Chapter 8: The Arrival At Camp

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Now it was early Saturday morning at 4:00 am when Andrew woke up. He was very excited for it was the school camp. So he ate his breakfast, changed his clothes and prepared himself for the trip. After a while at 4:57 Andrew left his house going to the meeting place of all the buses. He needed to find bus no.7 for it was the Grade 7 bus. When he had found the bus no.7 he kissed his parents goodbye and sat down on the right side of the bus. His seat mate is Lilith, but no one has arrived yet. It was only Andrew, the lonely grade 7 student on the bus. So he waited for a while then Chris came. He was the second one on the bus and talked with Andrew. "Good Morning Andrew" said Chris. "Good Morning Chris" replied Andrew. "So how are things going between you and Lilith ?. I can sense that your relationship with Lilith is starting to grow" said Chris. "Well for now things seem ok. Nothing wrong has been happening and everything is perfectly fine. But thanks for asking anyway. I appreciate it !" replied Andrew. "So now what do we do while waiting ?" asked Chris. "Let's just rest for a while and just patiently wait for everyone to come" said Andrew. "Ok then" replied Chris. So they waited patiently, then sooner or later one by one they came. When the whole grade 7 class was complete they set off for their long trip. Now because the trip would take hours Lilith and Andrew had fallen asleep. But when they were sleeping Lilith's head was lying on Andrew's shoulder. It was a very romantic moment that everyone pictured them together. When they stopped at the gas station, the two finally woke up. After they had woke up, everyone then showed them their picture. Lilith was blushing severely was while Andrew was very embarrased. Since that happening Lilith and Andrew did not talk to each other until they had arrived at the camp. When they had arrived at camp, everyone was told about their cabins and carried on. But there was a new thing that happened this year. The high-school class officer students have there own cabin. They are separated from their other classmates and was in-charge of their own cabin. So everyone had change of clothes and then carried on to the announcement of the school staff. "Everyone, you will be given a schedule of events that will happen. Everything in there is specified so take note of your time. Always remember the rules and regulations, other than that none more. Now go ahead carry on with your activities and do your best for God's glory"
Then everyone said "Yeah !". After that they continued with their activities until it was night time. When it was night time they ate dinner and prepared for the talent show. Later on, it was finally the time for the talent show. They went to their own groups and was ready for their performance. Then the school staff announced the arrangements on who will go first or last "For the middle-school students the 1st team is Red team, the 2nd team is Green team, the 3rd team is Blue team and lastly it's Yellow team. For the High-school students the 1st team is the Yellow team, the 2nd team is Blue team, the 3rd team is Green team and lastly it's the Red team." So then everyone continued the talent show until it was Andrew's turn. When it was Andrew's turn, he asked Lilith to help him in singing the song while he played the guitar. They sang "Nothing's gonna stop us now" by "Starship".

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Then after they had sang it everyone then said "You guys are the perfect love team ! Ayeeeee!". Lilith and Andrew was blushing the entire time and they felt love for each other for the very first time. Lilith had now admired Andrew but kept it all to herself. If she could express what she had felt it was the warmth of a hug, a compassionate feeling that makes her happy. It was an extraordinary experience. Soon after the event they all went back to their cabins. There they rested and then waited for the next day. Andrew prayed and thanked God for this day and later on he had slept. He really enjoyed this day and was excited for tomorrow.

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