"What's your name, little girl?" A tall woman with golden horns sticking out of her head asked me. I smiled brightly at her as I exclaimed my name. She cooed at me before picking me up and holding me above the ground. I stared at her eyes curiously, they were so pretty!
"Well, my name's Fiona Gilman!" I smiled wider. Fiona! That's a pretty name! "Why are you here, little one?"
I shrugged.
"I don't know, mummy and daddy dropped me off here and said that this is my new home, they're coming later I think"
I saw her smile falter slightly.
Did I answer incorrectly..?
She hugged me tightly and pulled back.
"Do you know how things work around here?" She asked again. I shook my head.
"What are the rules?" I asked curiously. She opened her mouth but then someone spoke behind me.
"Who's this?"
Fiona put me down on the ground and I turned to look at the new stranger. It was a man with really dark clothes and a weird blindfold. On his shoulder was a cute little owl. I reached for it but found that I was too short.
"How do you see with the blindfold on?" I asked loudly. The Fiona lady giggled and he chuckled.
"You're very curious, all I've heard from you are questions" he stated, bending down to look me in the eye. Well, not really look I guess.
"How long have you been here?" Fiona asked. He shrugged.
"A while, when did this little girl come in?"
"She came in at around 9am, so 15 minutes ago. I heard her yelling and I came to check"
The man nodded.
"Well, let's get you ready for your first game little one!"
I smiled.
"Whoo! Sounds fun! I like games!"
The game wasn't as fun as it sounded. They said it was like a game of tag but harder so I was like 'Ok, that's fine!' But it's not. The person who's it hits me really hard! And I can't tag them back! It's so unfair! And in order to end the game, you have to finish these typewriter looking things and they're really hard to decode! I huffed as I struggled to finish a "cipher", as Fiona and Eli had called it. How can they finish it so quickly? The light above me finally lit up, signalling that I was done. I cheered and ran around, searching for another one. As I turned the corner, I felt my heart start to beat quickly.
"Ah, that means the tagger is near me!" I said to myself, turning the other way. But the hunter was right there! It was a clown with a rocket thingy and he hit me really hard on my head. It hurt really bad, like a lot of bad! I started to cry and I sat down on the ground.
"Owww!!" I wailed, clutching my head. I could feel a bruise forming where he had hit me. This entire game was stressful and not fun at all! I broke down.
"I hate this version of tag! I wanna play a normal game!" I sobbed loudly. "I want to go home! I wanna go back to school with my friends! I don't like it here!" The hunter paused and just watched me cry. I stared back up at him with tears streaming down my face.
"Why are you so mean?! That really hurt!" I yelled, hitting his leg with all my might. He crouched down to my level and patted my head softly.
"I'm sorry, little one." He said softly. I turned my head away.
"Meanie." I stuck out my tongue. He stayed silent for a bit and I became worried, thinking that I had offended him.
"Wanna play tag? The other version though." He asked. I grinned and wiped my tears away.
"Yeah!" I tapped his shoulder and ran off. "You're it!"
I heard him chuckle and start chasing me. He was really fast though, so he tagged me a few minutes later.
"You can't catch me! Hehe!" He teased. I giggled with him as I reached for his metal peg leg.
We continued to play until a loud horn interrupted us. He lifted me onto his shoulders and I squealed happily.
"Ok, it's time for you to go. Let's find your friends, ok?" I nodded my head. He went searching around the hospital, upstairs and downstairs; the old shack; and the ruins. He finally found Fiona, Eli and a man called Kreacher waiting at the gate near the front of the hospital. The clown put me down behind a wall and gestured for me to go. I hugged him tightly before leaving.
"Ah, there you are! We were so worried!" Fiona yelled when she saw me. She picked me up and squeezed me until I couldn't breathe.
"I really like this guy! He's funny!" I exclaimed happily. I then proceeded to tell them the story of my game of tag with him. They laughed and I don't think they believed me. Fiona carried me out of the map. As they chatted amongst themselves, I looked back to see the clown looking back at me. I raised my hand and waved. It took him a while, but soon he was waving back.
'Goodbye Mr.Clown! I'll see you next time.'
Omgggg, I'm sorry for this chapter. I'm running out of inspiration since school and stuff. This was for Siniora-Chan , I'll rewrite this someday! Hope you somewhat enjoyed it though. I'll try and make sure that I make the other chapters better! ;w;
See y'all later!
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