Faramir sat anxiously on the edge of his bed. He knew there was no way that Boromir was going to let him off easily for this. He had acted foolishly and Faramir could already feel his bottom tingling in anticipation.
Suddenly the door opened, and Faramir’s head shot up.
Boromir walked silently into the room, never a good sign. Faramir stood quickly and opened his mouth, trying to say something. Anything to placate his brother’s anger, but nothing came out. Boromir noticed his little brother’s distress and held up a hand.
“I am not angry, little brother. Nor would I ever be angry with you, only with something you had done.” He reminded him gently, but firmly.
Faramir relaxed a bit, but he was still apprehensive. Not that he was going to relax when he had an impending spanking.
Boromir leisurely strolled to the window and gazed out at the city. Another pang for his mother hit him and then, quite suddenly, anger at his father rose up.
Seeing their father acting so fond towards Faramir last night had suddenly made him even angrier. Why would their father not express that openly to his brother? Their father was ever making Faramir feel unloved. That was one of the reasons Faramir always avoided their father whenever he could, yet in everything he did he was ever yearning for Denethor’s approval although it never came. Then Faramir would seek out Boromir’s approval, and Boromir of course gave it to him, but Faramir was seeking his father’s love not his brother’s.
It suddenly hit Boromir. Was that all it was? Was his brother merely seeking attention?He wondered.
If so, Faramir had gone a long way to get it. He was certainly going to have some attention, though he may not like all of it.
“Big brother?” Faramir asked timidly.
Boromir turned sharply, shocked at hearing Faramir call him such an old endearing name before they had even begun. Faramir usually only called him by his real name nowadays. Or if he was feeling particularly childish he would call him ‘Bor’mir’, a pet name from when they were younger and couldn’t say his older brother’s name correctly.
“Aye?” Boromir asked, his tone kind.
Faramir looked as though he were struggling with himself to get the words out. “I, I am sorry that you are disappointed with my behavior. I failed in battle and—”
He got no further because Boromir strode across the room in three steps and crushed his little brother into his embrace.
“I am not disappointed in you, you Gondorian brat. I love you, and you did not fail in battle. You fought bravely and I am proud of you for doing so,” Boromir gave Faramir a stern look, “even though you shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”
Faramir let himself be held and reassured of his brother’s love for a few more moments before pulling away slightly. Boromir looked down, raising an eyebrow and waiting for his brother to ask whatever question he seemed to be forming.
“Does this mean I’m not getting a spanking?” Faramir asked hopefully.
Boromir gave him another stern look that answered the question perfectly well.
Faramir sighed. “I thought it was at least worth a try.”
Denethor’s eldest son bit a back a laugh at his brother’s woebegone look, and ruffled his hair. “Come, little brother. Let us have this over with.”
Boromir released Faramir from his grasp and moved to sit on the bed. Faramir stayed frozen in his spot unable to make his feet take the last half dozen steps to his brother’s side.
Boromir kept his features unyielding as he spoke. “Do not make me come get you, brat little brother of mine.”
Faramir shuffled forward. When he was within arms-reach Boromir grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him over his lap. Faramir wriggled a bit, but didn’t make as though he were going to try and fight.
Faramir whimpered and buried his head in the crook of his left arm, and curled the other one around Boromir’s lower leg. Boromir smiled at the trembling lad in front of him and gently stroked his hair.
“Shhh, little brother. All will be well. Shh, you are so good. I am so proud of you, little one.” Boromir whispered in an attempt to calm his brother’s nerves.
Finally, when Faramir’s trembling had eased, Boromir took a deep breath to strengthen his resolve. He lifted his hand high, and brought it down hard on the full of his brother’s backside.
Faramir bucked up, but only whimpered as Boromir set into his usual steady pace. It wasn’t long until he was weeping softly and even sooner he was sobbing.
When Boromir finally did speak, several minutes later, Faramir was increasingly grateful to have something to take his mind off the ever-building fire in his bottom.
“Faramir, why are you being spanked?” He asked the perfunctory question.
And oh how Faramir hated that question. “‘Cause I s-s-sneaked off, and g-got h-hurt.”
Boromir smiled slightly. “Very good, little brother. And why was it bad that you ‘sneaked off’ and got hurt?”
Faramir sobbed for a moment as he thought. It was becoming harder to think as his brain was becoming fuddled.
“Answer me, little one.” Boromir said with a particularly harsh swat.
Faramir jerked and cried out. “‘Cause I worried y-you!”
“Good. We are almost finished.” Boromir murmured, his spanks slowed slightly. “Why did you sneak off?”
Faramir sobbed out, “I don’t know!”
“You do. Think, my dear little brother.”
Faramir buried his face in the covers once more and shook his head, prompting Boromir to sigh at his brother’s stubbornness.
“Did it have anything to do with the fact that you wanted to impress me and Father?” Boromir asked. Faramir froze, and Boromir continued, “Well, does it?”
Faramir didn’t want to admit it at all. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he wanted this to be over so that he might someday sit again.
“Yes.” He sniffled. “Yes.” It was said quietly, but not so quietly that Boromir could not hear him.
Boromir stopped spanking immediately, and scooped his dear little brother into his arms.
“Shhh,” He whispered into his brother’s hair. “Calm down. Shh, ‘tis alright now, little brother.” Boromir continued murmuring words of comfort, and rubbing slow circles on Faramir’s back. “Softly, little one. Softly. Shh, you are safe now, and all is well.” Eventually his sobs turned to slow weeping, and then finally nothing more than the sporadic hiccup.
Boromir held his limp brother close for another moment before pulling away slightly. “Look at me, Faramir.” He commanded gently.
Faramir looked up, apparently still a bit humiliated at the whole ordeal.
Boromir grinned. “A bit sore, are we?” He teased fondly.
Faramir blushed, but returned a sheepish grin. “You spanked me too hard, Bor’mir.” He said buried his face back into his brother’s shirt.
Boromir chuckled. “You deserved every swat, you impertinent brat.” He hugged Faramir closer. After another few minutes had passed, and Faramir seemed too drowsed to move, Boromir scooted himself and his brother, mindful of Faramir’s side and sore bottom, up on the bed so that he was resting against the pillows, his brother drawn to his side.
Boromir heard his brother whine faintly, but then he merely snuggled back down on top of his brother. Boromir chuckled faintly, even as he felt his own eyes closing. It had been a worrisome few weeks, and both brothers slept peacefully for the first time in a long time.
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