But He Is

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It's been a few days since that dream happened and I still have no clue who the guy was and I especially gotten his name! It's also been a few days since I dreamt or daydreamt about him. I terribly miss his voice and face. To never forget his face, I kept on looking at the finished painting I made of him. I was deep in thought when...

Knock knock

I got out of my couch and slipped into my fuzzy slippers. I placed the canvas of the guy on the small table in front of me. It must be one of the writers who came to get their ordered painting. As I looked into the peep hole, I couldn't see the face. It was covered by something red. When I quickly opened the door and as I did, a bouquet of roses greeted me.


That voice.

It couldn't be.

"Hi there! Um, these are for you."

This must be a dream.

"I'm sorry if I kinda disturbed you or something but these past few days, I've been looking for you. W-wait... it's not what it sounds like. Let me explain it again."

Is he for real?

"I know it sounds crazy but I've actually met you before. In a dream. Somehow you even know my name but I never knew yours. I'm not sure if I'm nuts or something but all I'm sure is that I can't keep you out of my mind. Even when I try to draw, your face eventually comes out of the screen..."


"Oh shit! Did I say something wrong? I didn't mean to do this to you. It was just a joke. I'm sorry."

He handed me a handkerchief but to no avail, I didn't accept it since I was sobbing like crazy. Panicked, he was the one who wiped my tears with his handkerchief.

"I'm sorry."

Don't be.

"I guess I should leave now. Sorry to have troubled you."

As he was about to leave, I quickly grabbed his hand.

"You're for real, right? You're not a fiction of my imagination?"

I looked at him while tears were still streaming down my cheeks. He blinked at me, confused, before he nodded at my question. More tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. I quickly hugged him while he was still in the state of shock. We fell to the ground, him in a sitting position while I was in the middle.

"And I thought I was going crazy to have fallen in love with someone who I just met in my dreams."

I didn't see his face but I could feel that he was gently smiling at the pathetic me. He placed his free hand on my head and caressed it to calm me down, just like in my dream.

"There, there. Calm down. Now, you know you weren't alone because I have fallen for you the same way."



"My name's Lucy, red eyes," as I buried my crying face on his chest.


It was my turn to be puzzled. I looked at him and he looked at me with a warm smile. He placed his forehead on mine, gave me a small peck on the lips and closed his eyes.

"My name's Rogue. I'm glad I finally met you, Lucy."

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