Chapter nine

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Heeseung was standing in the balcony, leaning on to the side wall and gazing beyond the horizon. The night sky was cloudy and dark not a single twinkling star visible. Jake slowly walked towards Heeseung.

"Bro, how are you?" Jake patted on the elders shoulder. Heeseung slightly turned his face.

"I always wanted him to feel safe and happy," heeseung said, "But now, he is suffering, all because of me!"

Jake couldn't do anything but offer a listening ear to heeseung. Everything has gone out of control. Both Heeseung and Sunoo are suffering. As a teammate and as a friend, he was not able to solve anything.

"I couldn't talk to him about how much I love him then and now I don't even have a chance." Heeseung was on the verge of breakdown, " it's all because of me, my cowardice. My indecisiveness. I hate myself!" Heeseung broke down in tears falling to the ground on his knees, his head held down.

Jake sat down beside him, trying to console his hyung. "For us mere humans, we don't know what the almighty has decided for us. All we can do is accept the life given to us or be miserable with it." Jake said.

"How can I face him now?" Heeseung cried, "I had the hope that today I would be able to talk to him about everything and may be ask him out!" Heeseung looked at Jake, " Jake, I love him... I love him so much, oh God! I ruined everything! What am I going to do now?"

"It's not in our hands, hyung!" Jake tried calming heeseung, "We can't control the past, hyung".

Both sat there, one looking at the lifeless buildings around and the other looking down on the floor.

Sunoo was laying down on the bed face down. He couldn't sleep, he was wide awake. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Sunoo didn't hear it at first but eventually he did. He slowly got up from his bed and walked towards the direction of the knock. As he opened the door, Sunghoon was standing there in his pyjamas.

"Hey Sunoo," Sunghoon said, " Can I come in?" He asked smiling.

"Hmm" Sunoo said with a slight smile.He then turned himself away from Sunghoon and walked towards his cupboard. He made himself busy with tidying up the shelf. It's as if he was trying to hide his emotions.

"Sunoo, here is your phone." Sunghoon placed Sunoo's phone on the side table. " Your sister had called you many times.Call her back."

"Ok hyung" Sunoo said bowing to the elder still facing away.

Sunghoon was sad seeing how Sunoo is treating him as a stranger now. The boy would always hangs out and be all clingy to him before. He would laugh at Sunghoon's jokes and teasing. He would always address the other as the most beautiful guy on the team. Now, he is acting like he doesn't know him anymore.. He is hesitant to share his pain. Sunghoon wanted Sunoo to talk to him about everything that is bothering him. But Sunghoon know that it is not possible anymore. He walked towards the door but stopped for a moment. He stood there thinking and then turned back to face Sunoo who was still acting busy rearranging the stuffs on the shelf.

"You know when I came for audition for I-Land, everyone asked me why." Sunghoon continued, " I was at the peak of a figure skating career and was leaving all that to start anew as an idol."

Sunoo stopped doing what he was doing. He stood there silent still looking away from the other.

"People called me a fool, but I..." Sunghoon said, "I listened to my heart." He paused for a moment and then continued, "Figure skating was my parent's dream for me. But my heart wanted something else."

Sunghoon continued, "Sunoo, always listen to your heart because it is the right thing to do! And if you ever doubt whether you can do it, don't worry. Your heart will give you immense courage to face anything that comes your way."

Sunghoon put out a deep sigh and then walked out of the room. Sunoo stood there motionless.

Jay and Jungwon was sitting in the other room when Sunghoon suddenly pushed the door open and ran towards Jay, hugging him and crying in the process. Jay knew why Sunghoon was feeling like this. "It's okay. It's okay!" Jay said to Sunghoon as he hugged him tightly in return. Jungwon didn't understand anything but he couldn't help but also hug his two hyung's tightly.


Next morning, Sunoo left the dorms early for the office. Hybe had taken down the video but still the rumours are going strong. People in the Office building were looking at him whispering ears to ears. Nothing of this kind bothered him anymore. Sunoo walked determined towards the CEO's cabin. He slightly opened the door and asked, "May I come in!?"


Back at the dorms, Jay, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Niki were trying their best to track down who had potentially leaked the CCTV video to dispatch. They had some discussions with Manager Sejin and some others on the phone. Sejin told that the CCTV footages are stored directly into the Company's Mainframe computer. It is impossible to retrieve it without prior knowledge of the video. Since the mainframe was not hacked, someone must have physically accessed the footage.

"So it's not a single person, a group is behind this." Jay said, "someone somehow knew about the incident, the date and time of occurrence and must have asked help from someone in the security department to access the mainframe and download the video."

"A computer techie is also involved" Sejin said on the phone, " you shouldn't bother so much about it. We will catch whoever responsible for this soon. Meanwhile, it is necessary that you guys talk to both Heeseung and Sunoo because they need it the most!" Sejin continued, "I better go now. I have to work a great deal on your upcoming world tour.."

Sejin had hanged the call.

"Ok, But what is that all about Heeseung hyung? Why do we have to talk to him?" Niki asked the others all confused, "did something happen to him as well?"?

Jay rolled his eyes out while jungwon stared at Niki astonished at his innocence.

"O Boy, you didn't get it, did ya?" Jungwon asked. Niki shook his head no. "It was Heeseung hyung's head you saw on that video. He was the one who kissed Sunoo hyung." Jungwon laughed at Niki who was completely at awe. His facial expression was funny enough to even make grumpy Jay laugh. Sunghoon couldn't hold back either. Three of them laughed at Niki for being too naïve and stupefied..

"Hey, don't go public about it. The public doesn't know." Sunghoon said to Niki to which the latter nodded 'okay'. Sunghoon is the type who won't show his feelings outside and he is quite determined. He is mature enough to know when to stop. In the case of Sunoo, he had given up his feelings for the sake of friendship.

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