CH 11

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Vegeta fell flat on his back. He was tired. He barely even went to sleep. That fault belonged to Bulma's who wouldn't let him sleep. Her constant kicking drived him crazy. He had to get up and sleep on the couch and awoke to his wife yelling at him for leaving her alone.
Bulma was a very clingy woman and he was a very clingy man.

Vegeta turned his head to look at his sparring partner who was jumping around Krillin. Vegeta growled. "Kakarot! What did I say about fighting fair?!"

Goku looked over. "You told me to go Super Saiyan..." He scratched the back of his head. Krillin puffed out his chest. "You told Goku that you could defeat him, Super Saiyan or not." He patted his friend on the back, looking at Vegeta with a scowl. Vegeta clenched his fists, having to be reminded that Goku was way of ahead of him. It was that stupid midget's fault he went Super Saiyan and not to mention that future boy who killed Frieza. Vegeta contemplated going into space to try to unlock Super Saiyan. Vegeta was entitled to that legendary power! He never forgot what his father told him. It was his destiny, not Kakarot's, a low class warrior! Vegeta blinked out of his train of thoughts to look back at the short Monk.

Vegeta growled. "Pipe down Pipsqueak!" Vegeta took a step closer to Krillin, his anger rising. "Leave us!"
Krillin flinched nervously and looked at Goku before he got up and left with the door open. Goku watched Krillin leave, saddened.

"Why does he have to leave?" Goku whimpered.
Vegeta motioned for him to be quite.
"Let's sparr, once more."

Goku groaned. "I don't wanna sparr anymore!" Goku crossed his arms.
Vegeta smirked. "You were trying to empress your little crush, weren't you?"

Goku looked at him, shocked. "How do you know that?!" He pointed at him as if he grew a second head.

Vegeta growled. "Everyone knows you like Krillin!" Vegeta waved his arms around.

"No! How can you tell!?" Goku growled back.

"The way you look at him, like you would food! Always wanting to be around him so bad that you stand over him. You listen to everything he says besides your own wife! You even flex your muscles for him and let him touch them as if he was a gitty little school girl!" After all that Vegeta just turns around not wanting to look at Goku's stupid red face.

"You do the same thing with Yamcha!"

Vegeta opened his mouth but closed it. He was right, Kakarot had a point... surprisingly.
Vegeta always wanted to be around Yamcha. He would be lying if he said he didn't flex his muscles for him now and again, hoping Yamcha would see, but it was all over now. Yamcha hadn't come out of his room since what happened yesterday.

Vegeta cursed. "I'm a fool.." Vegeta sat down on the hard gravity room floor. He guided his finger along the damaged floor from all the fighing and sparring that took place there.

Goku walked closer to him and sat next to him. "What's wrong Vegeta? Was it something that has to do with Yamcha?"

Vegeta sighed. "Yes, Kakarot..."

Goku scooted closer. "What happened?"

"He found out something and.. I don't think he likes me.."

Goku let out a gasp. "He found out you liked him?!"
"Something like that, Kakarot."

Goku frowned. "Does that mean I can't tell Krillin how I feel?"

Vegeta scowled at him. "Kakarot! Yamcha and Krillin are two different people, with different feelings.." Vegeta pulled his knees closer to himself.

Goku cried. "But what if Krillin doesn't like me either!? I can't imagine being without him."

Goku's words are repeated in Vegeta's head. He imagined what life without Yamcha would be like, which he could picture it, because he lived it.

Remembered when he couldn't care less if Yamcha lived or not, he didn't even remember his name, just calling him weakling. Now he'd do anything to keep Yamcha close to him. It was stressful, why did he like Yamcha so much?! Vegeta told Yamcha he loved him.

Maybe Yamcha didn't love him. Maybe he liked Tien, blasted that 3-eyed freak. Vegeta clawed at the ground so hard his nails hurt. He should of killed him himself, not Nappa.

Vegeta shook his head, no... what was wrong with him! He'd never do anything to hurt Yamcha even if it was someone else that he loved and not him. Vegeta looked at his gloves now covers in blood.
Vegeta flinched when he felt arms wrap around him.

"Kakarot?! What are you doing?!"

"Trying to make you stop crying..."

Vegeta blinked and felt tears fall out of his eyes. He looked at the floor to see went droplets scattered on the tiles.
He was crying. Vegeta has cried before, mostly when he was a child and he's cried out of stress.
He cried before Frieza had killed him on Namek, but not this way. Being held by Kakarot of all people, mad at himself because he was letting this happen but he did nothing. He just sat there, letting the tears fall. He felt vulnerable, way too vulnerable.

Vegeta finally used his gloves to wipe them away. He looked up to see Kakarot's face really close to him and he jumped back. "What are you doing, idiot?!"

Goku frowned. "I thought a kiss would help."

"WHAT?!" Vegeta slapped Goku in the face. Goku let go of Vegeta and covered his cheek. "Ow! Why did you do that?!"

"WHY?!" Vegeta's vulnerability was gone and all that was left was anger. He waved his fists in Goku's face. "I don't want to kiss you! I don't need to be kissed by YOU!"

"You'd kiss Bulma, not me right?" Goku questioned.
"Yes! She is my wife! Save your kisses for your wife or Krillin!"
Goku blinked. "Ohh.. that's what Yamcha ment!"

Vegeta growled. "What....?" His voice was filled with aggression.
Goku smiled. "That's the same thing Yamcha said when I tried to kiss him!"

Vegeta stood up, getting in a fighting position. Maybe instead of Tien, he should kill Kakarot instead!

"It's sparring time Kakarot! You, me, RIGHT NOW!"




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