[01] Trucks!

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In which you download Identity V and get rammed by a truck because you need to pass your English class. Note that the first four chapters have not been edited at all.

"Come on, (Y/n)! Just download Identity V already! It's just as good as that Sky game you have been playing, I promise!" Selena whined, watching you finish the last questions left in the math exercises given to you which she didn't bother to answer at all. You raised an eyebrow at her, raising your head to glance at your best friend pouting at you. You chuckled, putting aside your math book and packing up your pencil case.

"Don't worry," You said, which Selena only narrowed her eyes. You really did try to avoid this particular game as long as you can despite its growing popularity. The growing fanbase was quickly filling up your social media feeds with fanart and such, tempting anyone who came across it to download the game. You would be lying if you said that you haven't thought of finally playing IDV once, mere inches away from the pressing download.

And much to your dismay, Selena has been begging you to download it for an entire week already. If she was not looking at you with puppy eyes, she was complaining about the game's mechanisms.

Something about... Kiting? And calibre...? Calibray? And gardeners... breaking chairs...? And terror- terror what now?

"You said that the other day, (Y/n)... Plus, the survivors are cute as hell. Oh, even hunters too! Especially Joseph..." Selena dreamily sighed, giggling as she pulled out her phone only to shove fanart of the French man in your face. Despite having seen millions of beautiful fan art of Joseph, you can't seem to understand why he is deemed so fascinating by the Identity V fanbase.

"Just look at him! I'd let him terrorshock me any day..."

"Terror- terrorshock- what? Is that what I think it is...?" You looked at Selena's giddy ebony eyes with confusion. She only lightly laughed in response, nudging your shoulder playfully as the bell for Lunch rung in the distance. Everyone in your math class stood up to quickly evacuate the torturous chambers of your math classroom as your math teacher recited his homework for the day.

"No, you pervert. It's a horror game after all." You rolled your eyes at that statement. Identity V was clearly not living up to its standards as a horror game. It looked so child friendly that you can't help but feel a little bored from watching quick "funny moments" gameplays on YouTube.

"Horror game, my ass."

You stood up with your things and Selena pulled you towards to exit. You followed your energetic friend throughout the hallways, listening to her rant about wu- wu chung? Wu chang? And his hitbox-what? Whatever that is, she seemed to hate it with a burning passion.

You flopped into your bed, groaning as you rolled to lay on your side. You were exhausted from the sheer amount of practice for (sport) which made your entire body feel like it's going to shut down any moment. Despite the aching pain and little energy left to stay awake, you reached for your phone and checked all your social media feeds.

'Karen is breaking up with John...? That's weird.' You scrolled past your social media feed, silently judging posts and giving out likes on wholesome cat videos. Eventually, you came across dreaded fan art of identity V again. This time, you recognized the character as the Seer, Elliot Kent Clark or something.

The fan art portrayed him so beautifully, but he looked like a monk in the actual game.

"Jesus fucking Christ, it's everywhere..." You scrolled past even more fanart, squinting against the bright screen to distinguish characters. You recognized most of the characters despite not even playing the game yourself, all because of your best friend.

"I guess it won't hurt to try...? I mean, Identity V isn't that scary." You said, quite unsure of yourself while exiting social media to enter the appstore. You searched for the game and it appeared as the first recommendation. You gulped, doubting the game and its capability to satisfy your complicated taste in games. The graphics didn't seem too bad, nor did it impress you like how Sky and Genshin Impact did... The story? You'll find out eventually, but you do know the devs have not been updating the lore according to Selena. The gameplay? It's like Dead by Daylight, but with a little more favor towards the survivors.

Hesitantly and slowly, you tapped on download.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" You screamed at your phone, almost throwing it across your room in rage. Though the game was said to favor survivors more, you clearly haven't gotten the hang of kiting and duking the hunter yet. In addition to your suffering, people who play at three in the morning are exactly what you imagined them to be.

Downloading Identity V was both a regret and a blessing. It kept you up all night. Honestly, God fuck Wu Chang's hitbox.

You loved the art style and the current amount of lore given. And despite being a veteran in other games, you could barely grasp the ropes of Identity V without crying in pain. Yet you kept playing. It was addicting despite the amount of loses you've acquimilated. No wonder why Selena loved this game so, so much.

You glanced at the time on your phone. 7:34 am. At this rate, you knew it would be best to skip school the next day and just claim you came down with some foreign illness. The bags under your eyes were growing heavier each minute and you can't afford to sleep in class only to receive another set of detention.

But you had a history test today and an English essay to pass. No way in hell are you getting points deducted from your English essay for passing it late. The history test didn't stress you out so much because you can take it some other day, but your English grade was at risk.

"Well, guess I'm going to school. I'm always the last survivor in Identity V anyways... damn it, I should've slept more..." You said to no one in particular, weeping all of your regrets into your pillow.

And you'd hate to admit it, but you want fangirl with Selena about (favorite character).

Your blood ran cold as you heard your mother's footsteps emerging down the hallway. Quickly, you turned off your phone and hid under your sheets, pretending to be asleep. Without notice, your door opened abruptly, slamming into the wall beside it with a bang.

"(Y/n)? I heard you scream! What happened?!" Your mother ran towards your bed, worry written all over her aged features. You peeked outside of your blanket, relieved to see no traces of anger in your mother's face. You purses your lips in guilt for having woken up your sleeping mother when she has to wake up much earlier than you on a daily basis.

"Oh- just a bad dream... sorry about that." You meekly said, shying away from your mother's touch when she pressed her palm against your forehead. Upon confirming your body temperature was normal, she sighed.

"(Y/n), your health is our top priority. You're coming down with a bit of a fever. Stay home, okay?" Your mother sweetly smiled and kissed you on the forehead. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes struggled to be encouraging despite her exhausted state. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, mom," You said, unable to argue with your mother because of her gentle demeanor. Still, you argued because you actually gave two shits about your grades. "I can still go to school, though. I'll try to last until Lunch and I'll go home afterwards."

Your mother worriedly frowned at your claim, sighing as she stood up. "I suppose you can go to school today... Be careful, (n/n), and go home the moment you don't feel too well. Okay? I don't want you getting hurt."

"Okay, mom. Don't worry, I'll be fine," You said, giving your mother a smile of reassurance that you'll be fine. There was no evidence of a fever despite your mother's claims. Despite how much you wanted to stay, you were still not risking your English grade.

Once your mother left, you mentally cursed at yourself. Like lightning, you jumped out of your bed and raced around your room to get dressed, picking up clothing from the floor and shoving school materials in your bag.

"Ah, damnit, damnit, damnit!" You cursed, running throughout your hallways with uncombed, messy hair flying everywhere. As quick as you can, you made yourself a sandwich containing some jam you didn't even look at. You didn't even bother tying your shoes upon slipping them on to run outside, fully aware of the risk of slipping because of your shoes. Your mother only looked mildly amused as she sipped her own coffee, waving you goodbye when you left.

It was the brink of classes starting on a Thursday morning. You paled at the thought of your chemistry teacher scolding you for being late once again. You even missed the bus by a few minutes, forcing you to run to school. The wind blew past your hair as your feet started to beg you for a break but you could only apologize silently to them.

Upon the crossing intersection, the lights immediately turned red, making you groan from the anxiety. Because it was Thursday and quite early morning, there were no cars yet to be seen. You glanced at your watch. 7:54. You had no time to waste.

On the other side of the road, you saw Selena running, late as well.

Against the red light, you ran.

"Hey Selena! Guess who downloaded Identity V!" You shouted which made her stop, turn around and notice you. She gave you a bright smile full of excitement, waving at you only until the dread settled on her face. Slightly taken back, you stopped in the middle of the road to tilt your head at her in confusion. You were only filled with more confusion when she screamed.


And that's all you could remember as a force collided with your body, striking you off harshly towards the side of the road. You heard screaming sobs, coming from your bestfriend and you saw her ebony hair draped down over your hazy vision. A foul red covered most of your body as you heard sirens wailing in the distance. You looked towards your right, only to see a truck and its driver running away

You're dying, you realize.

Aw fuck, can someone delete your search history?

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