Black x Joseph x White

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The door swung open, startling White and revealing Joseph in a thick, blue coat. He smiled and leaped onto White, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face into White's chest. White wrapped his arms around him and bent down until his head was on Joseph's head.

"Camph phh shh goph—"

"I can't understand you." White whispered, chuckling slightly. Joseph let go and adjusted his hair.

"Can you go outside with me to build a snowman?" He asked. His voice was like that of a child's, filled with such joy and excitedness. White couldn't refuse. Except he could. He looked outside his window and sighed.

"Sorry Jo, its just too cold outside." He said, turning back to joseph. The photographer was pouting, his arms crossed over his chest.

"then wear a jacket!" he yelled, stepping forwards. White didn't respond. He wondered if he wanted to go outside. He stared into the photographer's dark eyes. Although his form in the real world was, well, damaged, white still managed to find it beautiful. His eyes were like staring into pools of ink.

"Well?" Joseph asked, snapping white out of his thoughts. He sighed and smiled.

"Sure, I'll get ready."

"Ok! Meet you downstairs!" Joseph chirped, running out the door. It closed behind him, leaving white by himself.

'have you forgotten that I'm here?' Black whispered. White jumped. "O-of course not!" He could feel Black rolling his eyes. 'Sure. Get ready. Don't want to keep him waiting. Of course, I can go instead.' White shook his head. "I'm going this time."

'Don't try anything funny.'

"He's my boyfriend too."

Black growled and withdrew his thoughts, although his angry grumbling was still faintly audible.

The cold breeze was shocking. Inside had been warm and cozy, heated up by the heaters. But outside was... well, cold. White glanced at Joseph. He didn't seem bothered. He ran out into an empty patch of fresh snow and laid down, laughing. White dawdled after him, kneeling onto the snow next to him. Joseph sat up, his eyes shining.

"Let's start making the sno—"

White pulled him closer into his chest and hugged him, burying his head into Jospeh's snow coloured hair.

"I'm a bit cold, can we stay like this?" he purred. Joseph tensed up. White could feel his face heating up.

"U-Uhm, sure!" Joseph stuttered, his arms resting on White's chest. "If that's what you want.."

White smiled. He was so cute. They stayed like for a few moments, huddled together and just living in the moment before someone kicked White away from Joseph. Joseph shrieked and stumbled back. In between them stood Black in a black sweater and grey jeans. Although he seemed to be thinly dressed, the snow on him started to melt. His sharp teeth were visible and he clenched his fists. White recomposed himself and stood up, facing Black.

"Black, nice to see you here." White said through gritted teeth. "Didn't expect you to come." Black growled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your fun. I just came here to join."

Joseph stood up and smiled, seemingly unaware of the building tension between the two guards.

"Hi Black! Glad you could make it! How are you even here? Whatever."

Joseph ran up to him, hugging him tightly. Black took his attention off of White and hugged Joseph back.

"Now that you're here, it'll be easier to build the snow man!" Joseph cried happily.

"Come on, lets get started!"

It was not easier nor faster. The two kept on bickering and in the end, the snowman was only a lump with two rocks stuck in it. Joseph couldn't believe it. He was bummed out about the failure of a snowman, but he was more worried about the two guards sitting down facing away from each other.

"Come on guys! Please don't fight!" Joseph cried, running in between the two, trying to turn them around. "You both know I love you both equally!"

They remained silent. Joseph, filled with desperation, thought of a plan. He pulled the two until they were back to back. Then, he pushed their heads together and kissed them both on the cheek. The two instantly turned to him, wide eyed. Joseph's face heated up with embarrassment instantly but he tried to remain calm.

"I-I love you guys. I don't want to.. to see you fighting so please.. don't?" he trailed off, unsure of what he was doing. He was quickly embraced by the two and he welcomed the warmth. The guards showered him with kisses and love until Joseph let out a small sneeze.

"I think I got a cold."

Yeah this is a bit weird, but I hope that it's.. good.

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