His feet pounded on the gravel path. Snow covered the grass on either side of him, reflecting the moon's light. His breaths escaped his mouth as white mist which mingled behind him as he jogged around the outskirts of the manor. He had gone out to exercise a little later than usual tonight, so the air was colder than usual and more wildlife was visible. The night sky was also visible now; the sun had set a while ago.
William slowed to a stop and leaned on a tree, catching his breath. Looking up to the night sky, he admired the stars which twinkled in his eyes. Since the manor was somewhere rural, though he didn't remember where exactly, there was no light pollution to cover the galaxy above. He stood still, admiring the sight on the cloudless night, until he heard faint singing coming from the forest beside him.
He turned towards the sound, looking for the source. It sounded like someone was further in the forest. He paused on the edge, contemplating going in and looking for the person. With an excited grin, he jumped between the trees and started following the sound.
"..little star! How I wonder what you are."
As he started nearing the source, he could make out the words of the song.
"Up above the world so high."
He furrowed his eyebrows. 'This voice...'
"Like a diamond in the sky."
He started to near a wall of bushes. The voice was coming from the other side. He braced himself for impact.
"Twinkle twinkle little star,"
He burst through the canopy and stumbled into a small, empty patch of grass. In the centre, lying down, was...
"Tracy?" He asked, confused.
She looked at him, startled, and sat up. Brushing her hair out of her face, she blushed and averted her gaze.
"W-William..! I didn't expect to see you here..." She stuttered out. Her face was becoming redder by the second. He felt his cheeks heat up too.
"Well... neither did I. I just heard someone singing so I came to check it out..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 'I sound really weird right now...'
Her eyes widened and she turned to him again, her face showing panic.
"Y-Y-You..! You heard me singing?!?"
"Well, yeah.."
He wasn't exactly sure what was going through her head, but he could tell that she was panicking a lot.
"Tracy, don't worry! It sounded nice.. you sing really well." He half mumbled, feeling embarrassed.
Her face somehow became redder and she averted her gaze again, bringing her hands up to fiddle with her hair.
"You really... think so?" She asked timidly.
William felt his heart start to beat faster.
'She's... too... CUTE!!'
He was just about ready to faint.
"Yeah, I really mean it."
Silence enveloped them until Tracy piped up again.
"Do you.. want to star gaze with me?" She questioned, her eyes shining with hope. How could he say no?
The thing was, he couldn't.
She laid back down again and patted the space next to her. He awkwardly shuffled down next to her and looked up to the sky.
As the only sounds coming from them were soft breaths and the faint sound of their pounding hearts, the wildlife started to sing again. Birds started to chirp to each other, the sound of wild dogs running around and hunting for prey echoed lightly from far away, owls hooted softly, and the wind gently rustled the leaves around the pair.
Tracy had found a spot where it was hidden behind multiple thick trees or bushes, making it immune to the cold wind which could only brush the tree tops. However, it was still cold and not immune to snow, which looked like it had been brushed to the side by someone. William noticed the small girl start to the shiver beside him. With no hesitation, he used his arm to wrap it around the girl's shoulders and pull her closer to him to preserve body heat.
Tracy's eyes widened and blood came rushing up to her face.
"Wh-What are you..??!" She stammered, unable to finish her question. William raised an eyebrow at her, evidently unable to see anything wrong with what he was doing.
"What do you mean? I'm making sure you're warm." He noticed that she was still shaking, however it was not due to the cold. Still unaware of how he was affecting her, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. She let out a shaky breath, trying to calm her nerves.
"Are you alright? Are you still cold?" He asked, leaning over her to make sure she was okay. Her face was as red as a tomato at this point. She nodded quickly, tightly gripping William's jacket. He smiled warmly and lay down beside her again.
They looked back up at the stars, enjoying each other's company, until Tracy noticed that William was starting to shiver.
"William? Are you okay without your jacket?" She sat up, starting to unwrap the jacket around her. He quickly got up and stopped her, giving a comforting smile.
"Don't worry, Tracy! I'm alright as long as I'm with you!" He said cheerfully. However, Tracy could tell that he was freezing.
"That's really sweet, William, but my company can't stop you from getting frostbite." She paused, thinking about something. "Unless..?"
She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him, making sure that the jacket draped over him too. He froze, his cheeks starting to redden.
"Unless I do this..?"
William's heart skipped multiple beats. He probably died for a short period of time because of the amount of skips his heart made. He had no coherent thoughts. The only coherent thing that went through his mind was 'SHES TOO CUTE'. He opened his arms and gave her a huge bear hug and squeezed her tightly.
"A-Ah!" Tracy closed her eyes tight and buried her face in his chest, unable to contain her feelings anymore.
'I love you so much, William!! Oh my goodddddd...!'
"You know, William, I'm really glad that you found me." She mumbled into his chest. Somehow, he heard her.
He smiled and unwrapped one of his arms from around her to pet her head gently.
"I'm really glad I found you too."
In a comfortable silence, the couple stared up at the sky in each other's arms, stuck in their own little world.
- - - - - - - - - - - - BONUS - - - - - - - - - -
William woke up first. The sun shone down onto his eyes and reflected off of the dew drops on top of him. He groaned and raised a hand to block the sunlight.
'Where... am I?'
He slowly sat up, but something tugged him back down. Confused, he looked down to see the mechanic snuggled in his jacket curled up beside him.
He stared at her as memories from last night started to come back to him.
'Wait, we didn't go back to the manor. So that means...'
He looked around himself. Indeed, they were still in the clearing in the forest. The snow had melted around them, revealing the grass underneath. The hole that he had made when entering this place had been covered up with more foliage which grew overnight.
He didn't know where the manor was anymore.
That's it for this story! Hopefully this was good, although it wasn't really super based off of the star gazing.
Have a nice day/night!
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