YO! I'm alive! And I've done something stupid.
I've forgotten where this series was going.
When writing the chapters for the series, i always had a plan for what was going to happen and why the things were happening but now that I'm finally coming back after a while, i dont know what I'm doing and i have no clue how I've forgotten omg
Sooo, I'd like to ask you guys for help!
If any of you have an idea for how the series should progress and then end, I'd appreciate it if you DM-ed me. I'll choose an ending and then we could work together maybe???
In the mean time, this series will be put on hold and I'll continue writing the stories which I've put off for so long (i am very sorry ; ;)
If you have asked for a story and are still waiting for my dumb ass to do it, please tell me here so i dont have to keep on scrolling through my chapters to find them
Anyways, thank you for reading and suggesting things and just everything.
Have a nice day or night!!!!
Can we just talk about something for a bit?
How old are Martha and Helena???!?!
Like I'm not too surprised by Helena but MARTHA??
She's under 18?!? (I searched up the legal drinking age in China and apparently its 18)
I did not expect that! I actually expected Emma to be younger than her because she just acts really childish (her dance emote, her lie down emote). I know that its kinda the personality that i stuck onto them but still!! How old is coordinator?? 16 or 17 probably?? It just feels like she should be more mature because like her dream to become a pilot and then her back story where she lost Henry (F in the chat for Henry) its just so wow??
Any ways i wont take up any of your time!
Bye for real!!
(But see you soon!!)
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