Reeses Cup

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"Where have you been?" Reese pulls me into a hug and drags me into his house. "are you okay, how's your house been?" he asked concerned. I left Atem at home and his absence was already heavy on me.

"I just... needed a break."

By the look in his eyes he thought I was talking about the usual stuff. He didn't know I meant Atem. I didn't want to need a break but I couldn't lie to him and when sometimes he just wouldn't let things drop and now this coldness, I couldn't get away from. I thought maybe it was coming from him but right now it was still there so it couldn't be from him. It was both a relief and it wasn't because I think I might really really like Atem but now I had no idea how to warm myself.

I fell into Reese again and just held him.

"IS everything okay?" he asked again.

"I just miss you is all." I hung on him as we walked toward the couch and plopped down the way we've done for years, every fight with my mom, every break up he endured and bad test grade. Everything bad could be fixed on this couch. Reese reached under the couch and revealed a bag of Reese's cups.

"Shall we?" he asked tousling my hair.

"One hundred percent." I sighed as I tore into the first cup offered and moaned in a way that would be embarrassing in front of anyone else but when Reese mimicked the same noise there was no shame to be had here.

Halfway into the bag Reese kicked his legs over mine and reclined back on the couch. "what's up?"

"Nothing." I sat back and started tracing circles into his pant leg with my nails.

"You ate more than half the bag. More than half means you have a problem and I'm here to listen."

"It's nothing Reese, just... same old same old."

"Same old same old would be you venting about your mom and you haven't even asked for a cup of tea yet." He knew me annoyingly well.

"well you haven't offered me tea either." I countered lamely

"Nuni." He sat up and pulled me into a hug "come on, tell me what's wrong, we always talk... well, not really since we got back from Egypt but before that."

"I'm sorry about that. I just.... I've been distracted."

"What?" Reese snorted "is there another guy in your life?"

My eyes snapped to him and he froze. "wait... what?"

"Nothing, I didn't say anything." I tried to laugh it off\ but that made him sit up straighter.

"Nuni... are you... are you dating someone?"

"No, god, where did you even get that from?" I tried to demand but he wasn't buying this. I frankly didn't realize I was dating someone until he said it.

"Are you serious!" he snapped a lot harsher than I expected.

"What is that all about?" I demanded.

"You said you don't date and you''re dating. You keep turning me down because you don't date. What the Hell Nuni?" he demanded.

"What the hell yourself." I snapped back. "I don't date. I'm not dating."

"yes you are, who is he?" he demanded "one of those guys I saw you with at the game shop?"

"excuse me, what are you stalking me now." I didn't mean to say that but he was making me mad and there was no Atem to calm my anger.

"I'm you're friend, we went on an international trip together. I thought iw as finally getting somewhere with you." He yelled his voice rising with each word.

"I think I should go." I grabbed my bag but he caught my wrist and pulled me back to him.

"No, you shouldn't, we should talk."

"Let go of my wrist." I demanded.

"Nuni, can't you just give us a chance?" he stepped closer, slipping his hands into my hair and pulling me closer.

"Wait, stop." I place my hand on his chest. That should be enough, he's my friend.

"Come on Nuni." He brought his face to mine.



I turned my head from him when I realized he wasn't going to stop.

His lips brushed my cheek and he opened his eyes when he realized what I had done.

"so that's how it is?" he sighed and stepped away from me.

"I'll go." I pushed the door open and my heart shattered when it closed on my best friend.

Tears slipped out no matter how much I tried to hold them in. by the time I got home my eyes were puffy and I was ready to explode. Sitting on my bed I grabbed the puzzle from my desk and cradled it in my lap.

"Nuni." Atem sat beside me, he moved to put his arms around my shoulders but hesitated when I stiffened. I didn't want him to touch me but I also didn't want him to leave me.

"What happened?" he rested his hands in his lap and watched me with intent eyes.

"Reese thinks I'm dating someone, and he got mad and then he tried to kiss me." I blurt out.

"he what?" Atem growled.

"I turned my head before he kissed me the way he wanted, and he got angry." I sighed and then Atem touched the Puzzle beside my hand and I felt like I was in the moment all over again. It hurt more the second time.

"You told him no." he growled "and he grabbed you." His anger was almost palpable.

"Atem that's not the point." I broke the tears flowing my voice breaking. my heart aching. "I just lost my best friend." I folded over myself. His hand brushed my back.

"No." I snapped "don't touch me."

"I'm sorry." Atem genuinely did sound sorry but I was angry and I couldn't do this right now. Reese, my best friend. I thought he was okay with just being friends. I never thought he'd get angry like that. I never thought he'd trap me like that.

I never thought he'd give up on me like that...

**Author's Note**

As always thanks so much for reading. I'm glad so many people are enjoying this story. so many more people than I thought would ever read this even. 

Feel free to comment with questions or suggestions. 

Happy reading


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