~Chapter 17~

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Corbyn's POV

(A/N there's been a time skip btw)
October 23rd was a day away meaning that in 24 hours Autumn would be 17. Everything was in place, every present, every suprise, every person. I wanted this birthday to be extra special for Autumn because of her past, I wanted us to be her new family along with what she has left and has acquired over the years. I had planned the day perfectly but I was willing to change to do what she wants if that's what she wanted to be happy because her being happy would make me happy.

I was chilling in the couch with Zach watching YouTube on the TV when Autumn came a plopped down next to me not in her normal energetic way. Looking over to her I saw her expression veiled in sadness.

"What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on her leg

"Nothing" she said masking a flash of sadness.

"Something's wrong Autumn, I can tell and I know that you don't want to be sad on your birthday" for some reason this made her more sad, she took her knees up to her chest and hugged them before saying in a small voice

"She was going to take me for my first drive on my 17th birthday" I knew who she was talking about and my heart filled with sorrow for her.

"She'll be there when you have your first drive you know? And she'll be so proud of how you're doing" I try to comfort her and it seems to work as she keeps her eyes staring blankly at the TV.

She seemed to have forgotten about it when Jonah came in with Chinese. Although I could see she wasn't quite normal and so could Zach as he kept glancing at her with worrying eyes.

"So what have y'all got me for my birthday" she asked looking round a smile playing on her lips.

"Its your birthday tomorrow?" Jack asked sarcastically

"I don't think so, she hasn't been talking about it for a month" Daniel joked continuing the joke. Which finished when two cushions hit their faces.

As the night drew on, her smile grew more genuine and bigger, her laughter more glittery and often.
And by the time we went to bed, all laughing and smiling, I knew that what ever happens, she would enjoy tomorrow.

                           --- --- ---

I was awoken by being jumped on at 6:30 in the morning by a very excited Autumn.

"Its my birthday" she squealed before bursting out laughing as I tickled her.

"Happy Birthday" I said smiling as her smile was contagious "but go back to bed for like half an hour please" she sat down pouting as if she was sad but her eyes were sparkling with laughter.

"Fine" she got up and started leaving scraping her feet as she went.

"Uh uh uh where you going" I stated stopping her and patted the bed next to me. She turned round and jumped over me onto the bed. I wrapped my arms around her as she placed her head on my chest.

"Now calm down before you get a grumpy Jonah on your birthday" I whispered into her ear. She laughed before closing her eyes and eventually falling asleep. I lay awake with my arms around Autumn for another 40 minutes listening as she squeaked when she breaths out. Until I decided it was time to get breakfast, when I carefully shifted myself out from under her and threw on a t-shirt before heading downstairs.

I had just finished making Autumn a full English breakfast when she wandered down stairs with my NASA hoodie on over her shirt and shorts.
She sat down on a stool as I placed her plate infront of her, watching as a smile appeared on her face.

"You didn't burn anything" she commented as she started to eat.

Fifty minutes later with everyone down stairs it was time to open presents. Jack got her a skateboard with orange leaves decorating it, symbolising Autumn's name. Jonah had got her a signed Harry Potter box set. Daniel had got her some eye shadow pallets she'd been talking about and Zach had gotten her Gucci sliders which she promptly put on and claimed she was rich. She opened my first present as well which were to necklaces one had a little planet on as she was almost as fascinated in space as I am and the other had a little bronze leaf the same colour as her hair. These weren't the only presents Autumn got as she opened others from Scott who couldn't be here today as he was at a job in Ohio, Bella, Claire and other friends.

By the time we'd finished there was a pile of wrapping paper all around us. It was Daniel who started it. Grabbing a handful of paper and throwing it at Jonah.

"Oh no you don't" Jonah explained before throwing some back at Daniel. Everyone than joined it grabbing what ever paper we could get out hands on. We were all laughing and shouting.

"Human shield" Autumn yelled grabbing and pulling me in front of her. Causing a flurry of paper balls to hit me.

I turned around to grab Autumn and picked her up spinning us around so she was in the line of fire now.

"Stop it tickles"

"What like this" I started tickling her as she laughed and screamed, soon the others joined in and she was crying and screaming whilst writhing on the floor.

"STO- STOP-P-P I'm gonna pee myself" we all stopped and looked at her

"What?" Jonah asked

"I said I'm gonna pee myself" she got up and went to the door way "now if you excuse me I'm gonna go pee in the toilet" she gave a little hair flick and let the room. There was silent shock for about 20 seconds before we all started laughing

           --- --- ---

We hiked up to the Hollywood sign and took photos and grabbed ice cream before letting Autumn try and drive on the way back which was a bad idea. In the afternoon we had scuba diving lesson because I planned to take her scuba diving, with Bella,  in the new year when tour started. It turned out that everyone was great at it and that it was pretty simple.

We got home and Bella said that she would cook dinner which was going to be toad in the hole, after we convinced Zach that it was sausages not toads.

We ate dinner whilst watching Captian America Winter Shoulder which she claimed to be one of her favourite movies.

When it finished Bella left and I told Autumn to follow me upstairs cause I needed to give her my other presents.(not what you're thinking)

I took her up to my room and opened the window before climbing out onto the flat part of the roof, where Autumn joined me. I had set up blankets and pillows earlier and now that it was dark out we could see the stars.

Autumn lay down next to me, with her head on my arm.

I reached up and pointed

"See that star there?"I asked she followed my finger

"The bright one?"

"Yeah" I looked at her as she was watching the star "it's yours" a shocked smile spread across her face as she sat up to look at me

"Your kidding right?"

"Nope" I reached and grabbed the certificate from behind me. It was framed with a picture of the star on with her name underneath.

Autumn studied it for a minute before attacking me with a hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you" she repeated over and over again

"Your welcome" I replied "there's one more present though"


I took forever to update again now but I'm back they shall be more regular this time

I also have edited all the other chapters and there are a few changes so you can check them out if you want

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