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Atem walks with me around my favorite shopping strip, I thought I wanted to go to the book store but I just want to walk. Atem is constantly there, hovering watching, not pushing me or demanding an answer back.

"It's a nice day." I comment trying to get words out, it's not his fault I've had such terrible dreams about him lately, I've always been prone to vivid dreams for good or bad this just happens to be one of those bad times.

It's also not his fault that Reese decided being my friend wasn't enough.

"It's lovely." He says picking up on the easier conversation. I can feel his desire to reach out and touch me but he doesn't.

"So what will you do today?" He asks.

"I'm not sure—" I collide with something solid, hands close around my arms steadying me, not trapping me.

"Excuse me." The voice is gentle and the second I'm steady he lets me go.

"Sorry." I apologize, he's tanned with blonde hair, the sleeveless zip up hoodie he's wearing really makes his arms look good. Looking up into his eyes I feel almost faint. '

Nuni, are you alright?" Atem asks me,

"Um..." I give myself a shake since when do I swoon? I thought angrily.

"Swoon?" Atem looks to the tanned blond angel and I can feel the irritation through our link.

For him? Atem almost growls.

"It's completely my fault." The boy brushes my apology off. "I can't believe I missed someone as beautiful as you." He smiles this really endearing kind of smile, it's soft and a touch unsure but not completely lacking confidence.

"I..." I try to shake the dizziness off

You're really going to lose it over that line? I'm not even sure if it's my own thought or Atem's but it's right, I have more dignity than this.

"Please, let me help you." The boy kneels down and picks up my To go cup.

"Thanks." He hands me the cup back, his fingers lingering against mine for a second longer than necessary.

Something is off about him. Atem says

Are you sure you're not just saying that?" I ask him only because I can feel his burning irritation.

Yes, Nuni, I am sure, he growls

"My name is Marik" he supplies politely.

"Nuni." I offer him my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiles again and I'm annoyed with myself for being so easy, a smile? Really, Nuni?

"Apparently." Atem grumbles.

"I don't mean to be overly forward." He begins, scratching the back of his head with that kind of nervous but I also know I'm pretty gesture.

"But might I have your phone number?"

"I beg your pardon?" Atem nearly yells, the sound of his deep voice resonates in my head.

Finally, I snap myself out of it and offer an apologetic smile "I'm just gonna stop this right now, I don't date." I tell him firmly "and I'm not just saying that. Marriage is not in my future and I just don't want to waste anyone's time."

"Nuni," his smile shifts a bit and his eyes droop as he dips his head a bit "anytime spent with you would be a gift."

"I..." that dizziness hit me again and before I knew it I was handing him my business card, with my phone number and email address on it.

"I'll text you later, it was a pleasure." He walks away from me and disappears down the way. I give myself a shake.

"What was that?" I ask both myself and Atem.

"Nuni, how could you give him your phone number?" Atem demands "this is the kind of man you look for?"

"Atem..." I shake my head again but the feeling lingers.

"This is a bad move, Nuni, you don't know this man, he could hurt you."


"And we..."

"Atem!" I snap louder, swaying on my feet.

"Nuni!" He exclaims grasping my arms. "What is wrong?"

"I need to go home."

"Of course." He helps me walk.

Uh oh, Another man????

Marik is kinda attractive thoooooooough

Is it just me or is Jealous Atem adorable? 

Thanks for reading guys. 

Don't forget to comment and Vote if you're enjoying this

and I love hearing predication on what you guys think will happen.

P.S. sending me a PM to ask what is going to happen next will be answered with a smiley face. 

Also... thinking about doing a patreon between my writing platforms because I hate the pay to read on platforms like this. This is supposed to be a place to read peoples stories free and be a community. this was what I originally started and instead of doing pay to read the patreon would be just early released chapters and bonus stuff I don't usually post on here anyway but I'm not signing into that pay to read. yes I want to make money off of my writing as well but not here. here is supposed to be fun and with a patreon those who can afford to "tip me" can and those who can't don't have to wonder what has happened in my story.  especially when it comes to a free book 1 and a pay to read book 2. 

Sorry just a little annoyed with some of the changes wattpad has made and deeply considering just making my own writing site for others to share and having the ability to link up a Patreon account. 

I don't think wattpad has made the best move here for what I thought the site was about. 

Sorry about the long note but thanks for readings and please let me know what you think. 


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