The Pharaoh's Doppleganger

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Part 1

The sun is nice on my skin, there's a light breeze teasing my bangs. I glance to my left and find Atem's cape blowing behind him super dramatically. His eyes trail over the little shops full of handmade goods.

"This is nice." Atem says with a smile.

"It's my favorite place to shop." I tell him.

"I can see why," he looks at the shop's window displays. "The things here are beautiful."

"I love the bookstore here too, it's got a super small café inside but it's so peaceful." I turn him down another street toward the book shop. I catch a familiar blond, black and purple spiked head pass me by. I turn and do a double take looking between Atem and the other boy with matching hair, he is much shorter than Atem though he has to be like five foot two. His buddies beside him are way taller than Atem's double and Atem. Even the girl beside him must've been about average height but she looked tall next to him.

"What is it, Nuni?" Atem asks me concerned.

"Am I going insane or..." I point to the guy behind him, his eyes follow my finger and he freezes.

"He looks very similar... to me..." Atem walks toward him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I just want to get a closer look." Atem follows after him, I feel the puzzle tugging me after him or linking him to me.

"Please, Nuni." Atem pulls forward. I let him lead the way but I stay back as far as possible. I'm not trying to interact with that many people right now.

"We don't have to talk to them but I'd like to see something." Atem is following closer than I'd like but I suppose the street is crowded enough that they won't notice.

"Come on Yug, you gotta help me fix my deck." The Brooklyn accent caught me a bit off guard but now that I looked at him, he had that Brooklyn walk too.

"I will, Joey, but we promised to do something everyone wants to do first." Atem's double said.

"We're all watching a movie and then we'll go to Yugi's Grandpa's game shop." The girl says a bit too peppy for my taste.

"You both promised no duel monsters until we spend some non-dueling related time together." She links her arms through Yugi's and Joey's and feeds on the third guy with the weirdly sculpted pointed hair. I mean dang you could give directions with that thing. 

"Fine." Joey grumbles.

            I look to Atem to see his face but his eyes are firmly locked on Yugi. I sigh and adjust the bag on my shoulder.

"You want to follow them, don't you?" I ask. Atem shifts a bit, glancing between Yugi and me.

"I know you had plans, Nuni." Atem says

"Fine." I say holding my hand up to stop him.

"Nuni." Atem's eyes widen in surprise.

"It's fine." I tell him again. "That kid looks exactly like you and it'd be stupid if we didn't at least see if it's more than coincidence." I start walking. Atem steps firmly in front of him.

"Nuni." He looks me in the eye "everyone is always asking you to give up your time and your energy for them, I don't want to ask that of you."

"It's fine, Atem." I tell him trying to walk past him but he shifts in front of me again.

"No it's not, you don't say fine when something is fine." Atem uses his finger under my chin to tip my face up  so that I'm looking him in the eye.

I take a breath "no, it is okay." I tell him "I don't mind stalking someone it's just..."

"Just what?" Atem asks me. I push past him.

"Let's go, we're gonna lose him." I take the lead, the puzzle tugs Atem and I together.

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