So... How are we Doing This?

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I bolt upright in bed.

"Dang tea." I leap out of bed and run down the hall and slip into my mom's room, it presently has the only working bathroom. I lift the broken door and place it in the door frame like a puzzle piece.

"I pull the tie on my shorts as I turn and freeze at the sight of Atem's red face.

"Oh..." I grip my shorts to keep them from falling down.

"Um..." Atem's face was bright red under his tan, but there was no way it was as red as mine.

"Sorry." Atem clears his throat.

"So..." I clear my throat as well "how, um... how are we gonna do this?"

"I think I can..." Atem walks past me. "Apologies." He dips his head and disappears through the door.

My face burns red as I watch the door to make sure he doesn't appear back through it.

"That wasn't embarrassing at all."

            I take a bit longer to wash my hands before going out to face the red-faced Atem.

"My deepest apologies, Nuni." Atem bows his head,

"It's cool." I say, brushing him off.

"I've caused you embarrassment." He says following close behind me. "I didn't mean to."

"I know." I wave my hand trying to wave him off "I just wasn't even thinking."

"because you are tired." He says "and you've barely been asleep for two hours."

"Atem." I slide back into bed and burrow into my blankets. "It's fine." I yawn. "I'll see you in the morning." I pull myself into a ball "goodnight, Atem."

"Goodnight, Nuni." Atem whispers several moments later.

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