~Chapter 20~

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Corbyn's POV

Friday disappeared in a blur of rehearsals and school for Autumn. Soon enough it was Saturday. Today we had Autumn's dance show before my birthday tomorrow. Since Thursday evening I hadn't been able to get Autumn out of my head. Everything she had said meant so much to me. My heart broke for her when she said what the fans had said to her. She had always so uncaring about what they had said, I hadn't realised that it had got to her like that.

Before she left today for pre show rehersals I had a suprise planned for her.

"Hey baby can you come through here for a bit please" I shouted down the stairs from my room. A minute later she turned up I leggings and a hoodie. My hoodie. She looked round to where I had my phone set up for an Instagram live.

"What's going on?" she asked slowly.

"I thought that we could go live to the fans. We can come public and I'll tell the fans to stop hating or saying anything that could be hurtful. I spoke to management and their okay with it. I honestly believe that it's better being public than having rumours going round to do with our relationship status. It's all up to you, if you don't want to we can pack this up and get on with the day." I explained. She slowly sank down on to the bed next to me. I could tell that she was working out the pros and the cons in her head.

After a minute or two she nodded. " Yeah let's do it"

We set up everything on the phone and I explained everything I planned to say on the live to Autumn.

"Okay here we go" I pressed the button and immediately 100 people joined. " We'll spend about five minutes answering questions until more people join" I explained as the numbers went up. We looked through the comments. There were loads asking if we were dating or not but I just scrolled past them.

"This one's to do with you Autumn" I said reading one asking how we met.

"Ok umm so basically, you know Corbyn had his trac- trache- throat surgery thing earlier this year. Well so it just so happened that I was in hospital as well after having been hit by a van... Due to circumstances. Well I had a visitor, who I'm not going to name, and I didn't want him there but he didn't seem to be leaving. At this point I guess Corbyn was walking past because he came in and got rid of them for me. We then just hung out and became besties I guess." She explained it and although I could tell some parts were still sensitive to her.

"There you go people" I said. We answered a few more just random questions, until I thought that there were enough viewers on.

"So today we didn't come on here just to answer questions. And before you ask anything else please try and let me finish." I explained to the fans

"Recently there have been rumours flying around you guys about if me and Autumn are dating. And although our management does like to keep our relationships private, I managed to persuade them to let me speak about this due to circumstances. But before we get onto that topic, I want to address the haters. Two days ago I was picking Autumn up from her brother's house and overheard her speaking. She said that she had been called a clout chaser, ugly, untalented , unloved and many other hurtful things." I paused for a moment for impact and Autumn came in right on cue.

" It might not be you, you might not mean. It could be a comment of just "to be honest I don't really like Autumn she seems like she's in it for clout". Sometimes I wake up to hundreds of dms many of which are hurtful. If we're tagged in anything there is a chance we'll see it. And then there are people who mean to be hurtful, hate videos, hate posts appear everywhere. At first you ignore them but when you see people saying it so often, you start to think maybe it's true. Surely you don't get that if you don't know someone personally, you can't assume that you know their life and inner thoughts." She paused for a breath and to wipe her eye, this was what she wanted to speak about for so long but couldn't " my mother used to say that assuming makes an ass or you and me, so you can stop assuming that I'm a clout chaser or other things because I'm just living my life." When she finished I put my arm round her and hugged her.

"That's the truth folks" I said looking at my phone as the comments were blowing up saying that they were sorry, they'll report any bullies and that they'll be careful with what they say.

" Next topic people" I said getting back to a cheerier note " Autumn is amazing, talented, beautiful and the best most loved sister friend and girlfriend" I said looking at Autumn before pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head as she laughed.

"You guys should be hired by the FBI the way you work things out" she said smiling. "Any other questions?"

--- --- --- --- --- ---

We answered some questions about our relationship and just random life until Autumn excused herself to get ready to leave for dance show. I stayed on for a bit longer just talking rubbish and answering questions. I was waiting for another question to answer when I saw a comment

"Autumn's so sweet, I'm so glad you guys are dating" As i read it, I mumbled under my breath aswell. " Yeah she's so sweet, I love her so much" I felt the smile on my face grow as I talked about her, she was so amazing and my heart is ten times as full with her in my life.

My bedroom door opened and Autumn came in, dressed in her dance gear but her makeup done.

"I'm off now, don't forget to come early" she kissed my head and waved to the phone " come to the dance show how y'all" she laughed and left the room.

"Well I better get ready or I'll be late" I lent forwards and turned off the live.

That went on incredibly well, nothing went wrong.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I got ready and gathered the boys together, to set off to see the dance recital. I had never been to a proper recital done by a dance school. Autumn had mentioned that their senior squad group performance this year was going to have a special place in her heart. However much I ask I can't manage to be able to get any information out of her. If only she was Zach.

"Corbyn let's go" Jonah called up the stairs. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and out of the house. I can't wait to see Autumn dance.


This chapter I fell is really badly written but I managed to update quickly which super proud about. I hope everything made sense and please comment and vote. Love ya

word count: 1185

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