CH 13

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Vegeta laughed watching Yamcha struggle to stay standing.
"Ok, had enough Yamcha?" Vegeta smirked.
Yamcha grabbed his arm. It hurt really bad, damn Vegeta had gotten a lot stronger.
They both heard someone at the door but they didn't stop looking at eachother. Yamcha wanted to look when he heard the door click. Yamcha's hearing perked when he heard it creak.
Bulma leaned on the door and opened it.
Vegeta and Yamcha looked at her.
"Hey Bulma." Yamcha looked away from Vegeta for one second, big mistake.

Vegeta flew up, grabbing Yamcha on his shoulders and slamming his body on the ground. Yamcha's eyes went wide in surprise. "Never take your eyes off an enemy, Yamcha!"

Yamcha squirmed. "But, your aren't my enemy..."

Vegeta sighed. "You know what I mean!"
Vegeta sits up getting off of him. "Smart mouth..."

Vegeta told the machine to turn the Gravity back to normal as he wiped his forehead sweat.

Bulma walked up to Vegeta and placed a cold towel on his back. "You should relax, you've been training all day. You need some rest."
Vegeta clenched his fists. "I have to get stronger, Bulma."

Bulma rubbed his back. "I know you are training for the androids, but please, we have two years left!"

Vegeta brushed her off. "You don't understand, I'm not doing this just for the androids. I'm doing this to for myself!"

Bulma scoffed. "Fine, go unlock that Super Saiyan power, and when you come back you'll be lonely as ever!"
Vegeta growled at her. "So be it!"

Bulma winced in pain and Vegeta lost all of his aggression and he looked at her concerned. Yamcha stood up. "What's wrong Bulma?"

Vegeta leaned. "Are you alright?"
Bulma turned away and snapped. "I'm fine!" Bulma frowned. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

Vegeta grabbed Bulma and picked her up. "Maybe you need to rest too."
Bulma nodded.

"I'll be back, Yamcha." Vegeta said as he carried his wife out of the Gravity room.

Yamcha walked out the door and watched him leave. He turned his head and saw Krillin and Goku approaching him.

Krillin looked at him and smiled. "So we'll be leaving."
Goku jumped up. "I'm going back so I can Train with Gohan and Piccolo once again!"

Krillin continues. "And I'll be training with Master Roshi!" Goku wirled his head around. "WHAT?! You can't leave!"
Krillin rolled his eyes. "Why? Are you not going to let me train?"
"No! I just wanted you to train with me!"

Krillin squawked. "TRAIN WITH YOU?!" Krillin shook his head violently. "No way! You'll kill me!"
Goku frowned. "Why?! We use to train together all the time!"
Krillin groaned. "Incase you haven't noticed, YOUR A LOT STRONGER THAN ME!!" He screeched.

"You can train with Gohan!" Goku smiled.
Krillin lowered his head. "Of course..."
"And plus. You know how to drive!"
Krillin looked up at him. "What does that have to do with anything?"
Goku grabbed Krillin. "Long story!"
Goku looked back at Yamcha. "BYE YAMCHA!!"
Yamcha watched them leave. Those two are something else.

"Yamcha?" Vegeta's voice made him jump.

"Hey, Goku and Krillin just left."

"Finally.." Vegeta rolled his eyes
"Don't be mean!" Yamcha laughed.

Vegeta smirked. "I wasn't, I get you all to myself."

All the air in Yamcha's lungs flew out of his body. He looked away embarrassed.
Vegeta smiled and put his hand on his shoulder. "Don't be nervous all the time. It's only cute for so long."

"I-Im not nervous!" Yamcha stuttered.
Vegeta leaned in closer making Yamcha move away. "Not nervous huh?" Vegeta smiled.
Yamcha lifted his chin. "Why do you wanna kiss me so bad?! How old are you? You pervert!"
Vegeta laughed. "Younger than you, you old coot!"

Yamcha was surprised, he figured Vegeta was older. Did Bulma like Younger men?! Yamcha blinked as he remembered he also liked Vegeta.

Yamcha growled, pulling a little hair that was sticking out of Vegeta's messy hair.
"Ow Yamcha!" Vegeta felt a warm hand on his cheek. Yamcha stuck out his lips and puffed out his cheeks mockingly. "Ohh I'm so sorry! Did I hurt the big troll doll?" Yamcha spoke in a baby voice poking Vegeta's cheeks. "Stop it Yamcha! Don't tease me." Vegeta laughed and grabbed Yamcha's hand. He turned it over and kissed his palm. Yamcha blinked in surprise. His face was red and his eyes blurry. Vegeta chuckled at his reaction.

Vegeta smirked devilishly. "Have you made up your mind?"

Yamcha tilted his head. "About what?"

"When will you let me kiss you?!" Vegeta looked at him hungrily.
"What do you mean... you just kissed me!"

Vegeta pushed into him. "I want your lips~"
Yamcha fell over.
Vegeta got on the ground with him. "Yamcha? Are you alright?"

Yamcha looked up at him dazed. "I'm... j-just fine.." his face was beet red. Vegeta looked down and smiled. "If you need more time to think about it--" He tried to stand up but Yamcha grabbed his arm..
Vegeta lifted a brow. "N-No, don't go."
Yamcha grabbed his head and pulled him down to his own.
Yamcha had a goofy smile on his face. Yamcha couldn't wait any longer he just wanted Vegeta already. To be honest he didn't really need anytime to think about it. He had wanted Vegeta to kiss him a long time ago. He just wanted to make him wait. "You can kiss me.."

Vegeta smirked. He pressed his lips up to Yamcha's who hummed in delight. They both smiled on the kiss. Yamcha opened his eyes and saw Vegeta's just staring at him, his eyes wide.

Vegeta grabbed locks of Yamcha's long hair and pulled. Yamcha whimpered.
Vegeta pressed closer to Yamcha. Felling his soft lips on his dry ones.
Yamcha licked Vegeta's lips making hum back up.

"What are you doing?" Vegeta wiped his mouth.
"You've never tongue kissed before?" Yamcha said surprised

Vegeta blinked. "What has that woman been teaching you, poor thing." Yamcha said as he pulled Vegeta back into a kiss.

Vegeta let Yamcha's tongue enter his mouth. Then he remembered that Bulma did actually tried this but Vegeta refused to do it. He thought it was weird and he almost stopped having sex with her all together by how weirded out he was. He had to cover his ears by how much she was telling him it was a normal thing.

Vegeta tried his best to stay still when Yamcha's tongue graced the top of his mouth. He pushed Yamcha's tongue back with his.
Yamcha gave him an angry look but Vegeta quickly took charge. He started tongue fucking the man below him like he'd done it many times before. Vegeta caught on to things quickly.

Vegeta closed his eyes letting the sounds of their kissing and the sound of Yamcha grow louder. He backed up, finally being done with adventuring the older man's mouth.

After a little while Vegeta lifted himself off of Yamcha.
Yamcha looked sad when Vegeta stopped. "Who's the pervert now? Laying there wanting more? Hm~?" Vegeta remarked. He looked over Yamcha's face and the old scars. He reached down with his fingertips and brushed the long one that went over Yamcha's left eye.

Vegeta jumped when he felt cold hands on his stomach. Yamcha had lifted his shirt and he was touching his old scar on his lower chest. Vegeta grabbed Yamcha by the wrist and pulled his hand out. Yamcha whimpered.
Vegeta leaned down and kissed Yamcha on the cheek.

Yamcha blushed when he felt hot breath on his right ear. "I want you in my room tomorrow at midnight. No later."
Yamcha was confused but the lustful look on Vegeta's face made him understand.
"Wait you mean Bulma's?!" Yamcha blushed.
Vegeta shook his head. "No, I use to have a guest room, we'll go there."
Yamcha nodded.

Vegeta helped Yamcha stand up.
Vegeta turned. "I'm going to check on Bulma, she's not feeling well." Vegeta turned his head smiling at Yamcha.
"I'll see you later, pervert~"

Yamcha watched as Vegeta left.
I'm not a pervert, he is!
Yamcha sighed, maybe they were both perverts. For eachother.

Yamcha squealed. He couldn't believe he finally kissed Vegeta. He felt like a stupid school girl kissing their crush for the first time!

He had to tell someone!




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