock pressed against his prostate head on.
"VEGETA!!~" He cried full of bliss.
Vegeta layed on his back continuing to slam into his sweet spot. "Yamcha~" Vegeta purred back. "I'm gonna cum!"

Vegeta slammed in harder his lips kissing all along Yamcha's shoulders. He licked Yamcha's ears making Yamcha shiver under him. Vegeta laughed pulling Yamcha's hair making him moan.

Vegeta pulled back far, his cock almost pulling out fully and he thrusted back in hitting Yamcha's prostate so hard he started having another orgasm. "VEGETA!" Yamcha cried his body shaking in his orgasm. Vegeta's legs were shaking also he was going to cum.

"Y-Yamcha! IT'S COMING!" Vegeta gave one last push and pressed into Yamcha as he came inside of him. He held still trying to keep all of his cum inside Yamcha. He lifted his head to bite Yamcha's neck. Yamcha gasped when his sensitive skin was bitten. He was too distracted to care about the pain.

Yamcha turned kissing Vegeta's head. Vegeta purred returning the favor. Vegeta stood up straight pulling out of Yamcha. Before cum could start flying out of Yamcha he shoved something up there it was freezing cold and it made Yamcha yelp. "What was that?!"

"Relax babe.. it's just a butt plug. I don't want you making a mess."
Vegeta looked up at him.
Yamcha blinked. Did Vegeta just call him babe!?

Vegeta smirked. He grabbed a towel and placed over the mess Yamcha made under him. Yamcha scooted over so Vegeta could lay down next to him.

They stated at one another. Vegeta played with Yamcha's curly hair. Yamcha yawned. He was exhausted.

Vegeta smiled. "Tired?"
"Yea.." Yamcha smiled back.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Yamcha pulling him closer. "Let's atleast get some sleep before Bulma starts screaming for me." Vegeta laughed. "I want this moment with you to last."

Yamcha wrapped his legs around Vegeta.
Yamcha felt his neck sting he touched his hand to his neck. "Sorry... I got carried away." Vegeta said nervously. Yamcha rolled his eyes. "Of course you did." Yamcha said as Vegeta yawned.

Vegeta closed his eyes his resting scowl disappearing. He opened on of his eyes. "I love you, Yamcha."
He closed them again, letting out a satisfied hum

Yamcha rested his chin on Vegeta's head. He closed his eyes.

"I love you too."



(Yup. I did that-)


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